Renaissance Faire Rubric
Criteria / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Appraisal
Reflects on work in progress and the completed product / Reflections are consistently insightful and include changes to design, plan, process and outcome/product / Reflections are perceptive and include changes to design, plan, process and/or outcome / Reflections are basic and include details about changes to design, plan, process and/or outcome / Reflections lack details about changes to design, plan, process and/or outcome
Possible solutions by problem solving to complete project / Plan is thorough and includes details, specifics of artifact
Chooses the best solutions during the process / Plan includes details and specifics of artifact
Chooses solutions during the process / Plan includes general details of artifact
Chooses some solutions during the process / No plan was evident
Solutions were not explored.
Create a product through teamwork / Artifact is connected to the era
Demonstrates the use of specific CTF skills
Always works collaboratively with others / Artifact is connected to the era and shows the use of CTF skills
Often works collaboratively with others / Artifact is somewhat connected to the era and shows some use of CTF skill
Sometimes works collaboratively with others / Artifact is not connected to the era and does not show use of a CTF skill
Doesn’t work collaboratively with others
What has been learned throughout the project
- Knowledge of Renaissance / Communicates a thorough understanding of the artifact and relation to the Renaissance time period. / Communicates a good understanding of the artifact and relation to the Renaissance time period / Communicates a basic understanding of the artifact and relation to the Renaissance time period / Communicates a limited understanding of to artifact and relation to the Renaissance time period
- How does your display/artifact represent the era’s worldview? (SS1) (ELA6)
- How does the idea influence today’s worldview? (SS1) (ELA6)
- Why did you choose the specific material? (CTF)
- How does your design reflect the era? (CTF)