All the bidders who are quoted for Tender No: 7.1/APMSIDC/2017-18, Dated: 17.08.2017., (Bids received on dt: 18.09.2017). Supply, Installation, Testing and Training of Medical Equipment to DEIC's in 13 Districts in Andhra Pradesh are hereby requested to send their objections regarding the remarks of Preliminary Technical Evaluation Report which is placed in website within three days i.e. by 11.00 A.M on 09.10.2017.
Mail ID: .
Date: 05.10.2017.
As per the above Qualification Criteria, the tender documents (on-line documents submitted by the participated firm) are evaluated and the details are as follows,
S. No / General Information / M/s Bhaskar Agency / Remarks /1 / Process Fee 5725/- / Pg. No.1 Enclosed
DD. No:626186
Dt:15.09.2017 for an Amt of Rs.5,725/-from: Andhra Bank / Complies
2 / EMD Presence of Bid Security / 1) Pg. No.3 Enclosed
DD. No:626180
Dt:15.09.2017 for an Amt of Rs.3200/- from Andhra Bank for Elevator set
2.Pg. No.3 Enclosed
DD. No:626181
Dt:15.09.2017 for an Amt of Rs.1800/- from Andhra Bank for Composite Filling Instrument kit
3)Pg. No.3 Enclosed
DD. No:626182
Dt:15.09.2017for an Amt of Rs.800/- from Andhra Bank for Dental electric brushless micro motor
4) Pg. No.5 Enclosed
DD. No:626177
Dt:15.09.2017 for an Amt of Rs.72,000/-from Andhra Bank for BERA with ASSR with both insert phone and head phone
5) Pg. No.5 Enclosed
DD. No:626178
Dt:15.09.2017 for an Amt of Rs.12000/-from Andhra Bank for Dental chair with all the required attachments and specifications
6.) Pg. No.5 Enclosed
DD. No:626179
Dt:15.09.2017 for an Amt of Rs.8200/- from Andhra Bank for Table top Front loading Autoclave (Electrical)
7.) Pg. No.7 Enclosed
DD. No:626174
Dt:15.09.2017 for an Amt of Rs.22,000/-from Andhra Bank for Audio meter
8.) Pg. No.7 Enclosed
DD. No:626175
Dt:15.09.2017 for an Amt of Rs.22,000/- from Andhra Bank for OAE Screener
9.) Pg. No.7 Enclosed
DD. No:626176
Dt:15.09.2017 for an Amt of Rs.90,000/-from Andhra Bank for Portable Tympanometry Instruments
10) Pg. No.9 Enclosed
DD. No:626184
Dt:15.09.2017 for an Amt of Rs.3500/- from Andhra Bank for Hand scaler
11) Pg. No.9 Enclosed
DD. No:626188
for an Amt of Rs.17,500/-from Andhra Bank for Automatic water Distiller / Complies
3 / Bid Form Section VII-A / Pg. No.11 Enclosed
Period of delivery: 60 days
Bid validity days against 90 days. / Complies
4 / List of items offered with Make and Model details without prices (Technical Brochures are Mandatory) On Company/Firm Letter head / Pg. No.15 Enclosed
List of items.
Pg. No:17 – 23 Technical Brochures Enclosed / Complies only for 1.OAE Screener, 2.Audiometer, 3.Bera with ASSR
4.Dental chair technical brochures attached
Note: Not applicable for General and Chemical items i.e 5. Composite filling instruments kit
6. Elevators set of 10 (ten)
5 / Past Performance :-
(a)The Bidder or the manufacturer on whose behalf the authorized agent is bidding, must have manufactured and supplied similar type of equipment and Furniture as specified in the schedule of requirements either directly or through its other authorized dealers to any India Institutions, up to the following quantity in any one of the last three calendar/financial years and completed the supplies within the stipulated delivery period. The Supplied units should be in working condition without any adverse remarks for the last two years as on the date of bid notification.
at least equal of the quantity offered or 25, whichever is lowest, if the tender quantity is 49 (or)
(b). at least 50% of the quantity offered or 70, whichever is lowest, if the tender quantity is between 50 and 199
(c). at least 35% of the quantity offered or 125, whichever is lowest, if the tender quantity is between 200 and 499
(d). at least 25% of the quantity offered, if the tender quantity is > 500 / Pg. No: 25 – 43 / Complies
6 / Manufactures authorization , Wherever required / , 47 / Complies only for Labat and clinix
7 / End-User Certificates or CA Certificate as per Format B2 / , 51 / Complies
8 / Financial Capability of the Bidder (Format B3) and Certificate from the Statutory Auditor. The Bidder shall have an Avg. annual turnover in the last three financial years of not less than the amount specified against each item in the Schedule of the Requirements and also to have a positive net worth as per the latest Annual Accounts. The bidder shall have at least
1) / Pg. No: 57 Enclosed
The bidder Turnover
The Average annual Turn-over in the last three financial years is Rs.74.38 Cr / Complies
8.a / Positive Net worth as per latest Accounts / Pg. No. 57 Enclosed
Total Net Worth is bidder
Rs.43 Cr / Complies
9 / Details & proof of After-Sales Service facilities On Company/Firm Letter head / Pg. No:59 Enclosed / Complies
10 / Letter of authorization to sign the bids On Company/Firm Letter head / Pg. No: 61 Enclosed / Complies
11 / Clause-by-clause commentary on technical specifications On Company/Firm Letter head / Pg. No:63 - 75 Enclosed / complies only for 1.OAE Scanner 2. Portable Tympanometry Instruments 3. BERA with ASSR with both insert phone and head phone 4. Audiometer 5. Dental chair with all the required attachments and specifications 6. Table top Front loading Autoclave (Electrical)
12 / Technical and Commercial deviations statements On Company/Firm Letter head / Pg. No:77 Enclosed / Complies
13 / Copy of the GST(Authorized distributors/dealers registered with Government of Andhra Pradesh) and Details of IT returns- PAN / TIN copies. / 1.Pg. No. 78 Enclosed
2.Pg. No.79 Enclosed
TIN No: 36644818674
3.Pg. No.79 Enclosed
4.Pg.No.82,88 and 95 Enclosed IT returns for the year 2014-15,2015-16 and 2016-17 / Complies
15 / The Manufacturer should have Quality Certificate ISO 9001 Quality Management System for Organization. / 1.Pg. No: 103 Enclosed
Clinix ISO 9001:2008 Valid upto31/01/2018
UNI EN ISO 1384 5:2004 LABAT Valid up to 03/02/2018 / Complies only for Clinix
16 / Full Quality Assurance System Approval certificate Management System Certification for Medical Devices and their equivalent International Standards certificates (BIS/CE/USFDA etc) / 1) Pg. No:101 CE Certificate Enclosed for audiometers and tympanometers Valid upto 31/03/2018
2) Pg.No:106 CE Certificate Enclosed for Labat valid upto 31.03.2018
3) Pg.No:110 CE Certificate Enclosed for Clinix valid upto 14.01.2020 / Complies only for Clinix ,Labat & audiometers and tympanometers
17 / Memorandum of Articles / Not Required because Bidder is Proprietor / Complies
Past Performance Details:
S. No / Description / Tend.Qty / Make: & Model: / Qty Supplied2014 / 2015 / 2016
1 / OAE Scanner / 2 / Labat Asia Pvt.Ltd / Echolab / 5 / 18 / 62
2 / Audiometer / 2 / Labat Asia Pvt.Ltd / Audiolite / 1 / 2 / 59
3 / Portable Tympanometry Instruments / 16 / OSCILLA / Epic – Plus / - / 19 / 44
4 / BERA with ASSR with both insert phone and head phone / 2 / Labat Asia Pvt.Ltd / Epic - plus / - / 10 / 9
5 / Dental chair with all the required attachments and specifications / 2 / Clinix / Electrica+ / 106 / 75 / 20
6 / Table top Front loading Autoclave (Electrical) / 2 / Clinix / Clinix Front loading Autoclave / 8 / 16 / 7
7 / Elevators set of 10 (ten) / 16 / Clinix / Clinix
8 / Composite Filling instruments kit / 16 / API / API
9 / Dental electric brushless micro motor / 2 / Imported Korean / korean
10 / Automatic Water distiller / 16 / Clinix / Clinix
11 / Hand Scaler (Complete set) / 16 / API / API
Remarks 1: Provisionally Not Qualified for the following Equipments
1. Portable Tympanometry Instruments 2. Table top Front loading Autoclave (Electrical) 3. Dental electric brushless micro motor 4. Automatic Water distiller 5. Hand Scaler (Complete set) due to non submission of Technical Brochures
Remarks 2.: Provisionally not Qualified for following Equipments
1. Portable Tympanometry Instruments 2. Dental electric brushless micro motor 3. Hand Scaler (Complete set) due to non submission of Manufacturers Authorizations
Remarks 3. Provisionally not Qualified for following Equipments
1. Dental electric brushless micro motor 2. Automatic Water distiller 3. Hand Scaler (Complete set) due to non submission of cluse by cluse commentary on technical specifications
Remarks 4: Provisionally not Qualified for following Equipments
1. Dental electric brushless micro motor 2. Automatic Water distiller 3. Hand Scaler (Complete set) due to non submission of Past Performance
Remarks 5.: Provisionally not Qualified for following Equipments
1. BERA with ASSR with both insert phone and head phone 2. OAE Scanner 3. Audiometer due to non submission of ISO 9001 for Labat asia Pvt ltd
Remarks 5.: Provisionally Qualified only for 1.Dental chair with all the required attachments and specifications 2. Elevators set of 10 (ten) 3. Composite filling instruments kit
S. No / General Information / M/s YUVA ENTERPRISES / Remarks /1 / Process Fee 5725/- / Pg. No.1 Enclosed
DD. No:811451
Dt:18/09/2017 for an Amt of Rs.5,800/-from Karnataka Bank LTD. / Complies
2 / EMD Presence of Bid Security
s.No / Item Name / Amount Rs
1 / Prone Wedge Big-Height-14 inch; Length-31 inch,breadth-17 inches / 2500
2 / Prone Wedge Small-Height-10 inch; Length-26 inch, breadth-17 inches / 1800
3 / Balance Board / 1800
4 / Kaye-Wallker (Height-48-64 cm) / 1500
5 / pinspot and mirror ball bundle / 5300
6 / Mirror ball motor / 3200
7 / LED mirror ball / 8000
8 / Fire ball- mounted on the roof / 7200
9 / Sound activated light / 7200
10 / LED bubble tube / 3200
11 / Optic fibers / 3200
12 / Blue LED lights / 1800
13 / 150 bulb blue LED light chain / 3200
14 / Bubble tube / 1200
15 / Rotating Drum / 1200
16 / Chime frame and Beater / 1700
17 / Mirror chime bout / 1700
18 / Bloster swing / 7200
19 / Platform swing / 7200
20 / tyre tube swing / 2400
21 / rope ladder swing / 4800
22 / Rhythemic rockers / 2400
23 / balance boards / 2400
24 / ball pool / 12000
25 / tunnel / 17000
26 / bean bags including white toys / 1300
27 / Real size animal toys / 3200
Total Amount: Rs. 1,15,600 /- / 1.Pg. No.2 Enclosed
DD. No:008116
Dt:18/09/2017 for an Amt of Rs.1,22,100 /-from HDFC Bank
2.Pg.No:3 Enclosed
Dt:10/08/2017 for an Amt of Rs.5000/- from Karnataka Bank LTD.
3.Pg.No: 4 Enclosed
Dt:10/08/2017 for an Amt of
Rs.25,827/- from Karnataka Bank LTD.
Total Amount :Rs. 1,52,927 /- / Complies
3 / Bid Form Section VII-A / Pg. No. 5 Enclosed
Period of delivery: 60 days
Bid validity days against 90 days. / Complies
4 / List of items offered with Make and Model details without prices / Pg. No. 6 & 7 Enclosed
List of items.27 / Complies
5 / Manufactures authorization, wherever required / Pg. No. 18 Enclosed / Complies
6 / Past Performance :-
(a)The Bidder or the manufacturer on whose behalf the authorized agent is bidding, must have manufactured and supplied similar type of equipment and Furniture as specified in the schedule of requirements either directly or through its other authorized dealers to any India Institutions, up to the following quantity in any one of the last three calendar/financial years and completed the supplies within the stipulated delivery period. The Supplied units should be in working condition without any adverse remarks for the last two years as on the date of bid notification.
at least equal of the quantity offered or 25, whichever is lowest, if the tender quantity is 49 (or)
(b). at least 50% of the quantity offered or 70, whichever is lowest, if the tender quantity is between 50 and 199
(c). at least 35% of the quantity offered or 125, whichever is lowest, if the tender quantity is between 200 and 499
(d). at least 25% of the quantity offered, if the tender quantity is > 500 / Not applicable for General and Chemical items (tender doc pg no 47): / Complies
7 / End-User Certificates or CA Certificate as per Format B2 / Pg. No:14 Enclosed
CA Certificate,
Note: Not applicable for General and Chemical items (tender doc pg no 47) / Complies
8 / Financial Capability of the Bidder (Format B3) and Certificate from the Statutory Auditor. The Bidder shall have an Avg. annual turnover in the last three financial years of not less than the amount specified against each item in the Schedule of the Requirements and also to have a positive net worth as per the latest Annual Accounts and net worth. / Pg. No: 16 Enclosed
The bidder Turnover
The Average annual Turn-over in the last three financial years is Rs.0.317 Cr.
Positive net worth is Rs. 0.15Cr
Note: as per tender document Average turnover of the Authorized Bidder in the last three years for quoted items Rs. 1,00,40,000 /- / Not Complies due to bidder is having in sufficient avg annual turn over
9 / Details & proof of After-Sales Service facilities On Company/Firm Letter head / Pg. No: 21 Enclosed / Complies
10 / Letter of authorization to sign the bids On Company/Firm Letter head / Pg. No: 8 Enclosed / Complies
11 / Clause-by-clause commentary on technical specifications On Company/Firm Letter head / Note: Not applicable for General and Chemical items / Complies
12 / Technical and Commercial deviations statements On Company/Firm Letter head / Note: Not applicable for General and Chemical items / Complies
13 / Copy of the GST(Authorized distributors/dealers registered with Government of Andhra Pradesh) and Details of IT returns- PAN / TIN copies. / 1) Pg. No.29 Enclosed
PAN No: BMYPB04300
2.) Pg. No.32 Enclosed
TIN No: 37329904493
3.) Pg. No. 34 Enclosed
Pg.No. 26-28 Enclosed
IT Returns for 2014-15,2015-16,2016-17. / Complies
14 / The Manufacturer should have Quality Certificate ISO 9001 Quality Management System for Organization. / Note: Not applicable for General and Chemical items (tender doc pg no 47) / Complies
15 / Full Quality Assurance System Approval certificate Management System Certification for Medical Devices and their equivalent International Standards certificates (BIS/CE/USFDA etc) / Note: Not applicable for General and Chemical items (tender doc pg no 47) / Complies
16 / Memorandum of Articles / Bidder is a Proprietor / Complies
Remarks: Provisionally not Qualified due to bidder is having in sufficient avg annual turn over (Rs.0.317 Cr instead of 1.00 Cr)