Rene Junot was born on the planet of Hy (Teranie Subsector) to Henri & Madeline Junot in the standard calendar year 1161. Henri Junot was a known smuggler with criminal connections to several major underworld organizations. Madeline Erce, the daughter of a prominent businessman who occasionally employed Henri for specialized cargo transportation, met Henri while a passenger on one of her father’s ships being captained by Junot. The two became fast friends and, eventually, lovers. They were secretly married within a year, disregarding the deep disapproval of Madeline’s parents. Rene was born less than a year later.
Rene at first seemed destined to follow in his father's footsteps. However, as Henri's criminal dealings increased, Madeline decided
that she wold prefer her only child to become a “true citizen of the Empire.” She sent him away to a boarding school on Teranie to ensure that he was properly educated in the finer arts. At school, Rene proved to be a superior athlete and academic, becoming a popular class leader.
While Rene was away in college, Henri Junot became increasingly involved with the Garrison Marain crime syndicate. One of Henri Junot’s vessels was stopped by Imperial authorities and had its 50 million credit cargo seized. The Marain organization demanded payment for the lost cargo. Junot refused. In retaliation, Marain sent a termination team to convince Junot that payment was expected. Although details are sketchy,
Rene's mother was somehow killed by members of this team during their attack on Henri's villa, which was located in the asteroid field of the Vegao System (Teranie Subsector) in 1181.
Upon hearing the news of his mother’s death, Rene left school and joined his father in a mission to avenge his mother's death. Sealed Imperial records indicate that Junot was personally responsible for the death of at least five rival smugglers during his quest for vengeance. Regardless, the Marain organization still exists. Imperial reports indicate that it has grown to become a multi-subsector threat.
Despite his early departure from school, Rene continued his education informally, hiring tutors and reading voraciously. As time passed, Henri Junot became less and less interested in the daily operations of his business. Money became scarce and Rene decided to continue his father’s efforts. Through hard work and good luck, he became an excellent pilot and skilled navigator working both within and outside legal merchant and financial regulations. In 1186 Henri Junot died of an undisclosed illness leaving 22 year old Rene with the family's 250-ton armed merchantman, The Black Raven, and assorted debts. The origin of the Black Raven is unknown, however it was believed stolen before Rene's birth.
Rene soon gained a reputation as an unusual pirate: an efficient smuggler, skillful gambler, yet a generous host to those unfortunate enough to run across him. His exploits have been well documented in his home Subsector of Teranie. His most well known exploit was the disappearance of the Nostromo. Several witnesses placed Rene's vessel in close proximity to the missing Zorg Corporation deep space heavy freighter Nostromo, which disappeared with all hands and a cargo of over $200 Million credits in 1191. The Empire subsequently put a 10 million credit bounty on Rene.
(In actuality, Rene made a deal with the crew of the freighter. They split the cargo 50-50 (100 million credits each) and sold the freighter on the black market. Regardless, Junot was hereafter looked upon by the Empire as a mass murderer.)
Much of Rene's smuggling work was done along the Zhodani border where he taught himself to read and write Zhodani. He has several Zhodani warrants outstanding. Nonetheless, he learned much about Zhodani merchant and naval operations and tactics.
Because of the growing piracy problem in Teranie and Onstoy, and its resultant tax drain, the Imperial Special Police began a campaign to eradicate the remaining smuggling groups from Teranie and surrounding subsectors. Using a specially designed Q-Ship, the ISP was able to capture Rene, vessel, and crew in 1190. The Q-Ship, actually a 450-ton gunboat, was disguised as a deep space merchantman. The Q-Ship operated off the main shipping lines under the pretense of an off-course vessel. Rene's vessel attempted to intercept the merchantman and was promptly disabled.
Rene was arrested and immediately sentenced to termination for
numerous charges including murder, assault, theft, smuggling, piracy,
forgery, bribery, and various weapons charges. His vessel and all his
personal and family assets were seized by the Imperium. His vessel was
later destroyed.
Throughout his detainment, Junot was brutally interrogated by Agents of the Drifts Sector Magistrate's Office. Because of the severe blows he suffered and numerous drugs injected into his body, Junot has been unable to remember many portions of his life, including the location of assets he had hidden in case of his arrest. Assets in the range of $100 Million credits are believed to still exist.
The termination order was rescinded at the behest of Imperial Scout Service, Special Operations Command (SOC). SOC, a black division of the Scout Service, was in dire need of blockade-runners to re-supply troops and provide intelligence along the Zhodani Border. Individuals outside the normal chain of command and with Rene's skills were in very short supply. In exchange for his life, Rene was persuaded to join the Scout Service. To convince Rene of the benefits of Imperial Service, Rene was offered a pardon and had his criminal record sealed. Rene quickly agreed. Unbeknownst to Rene, many of his crew were later terminated by Drifts Sector Magistrate Drexler Colbert. Much of Rene’s former assets also disappeared. Imperial Police questioned Magistrate Colbert about the missing funds; however no one was charged and the missing assets were deemed "Lost due to clerical error".
Rene was inducted into the Imperial Scout Corps and given intelligence
operative training by SOC. During training Rene was tested on various levels to determine his abilities. Of particular interest was Rene's score on the Standard Imperial Aptitude and Abilities test, which tests an individual's skills and adaptability. Rene's score was one of the highest ever recorded.
Upon completion of his training Rene was immediately sent to SOC Sector Command along the Zhodani Border where he performed duties as a scout and informant. Rene's smuggling background allowed him access to information and resources largely unavailable to Imperial operatives. Rene earned a new reputation as a reliable operative and extremely streetwise agent.
During his Imperial service, Rene learned take advantage of his special capabilities and new powers, working on the edge of Imperial law to circumvent regulations and make a good credit or two. His extra-Imperial efforts were overlooked by the Imperium so long as they did not adversely impact his job performance. On some occasions, Imperial officials did have to intervene with local law enforcement officials who
were displeased with Rene’s handiwork. Nonetheless, the value of Rene as an operative overweighed his occasional lawlessness.
During the military campaign against the Zhodani, Rene worked closely
with naval and marine forces to re-supply Imperial forces behind enemy lines. Rene's coolness under fire allowed him to land and withdraw special operatives far behind enemy lines and in many cases while under fire. In 1198 Rene was one of the Imperium’s first sources to receive word of a possible Zhodani invasion and the massive build up of Zhodani troop along the border. Junot distinguished himself greatly during the eventual skirmish.
In late 1206, Rene Junot was discharged from Imperial Service on the
planet Andromes with a pardon and clean record. Missing family
assets were never recovered or returned to him. For his outstanding
Imperial Service, Rene was given a 100-Ton scout ship and 400,000
Credits severance bonus.
In 1207, Rene was charged with planning an assassination of former Drifts Sector Magistrate, Drexler Colbert. The assassination was thwarted before it could be executed. Luckily for Rene, his former Scout Supervisor, Jeral Outure, convinced the court that Rene was suffering from Delayed Extraordinary Energetic Post-Arrest Stress Syndrome (DEEP-ASS). Charges were subsequently dropped.