Report Summary

Report Name:Retailer Competitive Price Report

Report #:R-STO-R0153

Report Domain (Dashboard): Store

Report Folder:Store

Subject Matter:Retailer Competitive Pricing

Department Developed for:Category Management

Business Owner: Roberta Olmstead/Andy Voelker/Sean Beaudry

Date Available in Production: August 2014

General description of report functionality and purpose of the report:
This report is intended to provide retailers/corporate/field staff with visibility into retails found at the competition (Home Depot, Lowes, Sears, Walmart, Amazon etc…) that are matched up to Ace Skus.
There should be two views: Retailer and Corp/Field Staff. The Retailer view will have less information on it than the Corp/Field Staff version. The Retailer view will have the dealer cost and suggested Ace Retail associated with their location whereas the Corp/Field Staff view will have min/max costs per Ace item for their specified area, as well as min/max/average/mode Ace Retails and min/max/average/mode per defined Competitor.
Business question - What business question is being answered via use of this report:
What are the retails of my competitors in my zone for items that we both carry (Ace vs Comp)?
Business decision - What business decision(s) can be made by use of this report:
This report will help retailers understand why we (Retail Pricing) set retails based off of competitor information. They can use it to gauge their retails vs where the competition is at on an on demand basis rather than going on line to check or actually visiting the competition.
Audience - Describe each target audience – example, corporate, field & store – describe how each ‘audience’ will use it.:
Field Staff : Having access to competitive information will enable them to trust that the retails we suggest are accurate, and enable them assist the retailers in making better business decisions regarding the retails they use versus the competition. It could also assist in less time vesting the competition, and spend more time at stores assisting customers
Corporate: Merch team can use this report going into line reviews or sku analysis. They will be able to see what retails the completion is using in 77 different locations across the country instead of just 1 location. Currently, either the merch team or their respective vendors will provide a “comp shop”. Often, this is 1 location (usually 1 city) and can be rather time consuming. This report will be able to provide a global glimpse of where the competition is at in a fraction of the time.