Reorganization Meeting of the Mayor and Council
January 2, 2009
5:30 P.M.
Mayor Watkins called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Borough Hall.
Mayor Watkins called for a moment of silent prayer and asked Councilwoman Fletcher to lead the salute to the flag.
Mayor Watkins read the statement under the Sunshine Law and asked the Clerk to put it into the minutes. “Adequate Notice of this meeting has been made by sending notice on December 19, 2008 to the RIDGEWOOD NEWSPAPER and THE RECORD, by positioning on the bulletin board in the lobby of the Borough Hall and filing a notice of the same with the Municipal Clerk”.
ROLL CALL: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Fletcher and Mayor Watkins were present, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Denise Dondiego, Borough Clerk announced the election results as follows:
Mary Anne O’Connell Rush elected for three years as Councilwoman
2009 - 2011
John Cannonelected for three years as Councilman
2009 - 2011
OATH OF OFFICE – Colin Quinn, Esq., administered the Oath of Office to Councilwoman Mary Anne O’Connell Rush and Councilman John Cannon.
ROLL CALL: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman O’Connell Rush, Councilman Cannon, Councilwoman Fletcher and Mayor Watkins were present, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
INVOCATION –Monsignor Slipe
Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilwoman Rush to appoint Councilwoman Esther Fletcher as Council President for the year 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilwoman Rush to approve the re-appointment of William Lindsley, Esq., as Borough Attorney.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilwoman Fletcher to approve the re-appointment of Prosecuting Attorney, Thomas Wall, Esq.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilwoman Rush to approve the re-appointment of Andrew Rossmer, Esq., as attorney for the Indigent.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilwoman Rush to approve the re-appointment of Robert Levine, 228 Zabriskie Place, River Edge, as Representative to the National Organization on Disability.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilwoman Fletcher to approve the re-appointment of Matthew Giacobbe, Esq., Scarinci & Hollenbeck, LLC, as Labor Attorney.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Cannon, seconded by Councilwoman Rush to approve the re-appointment of Colin Quinn, Esq.as Redevelopment Attorney.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilwoman Fletcher to approve the re-appointment of Ferraioli, Wielkotz, Cerullo & Cuva P.A. as Auditors.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Cannon to approve the re-appointment of Rogut McCarthy LLC as Bond Counsel.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilwoman Rush to approve the re-appointment of Burton Kanwisher Agency, Inc., as Risk Manager.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilwoman Fletcher, seconded by Councilman Smith to approvethe appointments to the Finance Committee as follows:
1. Councilwoman O’Connell Rush, Chairperson
- Councilwoman Fletcher
- Councilman Smith
Alternate #1 Councilman Cannon
Alternate #2 Councilman Higgins
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilwoman Fletcher, seconded by Councilman Smith to approve the appointments to the Insurance Committee as follows:
Councilwoman O’Connell Rush, Commissioner
Alternate #1-Councilwoman Fletcher
Alternate #2-Councilwoman Walker
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilwoman Rush, seconded by Councilman Smith to approve the following appointments as liaisons to various departments:
Police Department - Councilman Higgins
Fire Department/Fire Prevention- Councilwoman Fletcher
Department of Public Works- Councilman Smith
Recreation Department - Councilwoman Walker
Const. Code/Property Maintenance- Councilman Smith
Library - Councilman Cannon
Seniors - Councilman Smith
Co-Liaison - Councilman Cannon
Finance/Administration - Councilwoman O’Connell Rush
Historic Preservation Commission - Councilman Higgins
Shade Tree Commission- Councilman Smith
Environmental Protection Commission - Councilwoman Fletcher
Beautification Committee - Councilman Smith
Traffic & Safety Committee - Councilman Higgins
Motion by Councilwoman Rush, seconded by Councilman Cannon to approve the following appointments to:
Personnel Sub-Committee - Mayor Watkins
-Councilman Smith
-Councilman Higgins
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Cannon to approve the following appointments to:
Contracts Sub-Committee- Mayor Watkins
- Councilwoman Fletcher
- Councilwoman Walker
- Councilwoman O’Connell Rush - Williams Lindsley, Esq.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilwoman Rush, seconded by Councilman Smith to approve the following appointments to:
Sewer Sub-Committee- Councilman Smith
- Alan P. Negreann
- Robert Costa
- John Lynch
- John Pampaloni, Jr.
- Mayor Watkins
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilwoman Fletcher, seconded by Councilman Cannon to approve the following appointments to:
River Edge Alliance Against
Alcohol and Drug Abuse- Mayor Watkins
- Councilman Smith
- Councilman Higgins
- Stephanie Hartman
- Bobbi McDonnell
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilwoman Rush, seconded by Councilman Cannon to approve the following appointments to:
Web-Site Committee- Councilman Smith
-Councilwoman Walker
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Cannon to approve the following appointments to:
July 4th Committee- Councilwoman Walker, Chair - Bobbi McDonnell
-Various Citizens
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Cannon to approve the following appointments to:
New Milford/River Edge
Joint Projects Committee- Councilman Cannon
- Councilwoman Walker
- Councilwoman Fletcher
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilwoman Fletcher, seconded by Councilman Cannon to approve the following appointments to:
Oradell/River Edge
Joint Projects Committee- Mayor Watkins
- Councilman Higgins
- Councilman Smith
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilwoman Fletcher, seconded by Councilman Smith to approve the re-appointment of Fire Prevention Bureau for a one-year term effective January l, 2009 as follows: Alan Silverman, Clay Marcoux, Craig Maiocchi, William Drew, Kenneth Pfannen and Kevin Joyce, effective January 1, 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Cannon, seconded by Councilman Smith to approve the appointment of Rena Vogt, 734 Millbrook Ave., to finish the unexpired term ofDavid Puente to December 31, 2009 to the Traffic & SafetyCommittee, effective January 1, 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Cannon, seconded by Councilwoman Rush to approve the re-appointments of Robert Costa, Class II for a one-year term, Councilman Tom Smith, Class III for a one-year term, Albert Hein, Class IV and Edward Lane, Class IV for a four year termto the Planning Board effective January l, 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilwoman Fletcher, seconded by Councilman Cannon to approve the re-appointments of the following officers for the River Edge Fire Department for 2009: Chief of Department, Chris Weismann, Asst. Chief Bill Sanders, Deputy Chief John Mauthe; Captain Eric Schultz, Co. #1; 1st Lt. Jim Rush, Co. #1; 2nd Lt. Joe Messina, Co.#1; Captain Gregg Cariddi, Co. #2; 1st Lt. William MacRae, Co. #2; and the appointment of 2nd Lt. Leonard Coyman, Co. #2, effective January 1, 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Cannon, seconded by Councilman Smith to approve there-appointment of Annette Farelli to December 31, 2113;Carol Nyman as the Mayor’s Representative to 12/31/09; and Stephanie Hartman as the Superintendent of Schools Representative to 12/31/09 to the Library Board of Trustees, effective January 1, 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilwoman Fletcher to approve the re-appointments to the River EdgeBeautification Committee of Kathy Carletta, Christine Alexiou, Karen Sabatello & Pam Benegal for a one year term, effective January 1, 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilwoman Fletcher to approve the re-appointment of John Lynch as Safety Delegate and Sam Yanovich as Alternate, effective January l, 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Cannon, seconded by Councilwoman Rush to approve the re-appointment ofPenny Smith for a five year termto the Recreation Commission, effective January 1, 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilwoman Fletcher, seconded by Councilman Smith to approve the re-appointment ofMary Clare Smith for a three year termto the Board of Health, effective January 1, 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilwoman Fletcher to approve the re-appointment of Elizabeth Stewart to the Shade Tree Commission for a five-year term, and the appointment of Henry Semmler,435 Bogert Road to finish the unexpired term of Don Mullen to 12/31/10, effective January 1, 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Cannon, seconded by Councilwoman Fletcher to approve the re-appointments of Mary Moran, Luisa Carrier, Patricia Edwards and Dennis Fiedler, to the Social Services Committee, effective January 1, 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Cannon, seconded by Councilwoman Fletcher to approve the re-appointment of Robert Teunisen for a four year term, Vince D’Amore for a four year term; theappointment ofBrian Haggerty, 72 Bloomfield Ave. as Alternate #2 for a two year term, Lyle Cookson, 195 Beech Dr. North as Alternate #3 for a two year term and James Levis, 726 Seventh Ave. for a two year term to the Zoning Board of Adjustmenteffective January 1, 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilwoman Fletcher to approve the re-appointment of Phyllis Angelo, Joseph Picone for four-year terms to the Historic Preservation Commission, effective January 1, 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Cannon, seconded by Councilman Smith to approve the re-appointments of Noreen Scala and Jeff Smith forone year terms to the Rent Leveling Board effective January 1, 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Cannon, seconded by Councilwoman Fletcher to approve the re-appointment of Gregg Ogden, Fred Newman and Valerie Costafor a three-year term to the Environmental Protection Commission, effective January 1, 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilwoman Fletcher to approve the salary increase of Coleen Goddel, Department of Public Works Clerk, from a Step I hourly wage of $18.04 to Step II – 19.04, effective January 9, 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Cannon, seconded by Councilwoman Rush to approve the appointment of Steve Vigneron, 160 Madison Avenueto the 2009 Citizens Budget Committee.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Cannon, seconded by Councilman Smith to approve the salary increase of Michael Varrecchia, Police Department, from an annual salary of $106,251.48 to $108,334.84 due to an increase in longevity from 2% to 4%.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Cannon, seconded by Councilwoman Fletcher to approve the salary increase of Edward McDermott, Police Dispatcher, from an annual salary of $43,835.00 to $44,315.00 due to an increase in longevity from $480.00 to $960.00, effective January 7, 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilwoman Fletcher to approve the resignation of Edward Fernandez, Laborer I, Department of Public Works, per signed settlement agreement and release dated November 3, 2008, effective January 15, 2009.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Smith, Councilwoman Rush, Councilman Cannon and Councilwoman Fletcher voted yes, Councilman Higgins and Councilwoman Walker were absent.
Mayor Watkins administered the Oath of Office to all appointees that were in attendance.
ORDINANCES - lst Reading-
Denise Dondiego, Borough Clerk read the title of Ordinance #1637 as follows:
Motion by Councilwoman Fletcher, seconded by Councilman Smith to approve the first reading of Ordinance #1637 as follows:
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of River Edge:
Section 1: The compensation for the full-time employees of the Department of Public Works shall be:
Department of Public WorksHourly Annually
Mechanic I$67,845 - $ 70,707
General Repairer$65,743 - $ 68,507
Equipment Operator I$61,556 - $ 64,140
Tree Trimmer I$60,961 - $ 63,523
Mechanic II$57,200 - $ 59,358
General Repairer II$55,279 - $ 57,547
Equipment Operator II$54,001 - $ 57,750
Tree Trimmer II$49,637 - $ 51,899
Laborer I$45,969 - $ 49,349
Laborer II$38,883 - $ 42,917
General Foreman$45,672 - $100,925
Road Foreperson$39,444 - $ 90,700
Technical Foreperson$39,444 - $ 90,700
In addition to the salaries set forth above, all full time employees holding these positions listed herein shall have added to base pay the following percentage computed on the basis of the prevailing salary: