Go to (Must use a computer at school that is connected to the network).

Log in with your PIN number.

Click on CALENDAR on the left side.

Click on the first arrow above the calendar to scrollmonth by month to August.

Click on EVENTSfor November 2 and/or November 3 (both days are district Prof. Dev. days)

A list of those workshops with the time, title, location and seats available will be displayed.

You may view a brief overview of a workshop by putting your cursor on more info by each workshop.

From this screen you may also select printer friendly page and print the entire list of workshops for further information ( i.e., time, title, location and audience) OR

When viewing the course detail screen or your printed version of workshops, note the intended audience of each workshop.

Click TITLE TEXT to view more details on a workshop.

From the course detail screen, you may register by entering your LRSD email address at the top.


You will be brought back to the register online page with all the workshop information and your email address entered. (Make sure you have entered your CORRECT LRSD email address only.)

Click REGISTERagain toreceive an email confirmation of your registration.

 Click REGISTRATION LIST to view your registration list.

Log-out of the system when you have finished your online registration.

If you know the title of the workshop you wish to register for, click on REGISTER ONLINE after logging in.

Then, click on COURSE TITLE, wherea drop down box will appear with the workshop titles.

Scroll through titles to find your workshop title and then select.

Click on DATE, select, click on LOCATION, select, click on TIME, select, and then enter your CORRECTLRSD email address.

Click REGISTERto receive an email confirmation of your registration.

Log-out of the system when you have finished your online registration.


If the session is full, it is no longer listed.

If you are unable to attend a workshop, have registered for the wrong workshop, or desire to attend a different session after registering, PLEASE drop your registration by clicking on DROP REGISTRATION. You must drop a session before registering for a new workshop. Then click REGISTRATION LIST to view your revised schedule.

For inquiries or assistance, contact the Professional Development Department at 447-3390. Please feel free to visit our professional development web page found at

for other professional development opportunities.