The Weekly SERMON
Volume No. 2017 Issue No. 16 Date May 21, 2017
Publication of the BIBLE BAPTIST MINISTRY, 48 Alexie Rd, Hanover Township, PA 18706
Phone: 570.829.5216
Here are SEVEN SUGGESTIONS for teaching children the importance of the House of God.
Number 1: By example, teach them the importance of the church. Forcing a child to attend church services will not turn him against the church. It will be the hypocrisy in the home that makes a shallow mockery of the church. There should be no question concerning attendance at Sunday school, Sunday morning, Sunday evening, Wednesday evening or any other special service. Parents themselves must build and maintain the right habit of being here for every service at all cost.
Number 2: Start preparation on Saturday night. Prepare for Sunday like the very important day it is. Remind everyone that it's the day to worship the Lord of Lord's, the King of Kings!
Number 3: Never criticize the church, the pastor or the staff before your children. Listen, “No church is perfect, so if you think you’ve found the perfect church, don't join it, you'll ruin it!" It is inevitable; you are bound to find things wrong with your church. However, avoid being critical of the pastor, the leaders, or the members of your church in front of your children. Instead of criticizing, pray for your church, pastor and staff in the presence of your children.
Number 4: Discuss their Sunday school lesson at home through-out the week. Encourage your child's work in the C-Clubs and with your teenagers discuss life and life's events in light of the Word of God.
Number 5: Teach your children to be selfless. Teach them the joy of helping others. Take them out soul-winning with you. Encourage them to give out tracts everywhere.
Number 6: Teach them church manners. From I Timothy 3:15, we read “But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.” Here are my four, simple, church manners to teach your children:
1. No talking, no chewing gum or leaving.
2. Sit up, listen and sing along from the hymn book.
3. Be quiet during the specials and offering.
4. Follow the Preacher in the Bible and take notes on the sermons.
Number 7: Do not let other activities take priority over church services.
Church services ought to be more important than school functions.
Church services ought to be more important than any sports activity.
Church services ought to have first priority over a picnic outing or a visit to relatives.
The first time you allow any other activity to come ahead of church time, YOU LOSE! The next time it will be easier to miss. Remember, church time is a family affair. God said, "…remove not the ancient landmarks." If children are not brought to church, taught to go to the house of God, they will go off and get away from it! Again in Deuteronomy 27:17 God said, "Cursed be he that removeth his neighbor's landmark. And all the people shall say, Amen."
May God's blessing be upon you this week as you read and meditate on the first message from Ephesians 6:1-4 “What makes a Strong Family?” To easily access the Weekly SERMON message go to and click on the http:// link at the bottom of this page.
In His Amazing Grace
Pastor David Miklas