Rememberings:The Roots of Our VoicesFinal Portfolio
We have found your voices, the connections to other voices of difference, and the stories of cultural roots and communication rich and challenging. You have been a learning community that enjoyed eating, talking, and engaging with each other. You have shown a strong will to probe and question—to give voice to understanding and memory. Thank you for being on this journey with us this quarter. Carol & Jane
A Final Portfolio for this class means a place to gather your work, reflect on what you have learned, and evaluate your own education. You should go back and read the course syllabus to see what we said there about our goals and expectations for the class. Include in the portfolio the final essays and other papers with feedback from the teachers. Place the essays in a three-hole paper/plastic folder—one where the pages can be turned. You may create a cover page for your folder if you feel creative.
Critical Reading and Writing:3 longer papers, 9 seminar papers
Step#1. Read over your longer papers and decide if you are going to do any further revision. Don’t just make editing or surface changes, but decide if you want to make substantive changes in one paper. If you do decide to revise a paper, you must include the last graded paper and the current revised one with a short preface that explains your revision process--this should not be quick editing or only proofreading. This is the place to show your improvement in critical writing.
Step #2: Gather and look over the seminar papers. Place these in order from newest to oldest. Write a 1-2 page reflection about any change over time that you see in your writing of these papers. Also, use this examination to evaluate your seminar skills and how these papers helped you to be involved in seminars as a way to become a better critical reader and see communication across cultures. Place this writing at the beginning of your seminar papers.
Multicultural Communication: 1 case study + lectures + films+ class activities
Step#3: Write a 1-3 page reflection about what you have learned about culture, difference, and multicultural communication. To prepare this writing, read over your Communication Case Study, think about working in small and the larger group and reflect on your learning and understanding as a communicator. Think about the communication aspects and learning that we have done this quarter. Think about the time spent talking about culture and your own identity and understandings.Reflect on your engagement in this community. Have you felt safe to express yourself? What aspects of the course might have been challenging for you as a communicator? Have you become more sensitive and aware of power and privilege and differences of gender or culture? Is there anything else you want to say about your voice or your learning? Give examples as you write.
Step #4: This course is called integrated studies where we use multiple perspectives or interdisciplinary thinking to create the course as a learning community. Write a short paper to answer the questions below:
- How have the learning models of this course (seminar, small group, essay writing, films, etc.) helped or not helped you learn the themes, content, and issues of this course?
- How do you think the learning approach in this course will affect you in future academic and life experiences (professional and personal)?
- How were you able to develop more complex questions that broadened and deepened your inquiry of the themes in our class because the course material was inter-related and presented within one course?
NOTE: Be Proud of your accomplishments in our class. Use the compilation of your work and your reflective writing to present your work and think about what you have learned. You will have an opportunity on the FINAL Self-evaluation to further comment and grade your work in this class.