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Community / Code No / Applicant / Recommendation / Page NoWRO / P/ 2006/1229 / Mr K Wycherley / GRANT / 3-7
CEF / P/ 2006/1301 / Osian Jones / GRANT / 8-13
SES / P/ 2006/1333 / Mr M A Kagan / REFUSE / 14-19
GRE / P/ 2006/1359 / Mr Fraser Crewe / GRANT / 20-23
BRY / P/ 2006/1368 / Abbey Archway Developments Ltd / GRANT / 24-26
CEF / P/ 2006/1377 / Mr T Hodkinson / GRANT / 27-30
GRE / P/ 2006/1382 / Mr & Mrs I Bushnell / GRANT / 31-33
WRO / P/ 2006/1383 / Mr Gary Thomas / GRANT / 34-36
LLA / P/ 2006/1393 / Mr B Shires / GRANT / 37-39
ABE / P/ 2006/1398 / M D Developments Ltd / GRANT / 40-44
ROS / P/ 2006/1409 / Mrs G Whittlestone / GRANT / 45-49
LGC / P/ 2006/1422 / Glyn Ceiriog Community Council
Mrs Rona Bates / GRANT / 50-52
ESC / P/ 2006/1434 / Mr Dale Peters / GRANT / 53-57
GRE / P/ 2006/1439 / G H Benson / GRANT / 58-60
RHO / P/ 2006/1443 / Wrexham County Borough Council
Mr M Wright / GRANT / 61-66
BRY / P/ 2006/1446 / D W Roberts & S Aughwan / GRANT / 67-69
ROS / P/ 2006/1472 / Mr M Redmond / GRANT / 70-73
CHI / P/ 2006/1480 / Kronospan Ltd / GRANT / 74-77
WRO / P/ 2006/1484 / Mr John Edgar / GRANT / 78-81
HOL / P/ 2006/1485 / Mr & Mrs Homer / GRANT / 82-84
RHO / P/ 2006/1499 / Mr G A Wright / GRANT / 85-87
Total Number of Applications Included in Report: 21
All plans included in this report are re-produced from Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. Ó Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.
WCBC Licence No. LA0902IL
All plans are intended to be illustrative only and should be used only to identify the location of the proposal and the surrounding features. The scale of the plans will vary. Full details may be viewed on the case files.
38 Penybryn Ruabon Road Wrexham
Erection of 9 no. apartments with associated parking and alterations to existing vehicular and pedestrian access.
Mr K Wycherley / DATE RECEIVED:
David Owen Associates
P/2006 /1229
The Pen-y-Bryn garage on the corner of Tenters Square and Pen y Bryn. Opposite lies the former Red Cow Public House. The area is characterised by a mix of commercial and residential uses, but is predominantly residential in character. To the rear of the site is a substantial retaining wall which divides the site from the adjoining former Sports Connection Club which lies at a lower level. This area was the subject of a separate planning approval for the erection of 42 no. apartments (P/2004/0032), presently under construction.
As above. This is a reserved matters application. The principle of 9 apartments here has already been established by the previous outline consent granted on 5 July 2004.
P/2004/0440 Outline application for the erection of 9 no. apartments with associated
parking and alteration to existing vehicular access. Approved 05.07.04
P/2004/0032 Adjoining site. Demolition of existing four-storey club, erection of 42
no. apartments and alterations to existing vehicular and pedestrian
access. Approved 09.06.05.
Within the settlement limit . Policies PS1, H2 and GDP1 apply.
Community Council: No objection. The proposed development is a natural extension and continuation through to phase 1, the Sports Connection site. However, it is important when considering this application that the necessary conditions for parking and access requirements as detailed in permission for phase 1, the Sports Connection site, are taken into account.
Local Member: Notified 18.10.06
Highways: No objections subject to a commuted sum to be paid to offset the shortfall in parking provision.
Welsh Water: No objections.
Public Protection: No objection subject to a condition to deal with potential contamination at the site.
Other Representations: One letter of objection received from St Mary’s Catholic Primary School who raise the following concerns:
1. The impact upon the school is detrimental in terms of congestion as the school is surrounded by existing and proposed housing which will incur extra vehicles into an already congested area, to the detriment of pedestrian safety.
2. Should this development take place I urge you to consider children’s safety when the alterations to the vehicular and pedestrian access are decided. We cannot afford any further obstacles to the main entrance to the school via Tenters Square (off Pen-y-Bryn).
Site Notice: Expired 10.11.06
Background: This reserved matters application has been submitted in accordance with a requirement of the full permission (P/2004/0032) which relates to the adjoining site (former Sports Connection) presently under construction. This was to enable both sites to be considered simultaneously and to ensure the comprehensive redevelopment of the area in line with the requirements of the adopted Bridge Street/Brook Street Regeneration Area Planning Brief July 2004. The reserved matters application is pursuant to a previous outline planning consent P/2004/0440 granted on 5 July 2004 which has established the principle of residential use on this site.
Policy: The site is unallocated land within settlement limits The previous outline consent has established the principle of residential development of the site for 9 no. apartments, the details of which were presented previously as part of the outline application as an indicative example of how the two sites (ie former Sports Connection and this site) could be connected.
Design and Appearance: The development proposes the erection of a 3 storey building to house 6 no. 2 bedroom and 3 no. 3 bedroom apartments together with 19 no. car parking spaces. The proposals generally reflect the prevailing terraced forum and will strengthen the enclosure of the square and provide a strong corner feature to Pen-y-Bryn in line with the requirements of the Planning Brief. In this respect, these proposals take full account of the adjacent scheme on the adjoining former Sports Connection site and will allow the comprehensive redevelopment of the two sites. I am satisfied with the proposed mass and scale which will create a landmark building along a key route into the town centre. In this regard it will positively enhance the appearance of the area and help create a sense of place. Window and doors generally reflect the Victorian style of those along Ruabon Road. Subject to the use of appropriate materials which will be reserved for further approval there are no objections on design grounds.
Highways: The access to the proposed development has been agreed in consultation with the Highways during the design stage of the outline of this site and the detailed stage of the adjoining proposal. Vehicular access will be via an archway entrance onto Pen-y-Bryn which will serve a car park for 19 spaces as well as an alternative route through to the lower former Sports Connection site, which was a requirement of the outline consent. Highway realignment and junction improvements to Tenters Square have already been approved under planning permission P/2004/0032. Subject to details clarifying the proposed footway layout on the northern side of Tenters Square and a commuted sum in lieu of a slight shortfall (3 spaces) in parking provision, Highways raise no objections.
Amenity: The proposed redevelopment of this site will involve removal of an un-neighbourly use within a predominantly residential area. No objections have been received from adjoining residents. Whilst the development fails to meet separation standards with regards to existing development opposite on Ruabon Road, it merely replicates the existing arrangements of facing terraced development in this area.
Representations: I note the observations of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School in relationship to child safety. The proposed development however does not provide any obstacle to access via Tenters Square and Highways have raised no objections. In addition, the principle of residential use on this and adjoining site presently under construction has already been established. Issues with regards to pedestrian and child safety have previously been addressed.
That the Council enters into an obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for a commuted sum in lieu of the shortfall in parking provision on site. The final form and amount shall be determined by the Chief Planning Officer.
That planning permission be Granted on completion of the Obligation, subject to the following conditions:
1. The development hereby approved shall be commenced before 05 July 2007.
2. No part of the development shall be commenced until samples of all external facing and roofing materials have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out in strict accordance with such details as are approved.
3. Within 3 months of commencement of development on site, full details of both hard and soft landscape works for the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The works shall be implemented in accordance with a timescale to be approved in conjunction with the scheme of details.
4. The approved ramped access link between this and the adjoining lower site (former sports connection) shall be constructed before any unit is occupied and thereafter shallremain open and unobstructed at all times.
5. Details of the proposed footway layout on the northern side of Tenters Square shall be submitted for the further approval of the Local Planning Authority. The footway shall be constructed in accordance with the above scheme and completed prior to first occupation.
6. The vehicle parking and turning areas indicated on the approved plans shall be laid out, surfaced and drained prior to the first use of the building hereby granted and shall thereafter be retained for those purposes, free of all obstruction.
7. Development shall not begin on site until a scheme to deal with potential contamination at the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include a phased investigation approach to identify the extent of contamination and any measures required to remediate the site, including post-development monitoring. Where remediation works are required, the development shall not be occupied/used until a Validation Report to show that the works have been satisfactorily carried out has been submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.
8. No development shall take place until a scheme of foul drainage and surface water drainage has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be completed before the development is occupied.
1. To comply with Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990.
2. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area.
3. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area.
4. In theinterests of highway safety
5. In the interests of pedestrian safety.
6. In the interests of highway safety.
7. To deal with potential contamination on the site.
8. To ensure satisfactory drainage of the site and to avoid flooding.
P/2006 /1301
Former St Pauls Church King Street Acrefair Wrexham
Erection of 4 no. two bedroom semi detached properties together with associated amenity space, landscaping and car parking spaces.
Osian Jones / DATE RECEIVED:
Osian Jones
The site is located within the grounds of the former St Pauls Church on King Street.
Demolition of existing Church and erection of 4 No. two bedroom semi-detached properties, together with associated amenity space, landscaping and car parking spaces.
No relevant history.
Within defined settlement limit. UDP Policies GDP1, PS1, T8 and H2 apply. Local Planning Guidance Notes Nos. 16 ‘Parking Standards’, 21 ‘Space around Dwellings’ and 27 ‘Developer Contributions to Schools’ also apply.
Community Council: Supports the application
Local Member: Councillor Coleman strongly supports the application.
Cllr Moysen consulted
Highways: No objection subject to r conditions.
Public Protection: No objection subject to conditions.
Welsh Water: No objection subject to recommended conditions.
Environment Agency: Standard conditions apply
CPAT: Recommend condition
Other Representations: One letter of objection received objecting on the following grounds:
1) The new housing will narrow the gaps, which allow light through to St Paul’s Villas as it will be much further forward and wider than the existing church reducing the light received to the front rooms.
2) The view across to Garth will virtually disappear if the proposed scheme is approved so that we will be living in a darker house with no View.
3) The new houses have been designed to make the most of the view from their main rooms at the expense of our amenities.
4) The addition of another vehicular exit onto King Street where there are already two will make for further danger at an already busy junction.
5) There are no pavements at the front of St Paul’s Villas reducing visibility when coming out of station Road onto King Street.
6) Currently one has to look for vehicles coming along King Street in either direction as well as looking at the side street between the church and The Millstones. To have another exit to watch out for in close proximity to the existing exits seems highly dangerous.
Site Notice: Expired 01.12.06.
Policy: Application site lies within the settlement limit. There are no objections in principle subject to compliance with GDP1. The church is not listed, has been empty for some years, and is in poor structural condition, there is no overriding reason why the church should not be demolished and replaced by housing.