The CSS Peer Exchange is designed to allow participants to share their experiences in CSS implementation. The majority of the sessions are facilitated discussions. The success of these sessions depends on attendeessharing both the good things they are doing and the challenges they are facing. In addition, there is time on the agenda to begin developing individual state action plansto advance CSS implementation within the State DOTs.
This pre-conference assessment is being provided to you to enhance your ability to share during the peer exchange and to identify items to be included in theState DOT action plan. This information is for your informational purposes only andwill not be collected or evaluated at the conference. We appreciate your help in making this conference a more valuable experience for you and your peers.
Instructions: For each question, identify strengths and gaps/challenges that your agency is experiencing in implementing context sensitive solutions.
STRENGTHS / GAPS/CHALLENGESOrganization-Wide Implementation
Has your agency formally adopted a set of CSS principles or a definition of CSS? (If yes, indicate under“Strengths” the primary conceptsincluded in that definition.)
Have your leaders communicated a clear vision for your CSS implementation?
If yes, do they communicate it regularly internally and externally? How?
(Note: “Vision” in this context means a clear statement of how the organization will be different once CSS is integrated fully.)
Does your State DOT have an action plan to support CSS implementation? If yes, is it formal or informal? What are the major strategies or tasks that are included in it?
Agency Actions
Has your State DOT revised policies, procedures, or standards to incorporate CSS principles?
If yes, have these been implemented so that everyone in organization is using them?
Has your State DOT developed any CSS-based partnering agreements with outside stakeholders, such as communities, resource/regulatory agencies, non-governmental organizations?
If yes, have theagreements been implemented throughout the organization?
Are CSS principles being used during long-range planning, programming, construction, maintenance and/or operations activities?
If yes, how is that reflected in their work and in their relationships with partners/stakeholders?
Does the State DOT use CSS-based multi-disciplinary teams?
If yes, for projects, who is typically included (internal to DOT by function and external to DOT by organization or group represented)?
Are external representatives included on teams formed to support organizational change CSS activities (e.g., revisions of policies, procedures, or processes, development of training curriculum)?
Has CSS changed the way your organization collects and uses stakeholder input? How?
Do you have formalized procedures that incorporate stakeholder input in a substantive way into the department’s decision-making?
Has your State DOT provided specific CSS training?
If yes, who has received CSS training (functional areas and level in organization)?
Has your State DOT integrated CSS principles and its CSS vision into its overall training classes and/or program? If so, how?
Has your State DOT provided training to managers and executives on their role in leading/supporting CSS implementation?
Does your agency open its CSS training opportunities to outside participants? If so, who can register for your training and what types of training are provided?
Agency Commitment
Has the agency’s definition/principles of CSS, CSS vision, and implementation plans been communicated internally and externally? If yes, how?
Does your State DOT have a CSS award program? If yes, who or what can be recognized (for example, a specific project, an individual, a team)?
Has your State DOT conducted any evaluation of the effectiveness of the organization-wide CSS implementation? If yes, what has it shown? What measures have been used?
Are State DOT customers or partners providing feedback to the agency regarding the effectiveness of the CSS implementation? If yes, how?
Has the State DOT made changes or adjustments in its CSS implementation in response to this feedback?
Pre-Conference Self-Assessment (AASHTO/FHWA CSS Peer Exchange, September 6-8, 2006)Page 1 of 4