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Section 12-3.11. Use on a project with an estimated cost of at least $750,000 and at least 50 working days. Do not use for a seal coat, surfacing, or seismic project. Do not include plant establishment or permanent erosion control establishment days in the number of working days.
Replace Reserved in section 12-3.11B(5) with:
1. Use if details for construction project funding signs are not shown.
A construction project funding sign must comply with the details shown on the Department's Traffic Operations website.
The sign must be a wood-post sign complying with section 82-3.
The sign panels must be framed, single-sheet aluminum panels complying with section 82-2.
The background on the sign must be Type II retroreflective sheeting. The Type II retroreflective sheeting must be on the Authorized Material List for signing and delineation materials.
The legend must be retroreflective except for nonreflective black letters and numerals. The blue must match PR color no. 3 on FHWA's Color Tolerance Chart. The orange must match PR color no. 6 on FHWA's Color Tolerance Chart.
6. Replace TYPE OF PROJECT with one of the project types shown in the following table:
Type of project: / Work description examples:Highway construction / Construct expressway, freeway, shoulders, structure, HOV lane, ramp, interchange, left turn lane, truck escape ramp, or weigh station; widen freeway, roadway or shoulders; realign roadways.
Highway repair / Clean and paint overhead sign structure; crack, seal, and grind pavement; pavement markings; pavement rehabilitation; ramp repaving; replace culverts, drainage systems, railroad crossings, or sign structures; retrofit curb ramps.
Highway improvement / Channelization; changeable message signs; highway advisory radio system; median barrier; motorist aid communication system; ramp metering; retaining and sound walls; signal modification; signals and lighting; traffic signals; traffic count stations; traffic operations system; slope protection; thrie beam barrier; realign curve; modify interchange or gore; reconstruct interchange.
Bridge construction / Replace, remove or widen bridge; construct overcrossing, pedestrian overcrossing, overhead, undercrossing, sidehill viaduct, or interchange connectors.
Bridge repair / Clean and paint bridge; clean and replace joint seals; upgrade joints seals; modify bridge railing; raise bridge; replace bridge bearings; rehabilitate bridge decks; tunnel rehabilitation.
Roadside work / Erosion control; highway planting and irrigation; replacement planting; revegetation; irrigation upgrade; planting; restoration and irrigation; maintenance station; landscape maintenance station; maintenance yard and building; pumping plant; safety roadside rest area; vista point; park and ride lot; transit station; truck inspection facility; truck scale; right of way fence upgrade; biological or habitat enhancement; treat contaminated water supply.
The legend for the type of project must read as follows:
7. Specify the type of funding. If county funds are involved (i.e., a cooperative agreement is provided), specify the type of county funding. Otherwise, delete the third line. If the project does not have any federal funding, delete the first line.
The legend for the types of funding on a construction project funding sign must read as follows and in the following order:
8. Use if the Engineer is to specify the year of completion.
The Engineer provides the year of completion for the legend on the sign. Install a sign overlay for the year of completion within 15 days of notification.
9. Insert the year of completion if the Engineer is not to provide the year of completion.
The legend for the year of completion on a construction project funding sign must read as follows:
Do not add information to the construction project funding sign unless authorized.
Replace Reserved in section 12-3.11C(3) with:
11. Insert the quantity and type of construction project funding signs on the project. Insert Type 1 for conventional highways and Type 2 for freeways and expressways. Edit as necessary to include both types.
Install __ Type ___ construction project funding sign at the location determined by the Engineer before starting major work activities visible to highway users.
Dispose of construction project funding signs upon completion of the project if authorized.