Renaissance and Reformation Test Study Guide- total of 50 points

Format of the Test:

  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Short answer definitions
  • Short Essays

Please utilize any materials that we have covered during the unit to study including notes, past quizzes, Kahoots!, and video links embedded in the PowerPoints I have posted online. Corresponding textbook pages are posted on the “flex” page. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for making sure you have the materials needed to study. If something posted online does not work, let me know as soon as possible, not the day of your test. You also have hard copies of the notes needed to study.

Italy: The birthplace of the Renaissance

  • What conditions allowed for the start of the Renaissance in Italy?
  • What types of books are The Prince and The Courtier? Guidebooks
  • Which powerful family ruled Florence during the Renaissance? How did they gain their wealth and power? What class were they from?
  • What was the time span of the Renaissance?
  • Definitions of:








Renaissance Art

  • The main characteristics of Renaissance Art
  • Main characteristics of Art from the Middle Ages
  • Who was known as the “Renaissance Man”? Why?

Renaissance Writing

  • Be familiar with the main points that Machiavelli makes in The Prince. They are listed in your notes
  • Know which writers wrote which books, and the main ideas talked about them in each
  • Main themes of Renaissance Writing/Thinking
  • Should be able to point out elements of humanism, classicism, individualism, secularism in different works of writing from the Renaissance

Reformation/Counter Reformation

  • What factors led to the start of the Protestant Reformation? What kinds of corruption was going on in the Catholic Church?
  • What changes did Martin Luther wish to make to the Catholic Church?
  • What did John Calvin preach about?
  • Who were the Jesuits and what was their goal?
  • How did the Catholic Church counter the Protestant Reformation?
  • Definitions of:




95 theses

Diet/Edict of Worms

Council of Trent




Purgatory (how it relates to indulgences)

The Reformation Parliament

Act of Supremacy





Peace of Augsburg

Council of Trent

People to Know:

Martin Luther

Johann Tetzel

Charles V

John Wycliffe

Jan Hus


Pope Leo X

Martin Luther

John Calvin

Ignatius of Loyola

Teresa of Avila

Giralamo Savonarola

Charles Borromeo

Jane of Chantal

King Henry VIII

Henry’s Wives (6 total)

Henry’s Children- (Edward, Mary, Elizabeth)

Short Essays (Should be 1-3 paragraphs each) These will be the essay prompts seen on the test. You may use the study guide to prepare answers for both of these prompts, but may not bring notes or already constructed essays on test day. Since I will be giving you the prompts ahead of time, you will not have the opportunity to revise these short essays after they are graded.

Essay Prompt I.

King Henry VIII is infamous for his multiple marriages, and split from the Catholic Church.

  • Explain the reasons why King Henry VIII broke from the Catholic Church.
  • Name his three children who ruled after him, and which religion each ruled England under.
  • Which child do you believe was most successful and why?

Essay Prompt II.

Martin Luther was vocal about his criticisms of the Roman Catholic Church and what he believed should change. He Revolutionized the way that Europeans viewed the church and their role as worshippers.

  1. Explain who Martin Luther was, what his main problems were with the Catholic Church, and what he did to respond to these problems. Make sure to include and define vocabulary words like: indulgences, Faith in God vs. Good works, Power of the Pope, St. Peter’s Basilica, 95 Theses, Diet of Worms, and excommunication.