Louis L. Goldstein Treasury Building

80 Calvert Street

Annapolis, Maryland 21401


DGS PROJECT NO.: BA-521-150-003

DATE: August 19, 2014




Alvin Collins, Secretary Martin O’Malley, Governor

301 West Preston Street, Room 1405 Peter Franchot, Comptroller

Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Nancy K. Kopp, Treasurer


- Notice To Bidders - Solicitation Fact Sheet (eMarylandMarketplace attachment)

- Instructions to Bidders for Construction Projects (March 2007) (eMarylandMarketplace attachment)

- General Conditions for Construction Contracts (August 2013) (eMarylandMarketplace attachment)

- Bid Proposal Affidavit (eMarylandMarketplace attachment)

- Contractors Questionnaire

- Bid Bond, if applicable (eMarylandMarketplace attachment)

- Minority Business Enterprise Utilization Procedures (July 2014) (eMarylandMarketplace attachment)

- MBE Attachment D-1A Forms (eMarylandMarketplace attachment)

- List of Prevailing Wage Rates, if applicable

- Addenda, if any (eMarylandMarketplace attachment)

- List of Drawings

- Pre-Bid Conference/Site Visit – Each bidder is encouraged to attend the scheduled pre-bid conference/site visit, although is not mandatory. However, if there is any Minority Business Enterprise (MBE Goal) whatsoever on this solicitation, ALL BIDDERS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND THE PRE-BID CONFERENCE/SITE VISIT (SEE COMAR


  1. General Scope of Work:

The successful Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, tools, materials, supplies, insurance, etc. required to repair the existing front marble steps and remove, refurbish, and re-install the existing railing system.

The work to be accomplished under this Contract is located at the front entrance to the Louis L. Goldstein Treasury Building, Annapolis, Maryland.

  1. Description of Work:
  2. The work is for the following items:
  3. Public Safety—provide safety equipment and barricades necessary to block the entrance while construction is underway. There is an adjacent ramp that shall serve as the main entrance while this work is taking place.
  4. Tuck Pointing—provide tuck pointing at top and bottom landing areas to be identified by Using Agency. Contractor shall provide Unit Price per linear foot of tuck pointing, see Division IV Subsection 1.a.2 Unit Price #1—Tuck Pointing
  5. Railings (railings are to be salvaged, refurbished, and re-installed)—remove existing railings located at each side and middle of the marble steps and save for re-use; cut off severely rusted bottom portion of the railing pickets (approximately 6” – 8”) and install new material to match existing picket profile; prepare railings to be primed; apply one primer coat and one finish coat; install refurbished railings at each side and middle of steps. NOTE—Contractor to provide detail with bid on proposed method for refurbishing rusted areas of railing system. All materials used for refurbishing the railings must be compatible with the existing railing material and provide a seamless appearance.
  6. Marble Steps (marble steps are to be salvaged and re-installed)—remove the existing marble steps and landing tread sections from joint to joint located at side railing newel posts at top landing and keep for re-installation; remove the existing step sub-structure base as needed and prep for proper re-installation of existing marble steps; restore marble steps to remove rust stains and repair spall using methods of grinding, honing, polishing, buffing, etc.; clean and prep existing picket holes in marble steps to receive re-installed railing system; re-set marble steps to have 1/8” slope, typical; all joints in re-set marble steps to be no bigger than ½”. Contractor shall provide Unit Price per marble step, see Division IV Subsection 1.a.3 Unit Price #2—Marble Step NOTE—Contractor to provide detail with bid on proposed method for restoring marble step.
  7. Landings—remove pavers at top and bottom landings as needed to complete the removal and re-setting of the existing marble steps; prep paver base and re-install pavers. Contractor shall provide Unit Price per paver, see Division IV Subsection 1.a.4 Unit Price #3—Paver
  8. Step Side Walls—repair and/or replace brick as needed and tuck point both step side walls.
  9. The Contractor is responsible for providing any and all means for proper disposal of all debris related to this work.
  10. The Contractor is responsible for providing temporary bathroom facilities for workers associated with this job, including any subcontractors, vendors, suppliers, etc.
  11. The Using Agency will provide the following for Contractor use:
  12. Electric power—located at existing steps
  13. Water—hose bid located at front of building, left of steps
  14. Staging/parking area—to be coordinated and confirmed with Using Agency and Contractor
  15. All prospective bidders are encouraged to attend the on-site pre-bid conference and familiarize themselves with all requirements for this project and to verify all existing conditions, dimensions, quantities, etc. Failure to attend the pre-bid conference will not relieve the successful bidder from complying with the requirements of these specifications at no additional cost to the State.
  16. This work shall be completed within One Hundred Twenty (120) calendar days from the date designated by the Notice to Proceed (NTP). If the work is not completed within the time period specified, the contractor will be liable for liquated damages of _$250.00___ per calendar day as specified in the “General Conditions”.
  17. All materials and methods of application are to be submitted for review and approval by the Using Agency and DGS prior to work beginning. Review of all submittals shall be completed and determination forwarded to the Contractor within 14 business days of submittal receipt.
  18. Where applicable all materials and supplies shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions as if specified herein.
  19. Any work, material or supplies which have not been specifically mentioned but are reasonably implied and is necessary for the safe and satisfactory Completion of the entire project shall be performed by the Contractor as is specified herein.
  20. All materials and equipment shall be installed and completed in a first-class workman like manner and in accordance with the best modern practice. Any materials installed which shall not present an orderly and reasonably neat workman like appearance shall be removed and replaced when so directed by the DGS Project Manager. The removal and replacement of this work shall be done when directed in writing by the DGS Project Manager, at the contractor’s expense.
  21. Contractor Construction Guidelines:
  22. Work Hours and Completion Time:
  23. The Contractor shall have all project work completed and ready for complete acceptance by owner within the specified 60 day time period, of notice to proceed.
  24. Hours of Operation - Unless otherwise coordinated and approved all work specified within this Contract shall be performed during normal working hours of 7:00 am thru 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday, to coincide with the facility staff hours. All work will be coordinated with the on site Manager to allow for minimum disruption to occupants. The contractor must request permission for any disruption in services or area utilization related to this project. This request should be made to the Using agency 72 hours in advance of any planned disruption. The contractor must receive approval from them before proceeding. The Representative may waive this requirement at its sole discretion, depending on the specific situation. Please contact Duane Lincoln at 443-496-4287.
  25. The completed project is subject to the inspection, approval, and acceptance by the Using Agency/DGS Project Manager.
  26. The Contractor shall provide all signing; barricades, etc. to insure a safe work area throughout the entire project.
  27. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to State Property caused by activities associated with or related to this project, i.e. structures, walks, entrances, entrances, surrounding landscaping and support utilities, etc., and is responsible for returning any damaged areas to acceptable condition.
  28. Materials, installation, workmanship, and arrangement of work are subject to review and acceptance by the Using Agency/DGS Project Manager. No substitution will be permitted after acceptance of the equipment or materials except where such substitution is considered by the Using Agency/DGS Project Manager to be in best interest of owner.
  29. No alcohol, drugs, weapons or other contraband/items as determined by the Owner shall be brought onto the Owner premises.
  30. The contractor shall immediately cease any activity deemed by Owner’s personnel to pose a threat to the safety or well being, visitors or staff. The contractor shall immediately contact their Owner’s Representative. The Owner shall not incur any additional costs due to such an action.
  31. The contractor must keep all areas secure at all times. All vehicles, equipment, tool boxes, etc., must be locked at all times.
  32. Use of tobacco products is prohibited in all State buildings. The contractor must comply with this regulation.
  33. The contractor shall use their work vehicles as a staging point to bring new equipment and/or material to the site. All vehicles shall be locked and/or supervised at all times, in such a manner to prevent access to contactor’s vehicles.
  34. All work shall be performed to minimize disruption to facility Operations. It is understood that the Contractor shall maintain accessibility through the alternate main entrance throughout the project. Prior to starting work, the Contractor shall submit a work schedule for the entire project.
  35. The Contractor shall adhere to OSHA-MOSHA regulations throughout the project to insure the safety of his-her employees, state employees, and the public.
  36. All work shall conform to the requirements of the latest edition of the International Building Code and all state and local code requirements.
  37. The Contractor shall maintain the work site in a safe, neat, and orderly manner throughout the entire project. The Contractor shall take steps to prevent the accumulation of debris at the job site and shall leave the work site safe and secure at the end of each work day.
  38. Any work, material or supplies which have not been specifically mentioned but are reasonably implied and is necessary for the safe and satisfactory Completion of the entire project shall be performed by the Contractor as is specified herein.
  39. Confine operations at the site to the areas permitted under the Contract. Do not unreasonably encumber the site with materials or equipment.
  40. Standard and Codes: All work shall be performed in a top quality workmanship like manner in accordance with standards of the trade.
  41. The contractor shall examine the premises prior to submitting the bid and observe the conditions under which the work will be done or other circumstances which will affect the completed work, No allowance will be made subsequently in connection for any error or negligence on the contractor’s part.
  42. Material Storage, Handling and clean- up –
  43. Any facilities required for storage and protection of materials and/or equipment at the job site shall be provided by the Contractor at his expense, unless other arrangements can be made with the managing authority of the facility.
  44. The contractor at all times shall keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by his operations. At the completion of the work, he shall remove all his waste materials and rubbish from and about the project as well as all his tools, construction equipment, and surplus materials.
  45. At the end of each working day, the Contractor must ensure that the proper guarding and safety precautions are adhered to during the progression of the work to eliminate any possibility of personal injury. This includes removal of all trash and to ensure that all work areas are clear.
  46. Site Restoration:
  47. The Contractor shall be responsible to remove all excess materials and debris associated with this project unless otherwise noted in these specifications.
  48. All materials and debris that are to be disposed of shall become the property of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for the removal and proper disposal of all debris.
  49. Where specifications are not in agreement, the Using Agency/DGS Project Manager shall decide which shall govern and the Contractor shall abide by their decision.
  50. Warranty and Guarantee:
  51. The Contractor shall guarantee his/her work for a period of two (2) years from the date of final acceptance. Any defects found within the warranty period shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost to the State.
  52. Qualifications of the Contractor:
  53. The contractor shall be licensed in the State of Maryland as a General Contractor to perform work associated with this project.
  54. The Contractor shall have a minimum of three (3) years of experience performing construction work of similar nature.
  55. Upon request, the contractor shall supply the Procurement Officer a list of similar Projects, which have been successfully completed by the contractor.
  56. The Contractor must provide the name and telephone number of the contact person who will be responsible for responding to work performed under this contract
  57. Contractors’ Personnel:
  58. All employees must be able to speak and communicate English in a clear and concise manner.
  59. All workers and staff of the Contractor who will be working within the facility shall be subject to a security background check. The Contractor shall submit the required form who will be working within the facility to the DGS Project Manager at least two (2) weeks before work initiation. Based on the security background check, the facility may prohibit any individual person from working on the project. There is no fee for this security background check. Individuals without the proper back ground Checks will not be granted admission into the facility. The State shall bear no responsibility for delay claims due to an inadequate work force.
  60. All employees must comply with all building(s) rules and regulations. The Using Agency/DGS Project Manager or designee reserves the right to remove any employee(s) that does not comply with these rules and regulations.
  61. Subcontractor Performance -The Owner reserves the right to prohibit the contractor from employing the services of any subcontractor or facility that does not possess the ability to satisfactorily perform in conformance with the provisions of the contract. The use of a subcontractor to accomplish any aspect of the work does not relieve the contractor of any requirements or responsibilities set forth in the contract. The contractor is responsible to ensure that any and all subcontractors perform in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract.



1  Bid Information

a.  Pricing: