The Chairman welcomed 2 visitors and Mr Richard Mugglestone, Project Delivery Manager, Midlands Rural Housing, to the meeting at 6.45pm. Mr Mugglestone spoke about the Housing Needs Survey, conducted at the end of 2014. The clerk had been sent a copy of the report so far. It would be available to the public after it had been finalised with information from Melton Borough Council

The Chairman thanked Mr Mugglestone for coming to the meeting. He then left the meeting and the Chairman invited the visitors to address the Parish Council. The following were discussed:

·  The necessity for Long Clawson to have a Neighbourhood Plan;

·  Concerns about the number of new houses proposed for Long Clawson and the other villages as all the new developments would impact upon the medical services, and subsequent increase in traffic, in Long Clawson

The Chairman thanked the visitors for their comments and started the meeting at 7.12pm


Cllrs Baxter, Dames, Dunn, Seddon, Tillyard (Chairman) and Wheatley

15/81 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllrs Hiley & Witcomb


Cllr Baxter declared a personal interest in item 7bv (Minute 15/87bv) as Treasurer of Hose PCC

15/83 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING held on Monday 17th August 2015 were considered.

It was proposed Cllr Dames, seconded Cllr Seddon and agreed unanimously that the Minutes be accepted and they were signed by the Chairman.


15/84a Planning Decisions – noted

Permission granted:

i Mr & Mrs Rust 15/00518/FULHH (Jorvic, 28 Church Lane, Long Clawson)

New sun room to replace existing conservatory

ii Mr S Maguire 15/00056/FULHH (Lilydene 10 Nether Street, Harby)

Retrospective application for the retention of a fence

iii Dr G Mahony 15/00535/TCA (The Chestnuts, 24 West End, Long Clawson)

Remove 1 Lime tree

iv Dr G Mahony 15/00534/TPO (The Chestnuts, 24 West End, Long Clawson)

Remove 1 Balsam Poplar tree

v Mr & Mrs Tudor 15/00531/OUT (land adjacent 54 Barkers Farm, Church Lane, LC)

Formation of a courtyard development of 4 new barn style dwellings with extension and alteration to existing access road

vi Mr D Verrall 15/00484/FULHH (Corner House, 2 Church Close, Hose)

Replace cement asbestos roof on outbuilding with tile & PV panel roof

Planning Decisions – Permission refused

Nil received

15/84b Appeals lodged / Inspector’s decisions

Nil received

15/84c Planning Applications:

i First Provincial Properties Ltd 15/00673/OUT (old Millway Foods site, Colston Lane, Harby)

Residential development of up to 53 dwellings

Two copy letters re this application had been received and were taken into consideration during the discussion. The Parish Council gave the clerk the following reasons why it objected to this application and asked that a draft be drawn up for the Chairman to approve before it was sent to MBC. The PC agreed that:

·  this development was not be in keeping with the nearby dwellings and would destroy the open rural aspect this side of the village;

·  it had little open space identified in the outline plans, which was not in keeping with the rural site;

·  it far exceeded the identified need for 13 houses (7 Affordable & 6 Open Market) in the recent Housing Needs Survey. In addition 5 new dwellings were under construction and 10 more approved in Harby;

·  the village school did not have any spare capacity for a large number of children;

·  it would set a precedent for development along Colston Lane and on the rural fringes of the 3 villages of Harby, Long Clawson and Hose;

·  a development of up to 53 dwellings was too large in relation to the size of Harby, as it would increase the number of properties by nearly 15%;

·  the development was not sustainable. Transport services in the area did not allow commuting. Purchasers could be from outside the area of the Borough and commuting outside the area for employment and therefore not contribute to the local economy;

·  the current local health provision at The Sands in Long Clawson could not cope with such a large increase both in numbers and accessibility;

·  the current infrastructure of drainage and sewage would not be able to cope with 53 additional houses. The Parish Council had concerns that the proposed sustainable drainage system would not be adequate for this number of houses and would be vulnerable to spillage leaking into the canal which is at a lower level than the site. Any pollution would create serious environmental problems;

·  it would create a separate community. The village of Harby has an excellent rural community spirit and this development would be far enough away from the main village centre to become isolated and not be part of the village;

·  the increase in the amount of vehicles generated ie 53 properties could mean 106 or more vehicles going through the village on a daily basis. School Lane was already often gridlocked at school run times, with public transport sometimes unable to get through

Without prejudice, the Parish Council requested the following requirements be included on a 106 agreement should the application be granted approval:

·  Contribution from the developer to a new Harby village hall, upgrading the Village Hall parking provision and towards extending the capacity of the village school, to be lodged with the Parish Council;

·  New footpath from Sherbrooke Farm to the Canal Bridge;

·  New lighting on Colston Lane;

·  Traffic calming measures on Colston Lane

The Parish Council asked that this application be looked at as a whole, with all the other current and prospective applications in Long Clawson. A large number of new dwellings in one village would impact on the others as much of the infrastructure was shared

(Two visitors left the meeting at 7.40pm)

15/84d Planning Correspondence

i Chief Executive, MBC 28.8.15: 15/00856/FUL (26 Boyer’s Orchard, Harby) noted

ii Head of Regulatory Services 25.8.15: Melton Local Plan – Reference Group update & Full Council

Extraordinary mtg 24.9.15 to consider MLP noted

iii Regulatory Services MBC 18.8.15: Ward Description to PC noted

iv 15/65d iv Public meeting LC Village Hall 21.10.15 7pm with Head of Regulatory Services re

planning matters noted

v MBC Enforcement Officer 11.9.15: Complaints update noted


15/85a The following items required no further action and were discharged:

15/60 Cllrs present

15/61 Apologies for absence

15/70 Nomination of Cllr Dames for LRALC Executive

15/85b Necessary actions had been taken on the following items and were discharged:

15/62 Co-option of Cllr for Long Clawson

15/63 Notification of declarations of interest

15/64 Minutes of meeting on 20.7.15

15/65 Planning matters

15/66 Matters to report

15/67 Accounts for payment

15/68 Correspondence

15/69 Benches on The Pingle VG65

15/72 Amendments made to Grounds Maintenance Schedule for 2016

15/73 Audit for year ended 31.3.15

15/78 Proposed diversion of public footpath G52 (part), off Langar Lane, Harby

15/85c Responses were awaited to actions on the following item/s:

12/67b vii MBC re flooding alleviation at Claxton Rise, LC. It was agreed this item be removed

12/117 Corporate Social responsibility & Community payback: confirmation waited from Business

Enterprise & Regime Manager. It was agreed this item be removed

12/150d iii MBC response to letter 23.4.13 re 11/00752/REM (The Shires, 26 Church Lane, Long Clawson).

It was agreed this item be removed

14/19 Harby Village Hall: detailed plans for new Village Hall

14/35 Changes to street lighting: 10.6.14 to Western Power & 27.5.14 to Melton LPU It was agreed this item be removed

14/93d iv MBC Hard copy of Landscape capacity and sensitivity study. Head of Regulatory Services be asked again for a hard copy at the public meeting on 21st October

14/140d BVolunteers for Dog Warden. It was agreed this item be removed as no volunteers had come forward

14/180 E.ON 5.5.15: Hose all night lanterns to 36w PL

15/20 Summerlands: Harby Nature Reserve clearing & hedge cutting

15/47dA Replacement play equipment: Hose Green Trustees suggestions. To be considered by the Playground Safety Working Group

15/47dC Date for 3 Cllrs to meet Surgery Practice Manager & Partners noted for 25.9.15 3pm at the Surgery

15/66f vii Summerlands clearing edge of Hose allotments

15/85d Items awaiting further action which may not yet be discharged:

A Tasks Outstanding – Clerk

09/31f Obtain CiLCA qualification as part of Quality Status requirements

12/124d Trial of online mapping site for Risk Assessment recording unique ref numbers/inspection dates

13/13f i Online mapping of PC property for use by Risk Assessment Working Group

14/32f ii Memorials checked – letters to be sent to owners & update cemetery plan

15/47fvii Offer vacant Hose allotments to Harby & LC & ask Harby tenants if they would give one up

15/79 Allotment & Summer Keep rent letters

B Items requiring action from Cllrs/third parties

15/75 Cllr Dunn confirm draft letter re trees Village Green 63 Dovecote corner. It was agreed Cllrs Dunn & Seddon talk to the owner of 33 East End and confirm with clerk when letter should be sent

C Deferred Items/Reminders for Future Tasks

14/108c Planting of ‘Warden’ pear tree in Harby QEII Community Orchard autumn 2015

15/30d C Parking problems in Long Clawson. Cllrs Dunn & Seddon would put various ideas for discussion

in a paper for a future PC meeting

15/37 Future work in Harby Nature Reserve: Discussion with volunteer Warden when it was cleared

15/68biv Planting replacement fruit trees autumn 2015 in the QEII Community Orchard

15/85e The following matters to be noted: -

i Notts CC 2.9.15: Temporary restriction of Harby Rd, Langar 5th-7th Sept 2015 Full road closure

ii LCC Highways Forum for Melton Minutes of meeting 15.7.15 online

15/85f Reports from Councillors/Clerk

i Risk Assessment Working Group: 13/13f i Date to be agreed when online mapping completed

ii Cemetery and Churchyard Working Group:

iii Playground Safety Working Group

iv Finance Working Group:

v Street Lights Working Group:

vi Report from Clerk:

·  Incident Register: Nothing to report

·  Leicestershire Constabulary crime report: Agreed item be removed as reports no longer received

·  Playgrounds: Quote 3 x cradle swing seats & repair of climbing frame Pingle Dyke for Oct agenda

·  Allotments & Summer keep: 15/66f vii edge of Hose allotments

·  PC handyman. The clerk updated the PC on the current situation re sick leave

·  Clerk holiday request 5-9th Oct 2015 & 21st Dec-1st Jan 2016 approved and signed

·  It was noted that:

o  a wooden pole holding a PC street light in Preston’s Yard, Hose was covered with ivy and shading the light. It was unreachable from the public footpath;

o  Cllr Baxter has talked to the owner of the garden where the pole was standing and she had agreed the handyman could go onto that property to remove the ivy from it;

o  The clerk had a quote for a new street light on a steel column, to be sited on the public footpath, of £973

It was agreed that the handyman be asked to cut the ivy stems at the bottom of the pole so its condition could be ascertained before a decision be made as to whether the wooden pole needed replacing

vii LC Cllrs on meeting 19.9.15 with Tree Warden at East End Village Green 64 noted. It was agreed that the clerk should get quotes for the October agenda for:

·  the tree work identified and agreed with the Tree Warden and nearby residents;

·  a bench for this Village Green.

It was noted that:

·  one of the residents had offered to contribute towards a bench;

·  planning permission would not be needed as it was outside the Conservation Area and none of the trees had a tree preservation order

viii Noted the clerk would be meeting someone from Highways on 24.9.15 as LCC wanted advice on a complaint it had received about hedges obstructing the highway. Agreed the clerk should also ask advice re the exit from Green Lane, Harby


It was noted that payments had been checked against invoices and initialled by the Chairman before the meeting and that invoices were available for inspection at this meeting The accounts were then approved and cheques signed by three Councillors

i Post Office Ltd (1850) £102.68 HMRC – tax & NI

ii Mr B Mills (1851) £263.15 Handyman wages/expenses

iii Mrs E Crowther (1852) £827.25 Clerk wages/expenses

iv Long Clawson Methodist Church (1853) £20.00 Room hire PC mtg 17.8.15

v Summerlands (1854) £1300.00 Grounds maintenance

vi Severn Trent Water (1855) £47.58 Hose allotments

vii Severn Trent Water (1856) £47.58 The Hunt allotments

viii Fenland Leisure Products Ltd (1857) £74.40 Wet pour repair kit

ix St Michael & All Angels PCC (1858) £270.00 Grant 15/74

x E.ON Energy Solutions Ltd (1859) £538.96 Street light maintenance

xi E.ON UK plc (1860) £437.92 Electricity supply August

xii Miss E J V Crowther (1861) £20.00 Clearing ivy 15/47fvii

xiii Valley Christian Fellowship (1862) £36.00 Replacement lost chq 1771

xiv TSB Bank plc (DD) £12.68 Bank charges

(The following were not on the Agenda but were agreed, checked and signed at this meeting)

xv E.ON Energy Solutions Ltd (1863) £28.16 Street light repairs

xvi Melton Borough Council (1864) £237.60 RoSPA play area inspection

xvii Mr W Seddon (1865) £104.80 Gate/fencing Pingle Dyke


15/87a Correspondence Tabled for Information – noted

i Harby Journal September 2015

ii RCC Bulletin: 24th August, 7th Sept, 21st Sept

iii The Grantham Canal Society:

· ‘Heritage Initiative’

· Bridge Sept 2015

iv Leicestershire Partnership NHS 26.8.15 AGM & relocation of Trust headquarters

v SLCC Notice of AGM 16.10.15

vi LCC County Service for Leicestershire 18.10.15 RSVP required

vii Came & Company ‘Council Matters’ Autumn 2015