15.05/1775/FUL - Two storey rear extension, single storey front and side extension, single storey side extension and front porch at CHENIES, BRIDAL LANE, LOUDWATER, HERTFORDSHIRE for Mrand MrsMeddeman


Parish: Chorleywood / Ward: Chorleywood West
Expiry Statutory Period: 6 February 2006 / Officer: Sara Whelan

1.Relevant Planning History

1.1This application has been brought before the Development Control Committee at the request of Chorleywood Parish Council.

1.2No relevant planning history.

2.Detailed Description of Proposed Development

2.1The application seeks full planning permission for the erection of a two storey rear extension, single storey front and side extension, single storey side extension and front porch extension. The property is a detached house on a spacious plot. The land level of the area is relatively flat and there is a blanket Tree Preservation Order on the plot.

2.2The application dwelling is located off Bridal Lane on a quiet private road. The dwelling is a McNamara building not within the Loudwater Conservation Area.

2.3To the front of the property the main dwelling is set back by approximately 13.8m from the boundary with the highway. The dwelling has a carriage driveway with vegetation on the front boundary with the highway. The dwelling currently has a single storey garage to the North West with a tiled roof set back 9m from the front building line.

2.4To the boundary with the adjacent dwelling to the north (Nakuru) is a detached garage and a dense hedge approximately 1.8m high spanning the flank to the rear boundary. Nakuru has been extended to the rear at two storey level and has a single storey rear conservatory. The rear building line of this property is approximately 5m deeper than Chenies.

2.5To the boundary with the adjacent dwelling to the south, Bois Cottage there is a dense hedge approximately 2.5m high spanning the flank to the rear boundary. This property has an out building 3m from the rear of the property and built up to the boundary with Chenies. In addition the property has a single storey rear extension projecting approximately 8m from the rear building line.

2.6The proposed development would consist of extending the ridge 2.4m to the rear, 0.75m lower than the existing ridge and creating two gable features on the north flank of the property. To the south-west of the dwelling would be a single storey side and front extension offset from the shared boundary by 1.6m and protruding 2.4m from the front building line. To the north of the property would be a single storey side extension built in the place of a single storey garage. The front building line of this side element would be set 1.4m back from the main front building line thus 7.6m closer to the highway compared to the existing garage. This single storey side extension would meet a single storey rear extension 4m deep.

2.7To the rear of the property the dwelling would be extended at first floor by a maximum depth of 4m from the rear elevation of the main dwelling. This addition would span the width of the existing dwelling. The property would have a duo pitched roof to accommodate the two storey rear extension. The hipped roof on the north side of the rear elevation would extend over a single storey side extension to meet the existing eaves.


3.1Chorleywood Parish Council – objection was raised stating that the proposal would create a terracing effect on the street. The mix of tile and thatch would be out of character for the McNamara house. The overall size of the property would increase by over 50%. The proposals would exceed the Council’s 3.6m depth guideline. There would be a loss of light and privacy to both neighbours on both sides.

3.2Hertfordshire Highways – commented that the application does not involve a new access or alteration of an existing access to the highway. It was not considered that the proposal would result in a significant impact on the safety and operation of Bridal Lane.

3.3Bridal Lane (Estates) Ltd – objection was raised stating that the proposed building would increase the original dwelling by 50%. The proposed depth exceeds the Council’s 3.6m guideline, in addition the overhanging thatch would add a further 1 metre depth to the house. The proposed extensions would result in a terracing effect which is out of character with other houses on Bridal Lane. The extensions would result in loss of light to both neighbouring properties and overlooking upon Bois Cottage.

3.4Landscape Department – had no objection to this application. It was noted that the proposal may require the removal of a small maple tree close to the rear of the property but this was not considered to have a high amenity value.

3.5Site/Press Notice

3.5.1Not applicable.


3.6.1Number consulted: 6

Number of responses: 4

4.Summary of Representations

4.1Objection was raised to the depth of the rear extension exceeding the Council’s 3.6m guideline. The size of the proposed extensions would increase the original property by 50%. There would be a terracing effect upon the street scene. Detrimental impacts of overlooking and overshadowing upon Bois Cottage. The character of the cottage would be affected. The visual sky line from Nakuru would be reduced. The increased roof ridge line would reduce light and encroach upon Nakuru. The first floor gable detail facing Nakuru would encroach upon this property.

5.Reason for Delay

5.1Committee cycle.

6.Relevant District Plan Provision

6.1Policy GEN3 and Appendix 2 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996 - 2011.


7.1Amended plans have been received, reducing the ridge to 0.75m below the existing ridge, removing a side dormer and two windows facing Nakuru. The height of the single storey garage has been reduced from 4.6m to 4.3m high and the depth of the rear extensions have been reduced from 5m to 4m. These plans are considered to overcome objections of loss of light and encroachment upon the adjacent properties.

7.2The Design Guidelines state that front extensions should not be excessively prominent in relation to neighbouring properties or to the general street scene. The proposed garage extension would extend 2.4m from the front building line. The porch would extend 1.3m from the foremost point of the property. The application property is set back from the highway and surrounding dwellings are individual designs with varying front building lines. It is not thought that these front extensions would be excessively prominent upon the street scene. The proposed garage would be offset from the flank boundary by 1.6m, it would not protrude forward of the front building line at Bois Cottage. The porch would be in the centre of the front elevation adequate distance from adjacent dwellings. It is not considered that any detrimental impacts would occur upon the residential amenity of this adjacent dwelling.

7.3The proposed development would have a maximum depth of 4m when measured from the original rear elevation. This depth would exceed the maximum depth for new extensions given in the Design Guidelines of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011. The proposal would not be considered to have an adverse impact upon the adjacent dwellings due to the distance between the neighbouring properties and the fact that the adjacent dwellings to the north and south have a similar depth to the rear.

7.4In order to measure the degree of light infringement the proposed extensions would have, it is necessary to draw a 45 degree line from the joint boundary in line with the rear of the neighbouring property. No detrimental impacts of overshadowing would occur to Nakuru due to the deep rear building line of this property. Bois Cottage has a single storey rear extension protruding 8m from the rear elevation. The 45 degree splay has been taken from the two storey rear building line at Bois Cottage. This application has been amended to reduce the impact of the slight intrusion of the 45 degree line drawn from Bois Cottage. Due to the position of the proposed extension to the north, no significant loss of sunlight would result to Bois Cottage. It would also be set in off the boundary by 4.8m which means that no significant loss of light would result.

7.5The Design Guidelines state that at first floor level dwellings should be positioned a minimum of 1.2 metres from the flank boundary to prevent a terracing effect and to maintain an appropriate spacing between dwellings in character with the locality. The current spacing, 4.8m to the southern boundary and 2.8m to the northern boundary would be maintained at first floor.

7.6The proposed dwelling would not result in any further overlooking of the adjacent properties. The boundary treatment to the south flank of the proposed dwelling would be sufficient to prevent any overlooking from the ground floor windows on the side elevation. The single window above ground floor level on the south elevation would be conditioned to remain obscure glazed. The proposed dwelling would not overlook the private amenity spaces of the neighbouring dwellings.

7.7The adjacent dwelling to the north has a rear conservatory offset from the shared boundary by 4m. This addition has glazing to both the side and rear elevation. The proposed extensions built up to the shared boundary would have no further impact upon the amenity of this adjacent dwelling than the existing garage built up to the shared boundary.

7.8The proposed distance to the rear boundary, tall protected trees and dense vegetation creates a sufficient screen to prevent the proposal from having an impact upon the character of the area. Beyond the rear boundary are the rear gardens of Mayswood and Oak End, no impacts would occur upon any properties to the rear.

7.9The proposal would involve the removal of a small Maple Tree to the rear of the dwelling. This tree is not protected and is not considered to make a particularly significant contribution to the street scene and its removal is therefore considered to be acceptable.

7.10The proposed development would retain ample amenity space. The proposal includes a garage and retains hard standing to the front providing parking for minimum 2 cars. This would be sufficient parking space for a four bedroom dwelling.


8.1That PERMISSION BE GRANTED subject to the following: -

C1Standard time limit

C2 Materials to match

C3Before the development hereby permitted is first residentially occupied all windows above ground floor level in the flank walls of the proposed extensions facing south, shall be designed to be non-opening or top vent opening only and wholly glazed with obscure glass and shall be permanently retained as such for so long as the development remains in existence.

REASON: To prevent overlooking of adjoining properties in accordance with Policy GEN3 and Appendix 2 Section1(b)iv of the Three Rivers Local plan 1996 - 2011.

C4Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning, (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification) no additional windows or similar openings shall be constructed in the flank elevation of the original dwelling and extension hereby permitted except for any which may be shown on the approved drawing(s).

REASON: To safeguard the residential amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring properties in accordance with Policy GEN3 and Appendix2 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996 - 2011.

8.2And with the following INFORMATIVE:

I1Given the site circumstances, including development on adjoining site(s), and the provisions of Policy GEN3 and Appendices 2 and 3 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996 - 2011 (adopted 2001), the proposed residential extension (subject to the conditions attached to this permission) would not have a significant adverse effect on the residential amenities of any neighbouring properties or otherwise result in demonstrable harm.

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