January 4, 2011
Airhart Conference Room
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lennox and Addington County General Hospital was held in the Airhart Conference Room at 6:30 p.m. on January 4, 2011.
PRESENT:Board: / John Carlson / Leonard Kennedy
Peggy Rice / Roger Cole
Rick Walters
Dr. Kim Morrison
Rebecca Murphy / Dr. Tom Touzel
Robert Paul
Deb Lowry
Norm Clark / Judge Geoff Griffin
Wayne Coveyduck
Maria Stebelsky / Allan MacGregor
Brenda Wartman
Staff in attendance: / Shari Sampson
Nancy Manion / Ray Trowhill
Beverley Townsend
Gert Switzer
- Call to Order/Opening Remarks:
The meeting was called to order at6:32p.m. The Chair welcomed Roger Cole to the meeting. Roger has been appointed as the representative from the County of Lennox and Addington.
- Approval of the Agenda
- Conflict of Interest
The Chair inquired if any member of the Board wished to declare a conflict of interest based on items identified in the Agenda. There were no identified conflicts of interest.
- Minutes of Previous Meeting
It was noted that there was a motion at the bottom of the minutes that needed to be deleted.
- Business Arising
There was no business arising from the previous minutes.
- New Business
6.1SE LHIN Request for Confirmation on Auditor General’s Report
John Carlson advised that he had received a request for a “declaration of compliance” from Georgina Thompson, Chair of the South East Local Health Integration Network Board of Directors regarding Board and senior leadership review of the “Auditor General’s Special Report: Consultant Use in Selected Health Organizations”. Mr. Carlson reviewed the previous Board discussions, reminded the Board of current policies, outlined review work performed outside of the Board and asked the CEO and Directors present to confirm their activities and understanding related to the relevant comments and spirit of the Auditor General’s report. In particular, Nancy Manion and Gert Switzer commented regarding the hospital policies and they advised that our policies comply with the Report. The Board expressed satisfaction that the hospital’s internal practices and controls are in accordance to the spirit and intent of the report findings.
6.2Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee
Wayne Coveyduck advised that the County of Lennox and Addington is requesting that the Board endorse the reappointment of two community members to the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee.
- Reports
- Hospital Foundation
Robert Paul reported on the following:
- There were approximately 400 people in attendance at the donor recognition teas.
- The angels and snowflakes that were displayed on the Christmas Tree in the front lobby were a result of donations from 450 people of which over $80,000 was raised for the Foundation.
- The Foundation will be making their final payment towards their commitment to the mammography suite this week.
- The Foundation is reorganizing their staff and their offices.
7.2Volunteer Services
The Volunteer Services group did not meet; therefore, there was no report.
7.3Ethics Committee
Beverley Townsend reported that although the Ethics Committee did not meet this month, Board members are reminded that the Education Session on Consent & Capacity will be held on January 19th from 1-3 p.m. in the Airhart Conference Room. Anyone wishing to attend is asked to advise Angela McCullough.
7.4Art Décor Committee
Peggy Rice highlighted the following from the December 20, 2010 minutes of the Art Décor Committee:
Student Art Show – The Student Art Show will be on display from January 21st to March 3, 2011 in the Community Corridor. The Grand Opening of the Student Art Gallery will be held on February 3, 2011. The artwork was selected from submissions from Cornerstone Academy, Deseronto and Lennox and Addington schools.
Chapel Update – Concerns related to the chapel layout have been forwarded to the Pastoral Care Committee for discussion. It has been suggested to purchase 3 to 5 chairs and allocate space for wheelchairs. It was suggested to consider a small cross that can be easily stored for use as needed and consult a local carpenter for suggestions on altar designs.
Peggy also reported that the Gower Bradshaw patient meeting room has been dedicated with the family present. The hospital will need to purchase furniture for this room as well.
7.5Finance Committee
Peggy Rice, on behalf of Brenda Wartman who was unable to attend the meeting, highlighted the following from the Finance Committee meeting held on January 4, 2011.
Board and CEO Expenses – The Finance Committee reviewed the Board and CEO Expenses for the month of December which totaled $307.96.
November Financial Statements – A copy of the NovemberFinancial Statements were distributed electronically to the Board earlier today. No concerns or questions were noted.
November Cheque List – The November cheque list totaled $1,950,915.15. No concerns or questions were noted.
Added Capital Requests - The Finance Committee received and approved a request for $73,350 in additional capital requests which included the following:
- Various Items for the CCC (Total Cost $23,500)
- Wheelchair Work Table for the Rehab unit (Cost $2,210)
- Added Cost for the Sterilizer for CSR (Additional Cost $21,000)
- Fork Lift Truck for the Maintenance Department (Cost $17,120)
- Added Cost for four cardiac monitors in the ER (Added Cost $9,700)
Art Décor Request–The Art Décor Committee would like to purchase original art pieces, when available at reasonable prices, so a request was submitted to the Finance Committee for a budget of $30,000. The Finance Committee approved the request.
Foreign Cash Purchase – Peggy advised that $250,000 US was recently purchased as the US dollar was at par with the Canadian dollar. It is anticipated that there will be a 20% economic swing in North America which will strengthen the Canadian Dollar which could result in the Canadian dollar increasing to as high as $1.15 US. In recognizing this as an investment opportunity, it was proposed that we consider purchasing another $250,000 once the Canadian Dollar reaches $1.07 US.
Peggy Rice advised that the Finance Committee met on December 9, 2010 for the sole purpose of designating an Investment Manager. Two firms were selected to give a presentation to the Committee. The Finance Committee selected Goodman Wealth Management as the candidate of choice. We have been advised Goodman Wealth Management has now changed their name to Dundee Wealth Investment Counsel.
Wayne Coveyduck advised that the Investment Mandate Statement has been updated to include the information from Dundee Wealth Investment Counsel and requires approval by LACGH. It was recommended that the revised Investment Mandate Statement be electronically forwarded to the Finance Committee members for review and/or approval. Once approved by the Finance Committee, it may be forwarded to Jeffrey Hand.
7.6Governance Committee
Len Kennedy highlighted the following from the December 16, 2010 minutes of the Governance Committee:
By-law Changes Arising from Membership Definition – Rebecca Murphy is incorporating the suggested changes and will be bringing forward another draft to the next Governance meeting.
Annual Membership Application – Len Kennedy clarified that the Life Memberships are automatically generated when an individual has donated greater than a $1000 while an annual membership is based on the payment of $100.
After considerable discussion, the Board agreed that the application form is too restrictive and cumbersome. The Governance Committee has been asked to revise the application form ensuring the following:
- Make it clear that the membership is subject to Board approval.
- The eligibility requirements should be consistent for the Life and Annual Memberships.
- Ensure that the process is clear and easy to follow.
Len Kennedy advised that as part of the Governance Committee workplan, it was suggested that a form be developed and forwarded to each Board member so that they may make their intention clear for any one of the following:
- That they wish to have their name stand for reappointment;
- That they do not wish to have their name stand for reappointment; or
- That they wish to resign from the board during their current term with an effective date.
7.7Medical Advisory Committee
Dr. Tom Touzel highlighted the following from the December 16, 2010 minutes of the Medical Advisory Committee:
OBSP & Bone Densitometry Referrals– It was originally planned to open as an OBSP site; however, we now need to start up independently as a Mammography service first then apply to OBSP for affiliation. The Program Manager, Julia Niblett, recently advised us that we would need to go through CAR Accreditation before we can become affiliated with OBSP.
With respect to Bone Densitometry, it is anticipated that the service will be up and running by the end of January. Dr. F.D. Cheeseman has agreed to analyze the images.
On-line Drug Information– We currently purchase CPS manuals for various departments in the hospital and are looking to replace them with an electronic version.
MD Coverage for the CCC Unit – We are exploring the idea of one physician taking care of the patients on the CCC Unit during the weekend and then the physician on call over the weekend would assume care of the patients.
7.8Quality Committee
Deb Lowry highlighted the following from the December 21, 2010 meeting:
Client Surveys - The Hospital has decided to opt out of the NRC Picker survey’s and will continue to develop our own in-house surveys unless different direction is given by the ECFAA working group.
Patient Relations/Declaration – The Committee agreed to present the Declaration of Values to Clients for feedback by listing 10 or more values and request clients to choose their top five. It was suggested that the draft patient values be discussed with clinical staff to get their input on any additional suggested patient’s values that may be added to the draft list.
7.9CEO Report
Wayne Coveyduck reported that he and Peggy Sunstrom from Hospice met with Paul Huras to discuss the future planning of the LHINS as they relate to Hospice. Paul advised that there is currently no agenda around Hospice but that he would commit to finding out what the provincial initiative is and follow up with Peggy
Mammography - We are in the process of applying to the MOHLTC to obtain CAR Accreditation which is required before we can become affiliated with OBSP.
Bone Densitometry – We will be fully set up and training will be complete by mid January 2011.
KRLB – Wayne has received a request from Paul Seigal for the name of the Board member who will be replacing Len Kennedy on the Kingston Regional Laundry Board. Len has indicated that he will continue in his role until June 2011. Wayne will advise Paul Siegal of Len’s intention to complete his term.
7.10Board Chair Report
John Carlson encourages all Board members to attend the LHIN meetings on January 26th.
8.1Correspondence for Information
There was no further correspondence for information.
9Next Meeting
The next meeting has been scheduled for Tues., February 1, 2011 in the Airhart Conference Room.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:13 p.m.
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