1.Secure a locationthatwill comfortablyhold thenumber ofparticipantsyou areanticipating
2.Be sureyou have thetechnical capabilityatthe location
TechnicalRequirement-Forthe bestviewingexperience,be sure yourcomputermeetstherequirementslistedbelow:
1.Broadband InternetConnection suchas: DSL,CableorT1.
Sorry,wedonotsupportspeeds ofdial-up InternetConnections.
2. If applicable,discussfirewalls, etcwith districtITpersonnelPRIORto the broadcasttoinsurethe systemserverwill notblocktransmission
1.Operating System:Windows 8, Windows 7,WindowsVista,WindowsXPServicePack2
2.Intel®Pentium®4 2.33GHzor fasterprocessor(orequivalent)
1.Operating System:AppleMacOS X10.4(Intel)or above
2.IntelCore™ Duo1.33GHzor fasterprocessor
3.Be sureyou have theequipmentnecessary
d.Speakers/sound systemforthecomputer--sound willstreamfromcomputer
4.Considerinviting DIFFERENTgroupsof peopleforthedifferentdays—peoplemaybeabletoattendonedaybut not both…CreateCrossstakeholderteams—don’tforgettoincludecommunity and parentleaders!REMEMBER-YOU PAY FORONEREGISTRATION BUT CAN HAVEAS MANYAT YOURLOCATION ASYOUCAN HANDLE!!!WHATA DEAL! AND for only $25 more, you can have the DVD to use as often as you wish!
- Thursday, March 8:Legal Issues: Actualizing the Promise- Julie Weatherly, Esq
- Friday, March 9:MTSS for Behavior: Creating a Full Continuum of Prevention and Positive Interventions: For ALL Students including those with mental health and trauma-related needs-Dr. Randy Sprick
5.Designate someone as an “onsite Facilitators.” You need someone “in charge” at your site, participating…not just roaming in and out. You need someone who can engage your participants. We will be building in some Think-Pair-Share time and we will provide you additional resources and hints for facilitating the meeting with suggestions from our presenters!
6.Create Crossstakeholderteams:GeneralEducation/Special Education /EnglishLanguageLearners;Teachersand Administrators,Related ServiceProviders;Elementary,MiddleSchool,High School—anddon’tforgetto includecommunityand parentleaders! Consider starting a Community of Practice on Mental Health! (for resources n CoPs go to: )
7.Remember to considerinviting your2nd, 3rdand 4thtier administrators—thosewhooften don’teven getto
gotostateconferences—foryou,itmaybe theteachersyou haveidentified asthepeopleyouwant toencourageto moveinto theADMINtrack!This is agreatwayto “grow” our replacements!
8.Considerincludingpersonsfromtechnical schools/colleges and universities.Thishybridconferenceis agreatopportunitytobringhigh level speakersacrosssomecutting edgefieldsto yourcommunity! Use this as an opportunity to have quality dialog with partner groups!
9.Advertise theconferenceday(s)and besurepeoplesetasidethe time–ifyouare doing it tooclosetoyour/theiroffice, thetemptationwill begreatto stopbytheoffice. Considerthisa conferencejustasthough youweregoing totravel toonebutyou arejustsavingthe travel$$$...thetimemustbededicated to theconferenceschedule. We will provide you with a Flyer template for you to add your information!
10.If you need/want to charge aregistration feetocovermeals/snacks,materials,supplies, etc,thatis perfectlyfine—we are ok with you even making extra $!We just want to get the great information out to everyone! Considerusing partofthemoney you would havespenton traveling toa nationalconferenceintothe snacks/meals…makethis a fun learning experience!
11.Rememberthetimeschedulespublished byCASEareEASTERN TIME…whenyouadvertise—usetheconvertedtimeforyourtimezone—once you register, we will provide you with a schedule based on YOUR Time Zone!
12.Planbreaks/activitiesduring thepublished breaktimes…we willbeveryrespectful ofour Virtual Sites! Consider asking vendors you use to “sponsor” your food, etc.
13.Encouragethevirtualvendortimetoexplorethesevendors/sponsors—considerinviting thelocal/regionalrepsof the vendorsto yourmeeting!
14.Keep attendanceand letusknowtheattendeesandtheirroles!
15.If youcanofferCEU orothercreditforthehoursspent—makethosearrangementsand advertisetheoffering!
16.CASE can provideyou witha templatefora certificateof attendanceif youwouldlikeone.
17.Participate intheafternoon “Townhall” meeting andkeep notes onwhatthediscussion questionsandsuggestionsareand theconsensusof yourgroup--post on CASE Facebook and/or email to as we will work on post conference work products using your input!
18.Begin communicatingwithyour attendeesthroughFacebookand Twittertoencouragethem toparticipatethrough bothsocialmediasduring theconference—CASE
#2018CASEWinter @casecec.
a.Considergiving a crashcourseon theuse of bothjustpriortotheconference orduring one ofthebreaks—bestresourcesforthis10minutecrash course—high schooland collegestudents!
b.Takedigitalpicturesduring thesessions anduploadthemto the conference App, CASEFacebookpageand/ortweetthem.
c.Use theCASEFacebook page toaskdiscussionquestions
d.Every time you tweet or post on Facebook, we will enter your name into a drawing for special prizes!