Mission Statement
The Renaissance Indexes Group (RIG, Claimant) missionis to advance and to secure the full Equalenjoyment of rights secured under the Community Reinvestment Act, Fair Housing Act – to include the Final Rule,Equal Credit Opportunity Act – Effects Test, Regulation B/C, FTC Act – Section 5, Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, Title VIII – 1968Civil Rights Act in real estate related transactions to include the purchase of houses and rental properties and Equal opportunitiesin banking – inEqual lending, credit and banking services –that are secured under the federal banking laws, to advocate and to expand financial literacy and to bring into reality effective partnerships –in the innovative creation of new wealth- between banks and the heretofore redlined and underserved individuals, businesses, household and neighborhoods – with special emphasis on the protected classes in the underserved Neighborhoods. The RiG is active in the advancement of the following:
To provide Equal lending opportunities for all persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, or disability and to promote integrated neighborhoods and communities as called for by the Fair Lending Laws.
To secure for the underserved black American Neighborhoods the Equal bank investments to include: Bank branches – bricks and mortar free-standing edifices, bank financed developments – stores, supermarkets, apartment complexes, office towers, hotels, and luxury mixed use developments and Community Development Loans for the stabilization and revitalization of the underserved Neighborhoods – heretofore denied by the Banks named in the banking Complaints and US Attorney Civil Rights Complaints .
To secure the equal lending in quantitative increases – sizes, amounts and terms in all of the lending categories- business, mortgages, home equity and Equal opportunities tocreate wealth to the underserved Black American Neighborhoods, businesses, individuals, and households as well as for the homeowners and new homebuyers and increased commercial lending and construction loans for the underserved Neighborhoods.
To secure for the protected class of black Americans the equal opportunity to createwealth – to include the Bank financing of Private Equity Groups, Stock Brokerage Houses, Trading Companies and Real Estate Investment Trustsas full part of the full enjoyment of equal rights secured under the banking laws CRA, ECOA, FHA – to include the Final Rule and under the Fair Lending Laws
To secure the equal Bank investments in the equal expenditures in advertising, informational services, promotion of lending and credit products and community outreach to Neighborhood Groups and in Equal charitable contributionsfor the organizations and Non-Profits in the underserved Neighborhoods.
To secure for the underserved individuals, businesses and households in the black American Neighborhoods – and other underserved communities – the equal opportunities to secure the equal credit and real estate related transactions and for the reclamation of rights denied by the Banks named in the Civil Rights Complaints and to end the systemic denial of equal opportunities in banking services.
To provide for the education and outreach to the underserved protected classes of the full enjoyment of rights secured under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act,Fair Housing Act – to include the Final Rule and under Tile VIII -1968 Civil Rights Act.
To secure the mechanisms to protect the full fair and Equal capital, lending and banking services rights and civil rights in general of the underserved individuals and Neighborhoods – with emphasis on the protected class of black Americans.
To work effectively with the banking regulatory Agencies and with the Department ofJustice to strengthen the enforcement actions and to affix, secure and enforce the Remedies pursuant to the broad remedial mission, purpose and intent of the FairHousing Actthat call for Robust Capitalized Measures (RCM) and to correct, fix and end the historical, systemic, pervasive and continuing actions (and non-actions), practices, patterns, policies, rules and procedures of the Banks named in the Civil Rights Complaints that result in the disparate impact and have the disproportionate discriminate effect and establishes the prima facie case for illegal discrimination and redlining perpetrated against the protected classes – to include the protected class of black Americans in the black American Neighborhoods in the specified Zip Codes in Houston.
In The Relentless Pursuit of Justice
Barry Simmons Chairman / Renaissance Indexes Group 7000 Fonvilla Street – Suite # 2310 Houston, Texas 77074
(713) 505-0349