Remove, Destroy or Lop a Tree
VicSmart is a streamlined planning permit process. This checklist can be used as an indicator for eligibility and application requirements.
Once this checklist is completed, please confirm the application prior to lodgement with council’s VicSmart Planner either in person at 100 Brougham Street, Geelong, or via email at
Applications must have all of the required documentation set out in this checklist when lodging. If you do not supply all the documentation or correct documentation, your application will not be accepted. You will be asked to re-submit at a later date once all the required information is prepared and ready.
1.Is the subject site within one of the following overlays:
- Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO)
- Vegetation Protection Overlay (VPO)
- Significant Landscape Overlay (SLO)
*If you answered yes, continue to question 2
*If you answered no, your application is noteligible for VicSmart
2.Do you require a planning permit under Clause 52.17 (Native Vegetation)?
*If you answered no, pleaseidentify the exemption ……………………………………………………………. …
*If you answered yes, your application is noteligible for VicSmart
Continued on next page…
3.Are you applying to remove a tree in a Heritage Overlay where tree controls apply in the Schedule to the Heritage Overlay?
*If you answered no, continue through to the checklist
*If you answered yes, your application is noteligible for VicSmart
Note: If a proposal falls into more than one VicSmart Class of application, the information requirements of each class apply and the corresponding checklist should be completed.
Have you attended a pre-application meeting? / YES NOIf yes, who attended the meeting?
...... Date......
For all Vic Smart planning applications the following MUST be provided: / ProvidedA completed Vic Smart application form
Signed declaration on the application form
A full current copy of Title for the land, including current ownership details, title plan and a full copy of any registered covenants, restrictions or Section 173 Agreements that apply to the land. (The Copy of Title must be clearly legible and no older than 30 days.) A copy of Title can be obtained from .
The prescribed application fee (refer to fee schedule)
*Note: The council may reduce the information that you need to provide but cannot ask for more information than listed. Please check the information requirements with council. The following information must be provided as appropriate.If the tree to be removed, destroyed or lopped is identified as a significant tree in the schedule to the overlay, a report prepared by an arborist.
3 copies of a layout plan drawn to scale and fully dimensioned showing:
- The location, shape, size and slope of the site.
- The location of the tree to be removed, destroyed or lopped.
- The location and type of other significant vegetation on the site.
- The location, species and height of any significant trees that have been removed or approved to be removed in the past 3 years.
A written statement that describes:
- The species, height and trunk girth of the tree to be removed, destroyed or lopped.
- The reason the tree is to be removed, destroyed or lopped.
- If provision is to be made to replace the tree elsewhere on the land.
- If the tree is to be lopped, the extent of lopping proposed.
A photograph of the tree to be removed, destroyed or lopped.
If you have any further queries, please contact the Statutory Planning Unit directly on the contact details below or visit 100 Brougham Street, Geelong between 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday and ask for the VicSmart Planner.
Telephone: (03) 5272 4456