Relay NPAF Participant Readiness Assessment

The purpose of this tool is to help participants self-assess their readiness to implement the instructional levers that are central to improved instructional leadership. Given the urgency of this work, the commitment required to align school improvement initiatives, and the complex nature of implementation, this tool has been designed to help Relay and prospective partners evaluate the likelihood of a productive and impactful participant experience.

Directions for District/CMO Partners: Have each prospective participant (principal managers and principals) take the following self-assessment. Discuss the results with the prospective participant in order to better understand any important questions and or specific circumstances. Use these results to inform your decision regarding which applicants you choose to send to Relay.

Participant Name / Position
Relay Essentials / Yes/No / Explain
Ability to attend, and be present, for the entirety of summer intensive and four intersessions
Commitment to prioritize and submit all program assessments that include:
  • Videos of practice
  • Planning documents
  • Self-assessments

Access to Technology (laptop, internet access, proficiency to create zip files, upload files to the web, etc.)
A manager or colleague in an executive leadership position who will make this work a priority
Any additional information/special circumstances that we need to know about?
Instructional Levers Participant Assessment
Lever 1: Data Driven Instruction
Participant demonstrates a commitment to strategically using student achievement data to improve teaching and learning. / Current State
  1. Not in place
  2. Inconsistent
  3. Mostly in place
  4. Entirely in place
/ Skill to Execute
  1. Low
  2. Average
  3. High
  4. Outstanding
/ Will to Execute
  1. Low
  2. Average
  3. High
4. Outstanding
High quality, rigorous, and standards aligned interim assessments administered 4-6 times/year in core subject areas
Data-driven instructional calendar that teachers and leaders will use to plan, administer, analyze, and create instructional action plans based on assessment results
System for leaders and teachers to collaboratively develop lesson plans and units that are responsive to data and are tightly aligned to standards and end of year assessments
DDI Average / ______
Current Implementation / ______
Current Skill / ______
Current Will
Lever 2: Observations and Feedback
Participant demonstrates a commitment to improving teaching through frequent and effective coaching. / Current State
  1. Not in place
  2. Inconsistent
  3. Mostly in place
  4. Entirely in place
/ Skill to Execute
  1. Low
  2. Average
  3. High
  4. Outstanding
/ Will to Execute
  1. Low
  2. Average
  3. High
  4. Outstanding

Ability to conduct frequent, impromptu observations of all leaders/teachers for the purpose of providing feedback to improve instruction.
Ability to ensure that leaders can meet face to face with all teachers following observations to discuss effective teaching and learning and action steps to improve
A principal in place who has a demonstrated track record of effective teaching
Recognized, high quality coaching tools that are consistently used to help teachers improve their practice
Observation and Feedback Average / ______
Current Implementation / ______
Current Skill / ______
Current Will
Lever 3: Professional Development:
Participant demonstrates a commitment to ensuring that the professional development it provides its faculty and leaders is consistently of exceptional quality and aligned to each schools most essential needs / Current State
  1. Not in place
  2. Inconsistent
  3. Mostly in place
  4. Entirely in place
/ Skill to Execute
  1. Low
  2. Average
  3. High
  4. Outstanding
/ Will to Execute
  1. Low
  2. Average
  3. High
  4. Outstanding

Professional development calendar that provides teachers and leaders with regular, uninterrupted time to engage in high quality professional development
Ability to prioritize professional development topics that are based on school need, informed by data (student achievement, instructional/culture observations).
Ensure that professional development leaders are expert in the domain in which they are teaching
Professional Development Average / ______
Current Implementation / ______
Current Skill / ______
Current Will
Lever 4: Leading Culture
Participant demonstrates a commitment to doing “whatever it takes” to improve student and staff culture. / Current State
  1. Not in place
  2. Inconsistent
  3. Mostly in place
  4. Entirely in place
/ Skill to Execute
  1. Low
  2. Average
  3. High
  4. Outstanding
/ Will to Execute
  1. Low
  2. Average
  3. High
  4. Outstanding

Vision for a positive student and staff culture, to be communicated widely to all stakeholders (students, staff, parents, community)
Systems to collect and track student and staff culture for the purpose of improvement
Commitment to improve leadership capacities to proactively address issues of negative student and staff culture
Ability to video culture leadership activities (rolling out vision, conducting school walkthroughs, leading professional development) for the purpose of continuous improvement
Leading Culture Average / ______
Current Implementation / ______
Current Skill / ______
Current Will