Principal Newsletter

May 2017

This school year is almost over. I can't believe how quickly the time flies when there is lots of learning going on. The testing Olympics were kicked off on April 17. We had opening ceremonies and our testing Olympians marched through our halls with their class flag being cheered on by other students in the building. It was loud and lots of fun. Saturday, April 22, Comcast Cares was held at Hayden Peak. We had over 600 volunteers come to the school and help with landscaping and cleaning projects outside and inside the building. The school grounds look fantastic, and the inside has never looked better. Thank you to all who volunteered and made Comcast Cares Day such a success.

As we wind down the year, we wanted to celebrate some of the things that have happened at Hayden Peak Elementary this school year. Each of the grade levels were asked to share some of the things they are proud of this year.

From 6th Grade: On March 2 all of our sixth grade students had the opportunity to participate in Elementary Engineering Day at the University of Utah. Prior to the field trip each student made a catapult. Through a series of catapult competitions four students were chosen to represent Hayden Peak at the Elementary Engineering Day. Competing from Hayden Peak were Nicole K., Jackson C., Andrew G., andGavin O. Those four students had the opportunity to compete with four other school’s winners. We are proud to announce that Nicole K. from Mrs. Smith’s class was the overall winner. We also had winners from Hayden Peak in several other engineering completions. Lindsey N., Broc G., and Cameron P. won the straw tower competition. Zach P., Keegan A. and McKay H. won the slowest fish competition.Overall Hayden Peak 6th grade was awarded $300.00 to spend on math and science supplies. It was a privilege to participate in this activity.

From 3rd Grade: This year 3rd grade has had big events in both social studies and science. In connection with learning about the symbols of our country, we put on a Veteran's Day program for the school and for the veterans in our community. The students did an amazing job sharing songs and messages about our country and our veterans. In science, we learned about simple machines. The students built their own simple machines and put on a fair to share them with parents and other students.

From 1st Grade: First grade started off the school year by learning about the 7 Habits. We read stories and learned some fun songs with actions to help us remember each habit. We have reviewed our songs and actions throughout the school year. We had a great time celebrating the 100th day of school in February. We did counting projects and activities to help us appreciate how much 100 actually is. We celebrated Dr. Seuss Day in March. We read Dr. Seuss books and made hats. We also had a read-a-thon in our first grade hall. We are really looking forward to our field trip to the zoo on May 2nd!

From 4th Grade: 4th grade has been busy learning all about Utah this school year! In Science we learned all about Utah's environments, animals, soil, and plant needs. We also learned about all the types of rocks and fossils found in Utah and how they are formed. We are working hard at learning the Utah songs in preparation for our "Utah, This is the Place" performance on May 26th at 9am. All are invited to attend!

From Kindergarten: This year in kindergarten has been exciting and full of new things! We had a fun, fall field trip to Thanksgiving Point's farm country where we learned about how animals prepare for winter. In November, Miss Brooke became Mrs. Graham! In December and January we got to explore the world through mapping and "visiting" one country from each continent. March found us celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday with our dads, and now here we are the end of April and rapidly approaching the end of the year. We have loved the time we got to spend with our buddies from 5th & 6th grade and we are looking forward to culture day and our Mother's Day celebration coming up. We can't believe how fast the time has gone, but we are going to soak up every last bit of fun we can before the year is done!

From 2nd grade: This year in 2nd grade we learned all about author's purpose. We learned that Author's Purpose is easy as PIE!! We made apple pies to remind us! We also learned all about animals and their habitats. The students didanimal reports and pop ups to show their learning. We also learned all about other cultures as we studied Christmas around the world. We have had a blast learning new things in 2nd grade this year!!

From 5th grade: This year our fifth graders have had a guest teacher come in to give them enrichment lessons from the Junior Achievement program. These lessons apply entrepreneurial thinking to the workplace and allow students to learn the value of contributing to their communities. The best part will be their culminating activity on June 1st. The entire fifth grade will have the opportunity to visit Junior Achievement City's BizTown! For this all-day field trip experience, the fifth grade is going to need many chaperones to be sure their students have the best possible experience putting their learned skills to work as they become adults for the day.

We have a really great year and can't wait to see what the future holds! Have a great rest of the school year and summer and we will see you next year!