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Change Order

West Edmonton Sanitary Sewer (WESS) Stage W1 Project Purchase Order R904389 M.A.P. Water and Sewer Services Ltd.

That the value of the sole source contract R904389 (sanitary sewer installation by open cut method for WESS Stage W1) be increased from $1,500,000 to $1,970,000.

Report Summary

In accordance with City Administration Bylaw 12005, the Committee shall approve all requests for Sole Source Contracts over $250,000.


·  On January 24, 2006, Transportation and Public Works Committee approved the award of a sole source contract for the construction of 300 metre long 1,200 mm diameter sanitary sewer installation by open cut method for $1.5 million.

·  The sole source contract was awarded to M.A.P. Water and Sewer Services Ltd. to install the sanitary sewer pipe from 199 Street/98 Avenue to the west side of Anthony Henday Drive.

·  The original estimate was based on using single-stage well-pointing for lowering the ground water table during open cut sewer installation.

·  Due to the unexpected higher underground water table, a 135 metre portion, west of Anthony Henday Drive could not be installed by open cut method without using two-stage well-pointing to lower the ground water table.

·  Due to the higher groundwater flow, two rows of wells are needed to extract the groundwater in order to prevent the trench from collapsing.

·  M.A.P. Water and Sewer Services Ltd.’s price for two-stage well-pointing is based on the unit rates submitted in February 2006.

·  The prices are reasonable and below the current market value.

·  M.A.P. Water and Sewer Services Ltd.’s past performance in WESS Stage W1 has demonstrated its ability to install pipe in unfavourable subsurface conditions.


This contract was awarded through a sole source purchase process and complies with Administrative Directive A1439 – Purchasing of Goods, Services and Construction.

Focus Area

Economic Development.

Budget/Financial Implications

Funding for this project is available in Project 04-23-9301 WESS Stage 1.

Justification of Recommendation
It is more cost effective, timely and efficient for the City to procure two-stage dewatering as a change order to the existing contract.

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