
Information and Reminders

Reminders from the Federation Office

The SWFWI Autumn Council Meeting will be on Wednesday 18th October 2017 at Thurston Community College

The Federation Annual Meeting will be held on 26th April 2018 at the Apex, in Bury St Edmunds

The NFWI Annual Meeting will be on 6th June 2018 in Cardiff

Further details of these will follow

NFWI Annual Meeting 2017: Delegates, please contact your Link WI to let them have your report from the Annual Meeting as soon as you can. Link WIs – have you heard from your Delegate? If not please contact them or call the office and we can help.

We are still awaiting Year Book Forms, Decisions and Bylaws forms and Financial Statements from some WI. We cannot produce the 2017-18 Year Book until we have all forms in following your AGM. Please send these in as soon as possible. Thank you


Federation Resolution Mandate Update: Please make your Members aware of how SWFWI will be acting on this Mandate, and what your WI can also do

Resolution Process for 2018 – explained in the enclosed flyer

WI News Order form for October 2017- September 2018.Please complete this by 16th August 2017 at the latest, as we need to inform the Printers.

Denman Brochures: the new Denman Brochure is available and there is one enclosed with lots of exciting courses, including some special events such as the literary lunches and the Mother and Daughter Weekend. Denman are also offering courses across Europe! Please phone the office if you require a copy. Please also let your members know about the Denman Bursaries which could help with costs, details of which are enclosed. Please note the closing date for applications is 14th July 2017.

Janet Brown, who is your Denman Ambassador, would be happy to visit your WI to talk about Denman. Janet can be contacted on 01359 251604.


2018 NFWI DIARY ORDERS: We are still taking orders for the NFWI diaries. Order these now to avoid disappointment; these may not be available later in the year.

NFWI request for information for WI Life: WI Life wants to know your WI’s exciting summer plans - perhaps you’re celebrating something, planning an event or taking part in festival? Whatever it is, they would love to know about it for a summer round-up feature in the September issue.Please send brief details, caption info and good quality photos to by 24 July, with the subject line ‘Summer’.Please bear in mind that they can only reproduce good quality photographs in the magazine, so please send them in as high a resolution as possible and as individual attachments – no collages and not embedded in Word documents. Please send them directly to Hattie Parish, Editorial Assistant on WI LifeHattie

My WI website: This launchedat the NFWI meeting in early June. To access the new website all members email addresses must be correct on MCS. (When entering an email address it is important to save that information before adding them as an ‘online learner’) Each person with an email address on the MCS will receive/will have received a logging in email from NFWI. Please remind members to check their email address is up to date with your MCS representative to enable them to access this new area.

2017 MAILING DATES FOR THE WI NEWS: July 20th , August 24th , September 21st , October 19th, November 23rd and December 14th 2017



Singing Workshop Wednesday 30th August St Peter and St Paul rooms at Lavenham Village Hall 7.30pm start. Members only

Play Reading SessionMonday 25th September at Park Farm.10am – 12 noon. Come and join in with our friendly drama group

An Audience with Peter Lawrence on 24th November 2017. This is a Members only event. Peter Lawrence will speak on ‘Art on the London Streets’ and the event, which costs £20.00, will include a two course lunch. Please book early to avoid disappointment.


Flower Arranging Demonstration 14th July at Woolpit Village Hall.Still a few spaces left. This event is taking place in the same venue as the Coronation Cup competition, so you will also have the chance to view this year’s entries. The Sports Committee is also arranging a walking event on this date, from the Woolpit Village Hall.

Save the Date: 23rd October 2017 - Willow Weaving Workshop, at Sturmer Village Hall. More details to follow soon


Walk around Woolpit Friday 14thJuly – A Coronation Cup Day event – A walk around the village of Woolpit including visits to the Museum and Church. Only the 4-5pm walk is available now. Leisure are also organising a Flower Arranging Demonstration in the evening so why not make an outing of it?

NEW Walk around Glemsford Thursday 14th September 2017. 3.5 miles over undulating terrain, with good company and lovely scenery. Refreshments will be available to purchase afterwards.

Whist Luncheon Tuesday 17th October 10am for 10.30am-3pm. Come and play whist, no partners needed! Cost £11 to include tea/coffee and a delicious lunch. Members only.

Additional Speakers up to December 2017

Additional speakers’ details given to SWFWI after publication date of the current speaker directory are shown below. Please note that these speakers do not come with recommendation and have not auditioned for their place in the Speaker Directory. If you would like details of other speakers on our additional list please do not hesitate to contact the office

Update to current Speaker Book:

Margo Harrison who gives a talk on ‘Hearing Dogs for the Deaf’ and is in our current Speaker Directory is now licensed to give demonstrations with her dog Pebbles, showing how Pebbles assists her.

Other information:

Glemsford WIhas a trip to the National Holocaust Centre at Newark on Thursday 27th July. To book please call Loretta Edwardsdirectly on r telephone 01787 280141.

Suffolk Libraries are holding additional mobile library sessions within our Federation area. Moreton Hall and Red Lodge will both have a new Library Service each in addition to their existing provision. For further information please see

Yum Yum Tree Fudge – Now taking bookings for talks (with fudge to sample and buy) for February and March 2018. To book them please contact Adrian and Lily Turnerat Several WI rate them highly!!

Driving Miss Daisy – Community Companion Driving Service. Enclosed this month is a leaflet which this company has asked us to distribute.

Dance Classes – Fridays 10am–11am @ Risby Village Hall (IP28 6RT) 23rd June – 21st July. New comers always welcome. First Class Free!!! Contact Jo: 0774 64 70 774

Information was correct at the time of printing

For further details on events or for any WI enquiries, please call Michelle or Rachel on 01284 336645 or Email: . Suffolk West Federation of WIs, Unit 11, Park Farm Business Centre, Fornham St Genevieve, Suffolk IP28 6TS

Charity Number 229035