SI Network Small Project Grant
Application form
Please refer to the application guidance notes when completing this application form.
Title of Proposed Research
Applicant details
Name of Applicant:
Current job title:
Professional/Research and SI qualifications/experience:
SI Network Membership No.:
Contact address:
Current job title:
Professional/research and SI qualifications/experience:
Contribution to project:
Contact address:
Institution / organisation supporting application:
Sponsor Details:
Name of Supervisor/Sponsor
Name of Institution supporting application
Have you completed the Sponsor Declaration: Y/N
Address of institution
Please present an estimated breakdown and the total cost of yourproject/research. Please only include those permissible in accordance with the T&C’s.
Equipment:Materials: Training/ CPD event
Researcher’s time/ additional staff
Total Cost: (£/Euro)
Total Cost: (£/Euro)
4. Proposed timeline of Project
Start date:
End date:
5. Other applications for funding
Stipulate which SI Research Strand your study relates to:
- Evidence from within the field of Neuroscience
- Assessment and Measures of SI and Sensory Processing Difficulties
- Evidence for the treatment of Sensory Processing Difficulties:
-Ayres Sensory Integration Therapy
-Sensory Strategies.
Explain how your project/conference presentation addresses the identified priority area:
Lay summary (word limit: 200)
8. Expected value of findings
9. Conference Attendance
Conference Title:
Date/s of Conference:
Type of Presentation (Paper/Poster/Workshop/Seminar)
Justification/rationale for applying for funding to attend Conference:
Website address of Conference:
Background to the project (literature review) (word limit: 500)
Research Question, including aims of study
Study design and methodology (word limit: 500)
Ethical considerations
Methods of dissemination
a) Applicant
I declare that I have completed the application form in accordance with the SI Network guidance notes. I have read and will comply with the SI Network Terms and Conditions and consent to the information I have provided in this application being used accordingly. If successful, I agree to acknowledge the S.I. Network UK & Ireland on all publications and to publish a summary of the study, including the results, in Sensornet and/or a peer reviewed journal and to be prepared to present at the SI Network annual conference. I consent to my results may be used for education purposes, for which I would be acknowledged. I also agree to advise SI Network of any change to my work role which might affect the research.
b) Co-applicant(s) (duplicate as necessary)
I declare that I will participate in the project described in this document as a co-applicant should the application be successful.
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SI Network Grant Application Form 2015