Renewal of membership form for the FSOA
Year for renewal 1st July 2017 to 30th June 2018
Please print details clearly
Member / Name1
Please add the correct emailaddressof Safety Officer & email address of invoice for payment.
Safety OfficerDeputy Safety Officer
Club/organisation: …………………………..… Position: ……………………..
Qualifications held………………………………………………………………….
Payment should be made by BACS or Internet Banking before 31 July 2017.
Membership category applied for
FULL members will be serving as Safety Officer, Deputy Safety Officer, at a premier or football League Club but is not limited to these definitions and may include persons with a relevant management safety roles within the event industry.
HONORARY - offered to persons, identified by the Management Committee, who by virtue of their current role and area of expertise are considered that their membership is of value to the Association.
ASSOCIATE members are those that fall outside the FULL Members definition and may include SGSA members, FA Members, EFL Members. Local Authority members, Safety Team members, or members of the emergency services, first aid organisations etc.
RETIRED MEMBER – Full Members with more than five year’s continuous service may apply for Retired Member status on retirement from the position of Ground Safety Officer, Deputy Ground Safety Officer at a premier or football League Club or relevant safety management role.
CORPORATE – open to companies or other business organisations which are involved in, or have an interest in Ground Safety
All other applicants are Affiliate.
Only FULL members are entitled to vote.
FULL and ASSOCIATE membership fee is £100.00 annually, RETIRED £30 and CORPORATE being £500 annually. Should you not be accepted for membership, your annual subscription will be returned. Cheques should be made payable to ‘The Football Safety Officers Association Limited’and forwarded with this application form to The FSOA office suite 5 Enterprise centre Blackburn Rovers FC Ewood Park Blackburn Lancashire BB2 4JF
Enquiries can be made on 01254 841771 or email
Please Note.
If membership forms are not returned and completed for the renewal of membership by the 1st July. No invoice will be dispatched and your details will be removed from the data base, and also your access to the website.
Please let us know if the invoice has to be sent to another email address i.e. accounts etc.
Send Invoice to email ……………………………………………………………………………
Please note if sending cheques please make them payable to
Football Safety Officers Association (no abbreviations please)
N.B. Membership fees are due for renewal by the 31st of July each year