Nick At Night Political Politics Who Dat In Da House We Put The Big In Business Waldo Is Here
In 1880’s they Won the Election Led the AFL Andrew Carnegie City home to Angel
favored the old of 1880 Island
spoils system
In the 1880’s they Replaced Garfield Led the Hull Houses J P Mogan University created by
favored civil service as President when Rockefeller was here
reform he died
Common name for Won the election of Devoted to teaching AA’s John D Rockefeller The Apache often fought
the IWW of 1884 a vocational trade rather in this home state
than 4 year colleges
Name for political The death of VP Family in the south that Cornelius Vanderbilt State that saw Custers
party in early 1880’s Hendricks in 1885 became wealthy due to Last Stand
supporting Midwest led to this Act to machine made cigarettes
Independent Rep’s Pres. candidate was Shot and killed President Leland Stanford State that became the
supporting Cleveland James Weaver of Garfield leading producer of Steel
and civil service Iowa in 1880 in the South
Personalities of Potpourri Help Im In Labor Unique Tidbits Whatever He- Man
the Times
She wrote The Broke up monopolies Membership over Stage variety shows 1st million dollar Wrote the Influence of
Century of Dishonor 600,000, led by popular in 1880’s sport in America Seapower starting
William Sylvis imperialistic America
The face of Scientific Inner city fire trap Opened doors to Leading names in the 1891 invented in a McKinley’s VP
Management apartments immigrants, led by circus industry YMCA
Terrence Powderly
Owned the NY They went from Known by the sledge Popular amusements Introduced urban Won the election of
Herald, 1st to reach 12th in the world to hammer, most radical took off with his roll revivalism in the US 1892
100,000 people 3rd due to steel union of all film invention
1890 tariff took his 1st research based Strike brought an end Developed the 1st Most immigrants Won the election of
name on it graduate study in to the million member steam engine driven joined this religious 1896
in US Knights of Labor oil rig denomination
Won the election of The case that created Carnegie’s strike was Made electricity more Joel Chandler Harris Democrat in the
1888 the ICC also called this affordable in the US children’s book 1896 election