MillWoodsDistrictPark Master Plan

That Community Services Committee recommend to City Council:
That the April 7, 2006, Community Services Department report 2006CSW021 be received for information.

Report Summary

This report provides information on the master plan that is being developed for the Mill Woods District Park andhow the Mill Woods Grizzlies Minor Football Association request for permanent lighting will be addressed in the Master Plan.

Previous Council/Committee Action

At the December 2005, City Council Budget meeting, the following motion was passed:

That Administration develop a cultural and recreational facilities master plan for Millwoods and prepare a status report for Council through Community Services Committee by the end of February 2006.


  • Further to the December 2005, City Council Budget meeting, a meeting was held with Councillor D. Thiele where it was determined that the Master Plan for Mill Woods District Park was the focus, and not a Cultural and Recreational Facilities Master Plan for Mill Woods.
  • Mill Woods District Park is 15.92 hectares in size and houses two secondary schools, the Mill Woods Recreation Centre, sportsfields, and amenities. It is bordered by 28 Avenue to the north, 23 Avenue to the south, 66 Street to the east and Mill Woods Road to the west.
  • The site is well used by individuals (e.g., walking, picnicking) community (e.g., Canada Day Celebration) and organizations (e.g., Mill Woods Soccer, Grizzlies Football, Cricket). Over the years, issues and future development requests have been identified, pressing the need to plan for the future. A comprehensive planning approach (i.e., Mill WoodsDistrict Park Master Plan) will engage individuals, community and organizations who use the park.
  • Funding was approved by City Council in December 2005 for the development of three parks master plans: Argyll, Mill Woods Campus Site and John Fry. $15,000 has been identified for the development of the Mill Woods District Park Master Plan.
  • The Mill Woods District Park Master Plan will be completed during 2006 using the following project management approach:

Concept phase (March to July),

Development phase (August to September),

Implementation Phase (October to November), and

Termination phase (December).

The Parks Branch of Asset Management and Public Works Department is managing the master plans with support from Community Services Department staff who comprise the project management teams.

  • One of the immediate requests to be dealt with during the master planning is the permanent-lighting request by the Mill Woods Grizzlies Minor Football Association. This organization is currently using temporary lighting in the fall when it gets dark earlier. The Grizzlies will know in late summer whether permanent lights will be allowable or not as part of the Master Plan. The Grizzlies will then need to complete a program statement which will include how the lights will be funded. If approved, the construction would likely occur in spring 2007. They have been told to plan on using the temporary lights for the fall 2006 season.
  • Other issues and requests to be resolved through the Master Plan are: parking needs, permanent facilities to house equipment storage, meeting rooms, and washrooms.
  • Community ServicesDepartment hosted a meeting on April 5, 2006, with stakeholders to outline the steps in the master planning process, review the stakeholders being invited to participate, and verify the issues/future requests to be addressed in the planning.

Others Approving this Report

W.D.Burn, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department

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