Personal Specification – KS2 Class Teacher

September 2018

These specifications are taken from the TDA Core Teaching Standards and are categorised under the TDA headings

Relationships with children and young peopleC6

Recognise and respect the contributions that colleagues, parents and carers can make to the development and well-being of children and young people, and to raising their levels of attainment.

Have a commitment to collaboration and co-operative working where appropriate.

Communicating and working with others

Evaluate their performance and be committed to improving their practicethrough appropriate professional development.

Act upon advice and feedback and be open to coaching and mentoring. Personal professional development

Professional knowledge and understanding

Assessment and monitoring

Have a good, up-to-date working knowledge and understanding of a range of teaching, learning and behaviour management strategies and know how to use and adapt them, including how to personalise learning to provide opportunities for all learners to achieve their potential.

Teaching and learning

Know a range of approaches to assessment, including the importanceof formative assessment.

Have a secure knowledge and understanding of their subjects/curriculumareas and related pedagogy including: the contribution that their subjects/curriculum areas can make to cross-curricular learning; and recent relevantdevelopments.

Know and understand the relevant statutory and non-statutory curriculaand frameworks, including those provided through the National Strategies,for their subjects/curriculum areas and other relevant initiatives across theage and ability range they teach.

Literacy, Numeracy and ICT

Know how to use skills in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT to support theirteaching and wider professional activities.

Understand how children and young people develop and how theprogress, rate of development and well-being of learners are affectedby a range of developmental, social, religious, ethnic, cultural andlinguistic influences.

Subjects and curriculum

Know how to make effective personalised provision for those they teach,including those for whom English is an additional language or who havespecial educational needs or disabilities, and how to take practical accountof diversity and promote equality and inclusion in their teaching.

Achievement and diversity

Know when to draw on the expertise of colleagues, such as thosewith responsibility for the safeguarding of children and young peopleand special educational needs and disabilities, and to refer to sourcesof information, advice and support from external agencies.

Health and well-being

Know the current legal requirements, national policies and guidanceon the safeguarding and promotion of the well-being of children andyoung people.

Plan for progression across the age and ability range they teach, designingeffective learning sequences within lessons and across series of lessonsinformed by secure subject/curriculum knowledge.


Design opportunities for learners to develop their literacy, numeracy,ICT and thinking and learning skills appropriate within their phaseand context.



Teach challenging, well-organised lessons and sequences of lessons acrossthe age and ability range they teach in.

Teach engaging and motivating lessons informed by well-groundedexpectations of learners and designed to raise levels of attainment.

Review the effectiveness of their teaching and its impact onlearners’ progress, attainment and well-being, refining theirapproaches where necessary.

Reviewing teaching and learning

Provide learners, colleagues, parents and carers with timely, accurateand constructive feedback on learners’ attainment, progress and areasfor development.

Support and guide learners so that they can reflect on their learning,identify the progress they have made, set positive targets forimprovement and become successful independent learners.

Use assessment as part of their teaching to diagnose learners’needs, set realistic and challenging targets for improvement andplan future teaching.

Identify and use opportunities to personalise and extend learningthrough out-of-school contexts where possible making links betweenin-school learning and learning in out-of-school contexts.

Learning environment

Manage learners’ behaviour constructively by establishing andmaintaining a clear and positive framework for discipline, in linewith the school’s behaviour policy.

Use a range of behaviour management techniques and strategies,adapting them as necessary to promote the self-control andindependence of learners.

Work as a team member and identify opportunities for working withcolleagues, managing their work where appropriate and sharing thedevelopment of effective practice with them..

Ensure that colleagues working with them are appropriately involved insupporting learning and understand the roles they are expected to fulfil.

Commitment to safeguarding

As part of the school’s commitment to the safeguarding of our children, candidates should expect the school to follow best practice procedures in vetting candidates’ suitability to work with children including using the interview process to enable us to explore issues relating to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.

As part of the interview process short listed candidates will also be observed teaching either at their current school, or if this is not possible, here at the school.

References will be sought prior to interview and any relevant issues will be taken up at interview.

April 2018