
A Remote Work Site Program (RWS) is available for consideration by the employee and Supervisor. This telecommuting program will help support circumstances or situations where working remotely is a more effective, efficient and mutually beneficial option than returning/reporting to an Agency center. Working remotely, which may include working from home or at a location other than an Agency facility, is intended to enhance employee productivity by supporting different work styles, improving efficiencies, encouraging use of available technologies, reducing drive time and reducing mileage-related expenses for both the Agency and the employee.


The Remote Work Site Program will be available for Contracted and Salaried employees. The option is not available to hourly employees due to the legal requirements for monitoring the work time of hourly staff.

The Remote Work Site Program is a privilege that may be granted under appropriate circumstances to employees whose job responsibilities are suited to such an arrangement, and each request to telecommute will be considered on an individual basis.

Staff members and their supervisors are responsible for determining the best possible work situation for each employee. This may include the flexibility to work from home, an assigned school-based site, and/or an Agency Center as appropriate and effective. In cases where employees wish to request the opportunity to work remotely, eligibility for the program will be determined at the supervisor’s discretion using the following criteria:

1)  The employee has worked for the Agency for at least two years. (Criterion may be waived at the discretion of the Superintendent)

2)  The employee is in good standing with the Agency (is not on an assistance plan or has not been subject to a disciplinary action within the past two years).

3)  The employee is salaried and not hourly.

4)  The employee has an established record of productivity and sound decision making.

5)  The employee has demonstrated good time management skills.

6)  The job functions are compatible with working remotely and the work lends itself to measured or monitored productivity.

7)  The employee ensures there is adequate workspace, internet and telephone access in the home (as reported by employee).

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Guidelines and Requirements

When employees receive approval to work remotely or from home employees understand and agree:

1) The program is voluntary. The employee’s participation is a privilege and may be terminated at any time for any reason at the Agency’s discretion.

2) Remote work site is defined as approval for an employee to work from home or a location other than an Agency facility and that site shall serve as the employee’s primary office space. Dedicated work space in an Agency Center is not provided for employees who participate in the Remote Work Site Program, however participating employees will have access to Agency facilities including temporary work space.

3) For 2013-14 the application to participate in the remote work site program must be completed by the employee and submitted to the supervisor by Sept 1 for consideration. Subsequent applications shall be completed by May 1 for the following school year.

4) Employees must document work time and work locations on their weekly Outlook schedules and work schedules are subject to approval by the supervisor. The employee’s work calendar and schedule must be current and accurate at all times. Changes to the schedule are to be reported to the supervisor in advance or, when this is not possible, as soon as reasonably feasible.

5) Wherever work is conducted during normal work hours employees must be accessible via phone, email, or other communication technology as appropriate (when not in meetings with teachers, administrators, children, parents, AEA or fellow IESBVI staff).

6) Working remotely is not to be used as flexible scheduling. Work hours are the same as Agency hours or, if assigned to schools, the hours that staff would normally be expected to serve clients/schools.

7) Employees must be on site as necessary to attend meetings, collaborate with colleagues, and participate in training events or other work-related activities as assigned by their supervisor.

8) Employees are responsible for maintaining a safe and productive environment in which to work. Any work injury should be reported to the supervisor and Human Resources within 24 hours of injury.

9) Employees are responsible for the safety and security of all Agency property and confidential information. It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure their homeowners or renters insurance covers injury arising out of or relating to business use of the home.

10)  Employees shall not use their home as a place to provide direct services or to meet with clients.

11)  Employees who are unable to work due to illness or who wish to be relieved from work responsibilities for personal reasons must report their absence to their supervisor. Telecommuting is not intended to be used in place of leave that is available and/or applicable. Telecommuting is also not to serve as a substitute for child or adult care. If children or adults in need of primary care are in the alternate work location during employee work hours, some other individual must be present to provide the care or the employee is to report the absence.

12)  Employees are not authorized to work remotely when their assigned schools are closed due to inclement weather or for other reasons. When assigned schools are closed due to weather employees must make up the missed work time through a calendar change or appropriate leave as approved by the supervisor. Supervisor approval is required for any exceptions related to Agency needs.

13)  Employees will be assigned to an Agency Center for the purpose of mail delivery and mileage reimbursement. Mileage related to business travel shall be reported and claimed as usual.

When using their homes as a remote work site, employees assume responsibility for operating costs, office equipment, home maintenance and other associated costs. IESBVI will not modify or make other changes to an employee’s personal or real property.

14)  The Agency may cover loss of Agency property used by employees participating in the remote work site program due to theft, fire, flood, etc. but does not assume liability for the employee’s home, property, belongings, family or guests.

Materials, Supplies and Technology Support

1)  Employees are provided a computer.

2)  Cell phone assignment is available at the Agency as established in procedure.

3)  General office supplies are available through the standard supply procedures with the partner AEA.

4)  Employees are not to purchase supplies directly for remote work site use without prior approval of supervisor.

5)  Employees must ensure sufficient Internet connectivity for remote work site use at the employee’s expense.

6)  Technology support is available by phone or by bringing Agency equipment to the Vinton Center.

7)  Technology policies regarding the use of Agency computers, email, etc. apply even when the Agency technology is connected to a home network.

8)  Employees may be reimbursed for printer supplies (e.g., ink cartridges, paper) of up to $100 per year for business printing use.

9)  The employee will return all equipment and materials to IESBVI when the Remote Worksite Program agreement ends

Tax Information

For tax purposes, employees may not deduct home office expenses when working from home based on the following reasons:

¨  Working from home is voluntary and not an Agency requirement.

¨  Meeting with clients in the home is not permitted.

Employees are advised to consult their tax accountant for specific advice regarding their individual situations.

Administrative Procedures

1)  When an employee requests and is approved to work from home or any other alternate location, it is understood the employee accepts and assumes responsibility for adhering to the criteria and expectations outlined in this document.

2)  Supervisors are responsible to approve employee participation in the Remote Work Site Program and send the completed application to the Human Resources Office.

3)  The HR Office will be responsible for recording and maintaining records of which employees are participating in the Remote Work Site Program.

4)  Employees must re-apply for program participation each year. After 2013-14, completed application forms must be submitted to the supervisor by May 1 for the upcoming work year.

5)  Agency administration will review this program on an ongoing basis and make changes as needed or desired.

6)  Given a reasonable technological, business or safety reason, IESBVI may inspect work areas with the employee present.

Remote Work Site Program

Application and Agreement Form

Employee: Supervisor:

Job Title: Assigned Center:

1.  Describe how participation in the Remote Work Site (RWS) Program will increase or improve your productivity.

2.  List the potential support(s) you need in order to successfully participate in the RWS Program.

3.  What is the possible negative impact of not working from an office site upon communication and customer service (to schools and to our own staff) and how will you attempt to minimize that impact?

4.  For insurance recordkeeping purposes, please provide a) the location of the remote work site that will serve as your primary office space, b) a description of the designated work space at your remote work site (e.g., desk in study, table in dining room) and a description of how you will keep confidential information secure?

By initiating this application, employee acknowledges receipt of the RWS Program Overview and employee has read, understands and agrees to all of the following program provisions (employee is to initial each provision*):

_____ Purpose _____ Materials, Supplies & Tech Support

_____ Eligibility _____ Tax Information

_____ Guidelines and Responsibilities _____ Administrative Procedures


Employee Signature Date

Employee e-mails this electronic form to his or her supervisor.


  Not Approved (Reason)


Supervisor emails this form to Human Resources, secretary and employee.

*A typed name and/or initials shall constitute a signature.

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