Relational Models Theory and Research:
A Bibliography
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Last updated23 May 2005.
NB: Many of the works listed here are reviewed in:
Haslam, Nick 2004. Research on the relational models: An overview. In N. Haslam, Ed., Relational Models Theory: A Contemporary Overview(pp. 27–57).Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. PDF
For a brief, elementary introduction to relational models theory, see this PDF.
Allen, Nicholas B., Gilbert, Paul, & Semadar, Assaf 2004. Depressed mood as an interpersonal strategy: The importance of relational models. In N. Haslam, Ed., Relational Models Theory: A Contemporary Overview, 309–334.Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Allen, Nicholas B., Semadar, Assaf, & Haslam, Nick 2005 Aberrant social relationships among people vulnerable to major mental disorders. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Baldwin, Mark 2000. Relational schemas: The representation, activation, and application of interpersonal knowledge. Paper presented at the conference on Relational models in the disciplines, Buffalo, May 20.
Boer, . 2005. Knowledge Sharing within Organizations: A Situated and Relational Perspective. ERIM thesis, Erasmus University, Rotterdam. PDF
Boer, Niels-Ingvar, van Baalen, P. J. & Kumar, K. 2002. The implications of different models of social relations for understanding knowledge sharing. In Tsoukas, H. and Mylonopoulos, N. (Eds), Organizations as Knowledge Systems:Knowledge, Learning and Dynamic Capabilities, pp. 130-153. Palgrave Macmillan.
Boer, N. I. & Berends, H. 2003. The relational dimension of knowledge sharing: an empirical study of an industrial research group. Fourth European Conference on Organizational Knowledge (OKLC). Barcelona. PDF
Bolender, John 2003.The genealogy of the moral modules. Minds and Machines 13 (2): 233-255 PDF
Brewer, Devin D., Rinaldi, G., Mogoutov, A., & Valente, T. W. (2005). A Quantitative Review of Associative Patterns in the Recall of Persons. Journal of Social Structure, 6(1).
Caralis, D., & Haslam, N. 2004. Relational tendencies associated with broad personality dimensions. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 77(3):397–402. PDF
Chanchani, Shalin, & Theivanathampillai, Paul 2001. Typologies of Culture. University of Otago Accountancy and Business Law, Working Papers. PDF
Chuang, Yao-Chia 1998. The cognitive structure of role-norms in Taiwan. Asian Journal of Social Psychology 1:239–251. PDF
Connelley, D. 1997. Hidden bias: The effect of relational models on assessments of human resource systems in a demographically diverse organization. Working paper No. 798, School of Management, State University of New York at Buffalo.
Connelley, Debra Louis, & Folger, Robert 2004. Hidden bias: The impact of relational models on perceptions of fairness in human resource systems. In N. Haslam, Ed., Relational Models Theory: A Contemporary Overview (pp. 197–220).Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Earle, T. C., & Cvetkovich, G. 1997. Culture, cosmopolitanism, and risk management. Risk Analysis, 17, 55-65.
Earle, T. C., & Cvetkovich, G. 1999. Social trust and culture in risk management. In G. Cvetkovich & R. Löfstedt Eds., Social trust and the management of risk pp. 9-21. London: Earthscan.
Earley, P. C. 1997. Face, harmony, and social structure: An analysis of organizational behavior across cultures.New York: OxfordUniversity Press. Excerpt PDF
Earley, P. C. 1998. Exploring new directions in cultural context: Applying Triandis’ typology to organizational face theory. In J. L. C. Cheng & R. B. Peterson Eds., Advances in International Comparative Management, vol. 12 pp. 45-52. Stamford, CT: JAI Press.
Fiske, A. P. 1990. Relativity within Moose “Mossi” culture: Four incommensurable models for social relationships. Ethos 18:180-204. PDF
Fiske, A. P. 1991. Structures of social life: The four elementary forms of human relations.New York: Free Press. {Order from Simon and Schuster. Contents, index, and covers from Amazon.}
Fiske, A. P. 1991. The cultural relativity of selfish individualism: Anthropological evidence that humans are inherently social. In M. Clark Ed., Review of Personality and Social Psychology, 12: Altruism and prosocial behavior pp. 176-214. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Fiske, A. P. 1992. The four elementary forms of sociality: Framework for a unified theory of social relations. Psychological Review 99:689-723. PDF
Fiske, A. P. 1993. Social errors in four cultures: Evidence about universal forms of social relations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 24, 463-494. PDF
Fiske, A. P. 1995. Social schemata for remembering people: Relationships and person attributes that affect clustering in free recall of acquaintances. Journal of Quantitative Anthropology5:305-324. PDF
Fiske, A. P.1998. Human Sociality. International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships Bulletin, 14(2), 4-9. PDF
Fiske, A. P. 2000. Complementarity theory: Why human social capacities evolved to require cultural complements. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 4, 76-94. PDF
Fiske, A. P. 2002. Moral emotions provide the self-control needed to sustain social relationships. Self and Identity 1:169-175. DOI:10.1080/152988602317319357 PDF
Fiske, A. P. 2004. Four modes of constituting relationships: Consubstantial assimilation; space, magnitude, time and force; concrete procedures; abstract symbolism. In N. Haslam, Ed., Relational Models Theory: A Contemporary Overview pp. 61–146.Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Fiske, A. P. 2004. Relational models theory 2.0. In N. Haslam, Ed., Relational Models Theory: A Contemporary Overview, 3–25.Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. PDF
Fiske, A. P. 2005. Social relations: Culture, development, natural selection, cognition, the brain, and pathology. Forthcoming in P. A. M. Van Lange, Ed., Bridging Social Psychology:The Benefits of Transdisciplinary Approaches.Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. PDF
Fiske, A. P., & Fiske, Susan T. 2005. Social relations in our species and our cultures. Chapter for S. Kitayama and D. Cohen, Eds., Handbook of Cultural Psychology. New York: Guilford. Manuscript submitted.
Fiske, A. P., & Haslam, N. 1996. Social cognition is thinking about relationships. Current Directions in Psychological Science 5:143-148. PDF
Fiske, A. P., & Haslam, N. 1997. The structure of social substitutions: A test of relational models theory. European Journal of Social Psychology 25:725-729. PDF
Fiske, A. P., & Haslam, N. 1997a. Prerequisites for satisfactory relationships. In L. Meyer, M. Grenot-Scheyer, B. Harry, H-S. Park, & I. Schwartz Eds., Making friends: Understanding the social worlds of children and youth.Baltimore: Paul H. Brooks. PDF
Fiske, A. P., & Haslam, N. 2005. The four basic social bonds: Structures for coordinating interaction. In Mark Baldwin, Ed., Interpersonal Cognition,267–298.New York: Guilford. PDF
Fiske, A. P., Haslam, N., & Fiske, S. 1991. Confusing one person with another: What errors reveal about the elementary forms of social relations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 60, 656-674. PDF
Fiske, A. P., & Tetlock, P. E. 1997. Taboo tradeoffs: Reactions to transactions that transgress spheres of exchange. Political Psychology, 18, 255-297. PDF
Fiske, A. P., & Tetlock, P. E. 1997. Taboo Tradeoffs: Reactions to Transactions that Transgress Spheres of Exchange. Political Psychology 17: 255–294. PDF
Fiske, A. P., & Tetlock, P. E. 2000. Taboo tradeoffs: Constitutive prerequisites for political and social life. In S. A. Renshon & J. Duckitt Eds., Political psychology: Cultural and cross cultural perspectives pp. 47-65. London: Macmillan.
Folger, R., Sheppard, B. H., & Buttram, R. T. 1995. Equity, equality, and need: Three faces of social justice. In B. Bunker & J. Z. Zucker Eds., Conflict, cooperation, and justice, 261-289. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Folger, Robert, & Butz, Rebecca 2004. Relational models, “deonance,” and moral antipathy to the powerfully unjust. In N. Haslam, Ed., Relational Models Theory: A Contemporary Overview, 221–243.Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Forsyth, D. W. 1995. Commentary on Fiske’s models of social relations. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, 18, 119-153. PDF
Gannon, Martin J. 2003. Understanding Global Cultures: Metaphorical Journeys Through 28 Nations, Clusters of Nations, and Continents. Third Edition. Sage Publications. {Sage web site for book}
Goodenough, Ward H. 1997. Moral outrage: Territoriality in human guise. Zygon32:5–27. PDF
Goodnow, J. J. 1998. Beyond the overall balance: The significance of particular tasks and procedures for perceptions of fairness in household work distributions. Social Justice Research, 11, 359-376. PDF
Goodnow, Jacqueline J. 2004. The domain of work in households: A relational models approach. In N. Haslam, Ed., Relational Models Theory: A Contemporary Overviewpp. 167–196.Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Haslam, N. 1994. Categories of social relationship. Cognition, 53, 59-90. PDF
Haslam, N. 1994. Mental representation of social relationships: Dimensions, laws, or categories? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 67, 575-584.
Haslam, N. 1995. A grammar of social relations. Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, 32, 41-57. PDF
Haslam, N. 1995. Factor structure of social relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 12:217-227.
Haslam, N. 1997. Four grammars for primate social relations. In J. Simpson & D. Kenrick Eds., Evolutionary social psychology pp. 293-312. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Haslam, N. 1997. Personality disorders as social categories. Transcultural Psychiatry, 34, 473-479.
Haslam, N. 1999. Taxometric and related methods in relationships research. Personal Relationships, 6, 519-534.
Haslam, Nick 2004. A relational approach to the personality disorders. In N. Haslam, Ed., Relational Models Theory: A Contemporary Overviewpp. 335–362.Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Haslam, Nick 2004. Research on the relational models: An overview. In N. Haslam, Ed., Relational Models Theory: A Contemporary Overviewpp. 27–57.Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. PDF
Haslam, Nick, Ed., 2004. Relational Models Theory: A Contemporary Overview.Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. {See book contents or order book from Erlbaum}
Haslam, N., & Cleland, C. M. 1995. Core configurations, repeated assemblies, and relational models: Commentary on Caporael on group selection. or
Haslam, N., & Fiske, A. P. 1992. Implicit relational prototypes: Investigating five theories of the cognitive organization of social relationships. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 28, 441-474. Abstract doi:10.1016/0022-1031(92)90041-H
Haslam, N., & Fiske, A. P. 1999. Relational models theory: A confirmatory factor analysis. Personal Relationships, 6, 241-250. PDF
Haslam, N. & Fiske, A. P. 2004. Social Expertise: Theory of Mind or Theory of Relationships? In N. Haslam, Ed., Relational Models Theory: A Contemporary Overview, 147–163.Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Haslam, N., Reichert, T., & Fiske, A. P. 2002. Aberrant Social Relations in the Personality Disorders.Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 75:19–31. PDF
Houde, Leah D., Sherman, Dana M., White, Tiffany B., & Sheppard, Blair H. 2004. The four faces of trust: An empirical study of the nature of trust in relational forms. In N. Haslam, Ed., Relational Models Theory: A Contemporary Overviewpp. 287–306.Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Iacoboni, M., Lieberman, M. D., Knowlton, B. J., Molnar-Szakacs, I., Moritz, M., Throop, C. J., & Fiske, A. P. 2004. Watching social interactions produces dorsomedial prefrontal and medial parietal BOLD fMRI signal increases compared to a resting baseline. NeuroImage 21:1167–1173 PDF
Jackendoff, R. S. 1992. Is there a faculty of social cognition? In R. S. Jackendoff, Languages of the mind: Essays on mental representation.Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Jackendoff, R. S. 1994. Patterns in the mind: Language and human nature.New York: Basic Books.
Jackendoff, R. S. 1995. The conceptual structure of intending and volitional action. In H. Campos & P. Kempchinsky Eds., Evolution and revolution in linguistic theoryTheory: Studies in Honor of Carlos P. Otero, 198-227. Washington, DC: GeorgetownUniversity Press.
Jackendoff, R. S. 1999. The natural logic of rights and obligations. In R. S. Jackendoff & P. Bloom, Eds., Language, logic, and concepts: Essays in memory of John Macnamara, pp. 67-95. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Ki-Zerbo, Lazare 2001. Schütz and the rational choice debate in African economics. Review of Austrian Economics 14:2/3, 157–172. PDF
Koerner, Ascan F. 2002. Appealing to the Heart of a Social-Relationship: The Role of Relational Models in Pro-Social Message Processing and Persuasion. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Communicaiton Association, Seoul, South Korea, July. PDF
Koerner, Ascan F., & Fujiwara, Manako 2000. Relational Models and Horizontal and Vertical Individualism/Collectivism: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Americans and Japanese. Paper presented at the annual NCA convention in Seattle, WA. PDF
Komter, Aafke 2001. Heirlooms, Nikes and Bribes: Towards a Sociology of Things. Sociology 35:59–75. PDF
Komter, Aafke 2004. Social Solidarity and the Gift.New York: CambridgeUniversity Press. Cambridge webpage for the book, with contents and index.
Leichty, Greg 2003. The Cultural Tribes of Public Relations. Journal of Public Relations Research Vol 15(4: 277-304 PDF
Lickel, B., Hamilton, D. L., & Sherman, S. J. 2001. Elements of the lay theory of groups: Types of groups, relational styles and the perception of group entitativity. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 5, 141-155. PDF
Lynne, Gary D. & Kruse, Colby E. 2001. Potential for Market Systems/Carbon Trading. Report Submitted to University of Nebraska Public Policy Center. PDF
McGraw, A. Peter, & Tetlock, Philip E. 2005. Taboo Trade-offs, Relational Framing and the Acceptability of Exchange. Journal of Consumer Psychology15(1): 2–15. PDF
McGraw, A. Peter, Tetlock, Philip E. A., & Kristel, Orie V. 2003. The limits of fungibility: Relational schemata and the value of things. Journal of Consumer Research 30:219-229. PDF
Mikula, G. 1999. Distribution of tasks and duties: Justice, efficiency and satisfaction. Paper presented at the General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Oxford, July 6-11.
Poulson, B. 2000. Interpersonal conflict and relational models theory: A structural approach to injustice. Unpublished manuscript.PDF
Realo, Anu,Kästik, Ly & Allik.Jüri 2004. The relationships between collectivist attitudes and elementary forms of human relations: Evidence from Estonia. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 21(6): 779–794. DOI: 10.1177/0265407504047837 PDF
Roccas, Sonia, & McCauley, Clark 2004. Values and emotions in the relational models. In N. Haslam, Ed., Relational Models Theory: A Contemporary Overviewpp. 263–285.Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Sergi, Mark, Fiske, A. P., & Green, Michael 2005. RAD: An instrument for assessing competence in implicit use of relational models. Manuscript in preparation.
Sheppard, B. H., & Sherman, D. M. 1998. The grammars of trust: A model and general implications. Academy of Management Review, 23, 422-437.
Sheppard, B. H., & Tuchinsky, M. 1996. Interfirm relationships: A grammar of pairs. In B. M. Staw & L. L. Cummings Eds., Research in organizational behavior, Vol. 18 pp. 331-373. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Singelis, T. M., Triandis, H. C., Bhawuk, D. P. S., & Gelfand, M. J. 1995. Horizontal and vertical dimensions of individualism and collectivism: A theoretical and measurement refinement. Cross-Cultural Research 29:240-275.
Sondak, H. 1998. Relational models and organizational studies: Applications to resource allocation and group process. In C. L. Cooper & D. M. Rousseau, Eds., Trends in organizational behavior, Vol. 5 pp. 83-102. Chichester, UK: Wiley.
Stock, Rosamund 2003. Explaining the Choice of Distribution Rule: The Role of Mental Representations. Sociological Inquiry 73(2) 177-189. doi:10.1111/1475-682X.00051 PDF
TenHouten, W. D. 1996. Outline of a socioevolutionary theory of the emotions. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 16 (9/10): 191-208. PDF
TenHouten, W. D. 1999. Explorations in neurosociological theory: From the spectrum of affect to time consciousness. Social Perspectives on Emotion, 5, 41-80.PDF
TenHouten, W. D. 1999. The four elementary forms of sociality, their biological bases, and their implications for affect and cognition. Advances in Human Ecology, 8, 253-284.
TenHouten, W. D. 2000. On Durkheim’s notions of time and mind in Australian aboriginal cosmology and social life. In R. Altschuler, Ed., The living legacy of Marx, Durkheim and Weber: Vol. 2. Applications and analyses of classical sociological theory by modern social scientists. New York: Gordian Knot.
Tetlock, P. E., Kristel, O. V., Elson, S. E., Green, M. C., & Lerner, J. S. 2000. The psychology of the unthinkable: Taboo trade-offs, forbidden base rates, and heretical counterfactuals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78, 853-870.
Tetlock, P. E., Peterson, R., & Lerner, J. 1996. Revising the value pluralism model: Incorporating social content and context postulates. In C. Seligman, J. Olson, & M. Zanna Eds., Eighth Ontario symposium on personality and social psychology: Values. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Tetlock, Philip E. McGraw, A. Peter, & Kristel, Orie V. 2004. Proscribed forms of social cognition: Taboo trade-offs, blocked exchanges, forbidden base-rates, and heretical counterfactuals. In N. Haslam, Ed., Relational Models Theory: A Contemporary Overviewpp. 247–262.Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Tetlock, Philip e., & McGraw, A. Peter. 2005. Theoretically framing relational framing. Journal of Consumer Psychology 15(1): 35–37. PDF
Thomsen, Lotte, Fiske, A. P., & Sidanius, James 2005. CIRCA: An iconic instrument for identifying perceptions of and preferences for relational models. Manuscript in preparation.
Thomsen, Lotte, Sidanius, James, & Fiske, A. P. 2005. Interpersonal leveling, independence, and self-enhancement: A comparison of Denmark and the US, and a relational practice framework for cultural psychology. Manuscript submitted.
Vodosek, Markus 2000. Relational models and the outcomes of work groups: A confirmatory factor analysis. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meetings, Toronto, Canada.
Vodosek, Markus 2000. Relational models and their effects on relationship, process, and task conflict in work groups. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meetings, Toronto, Canada.
Vodosek, Markus 2000. The correspondence between relational models and individualism and collectivism: Evidence from groups. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meetings, Toronto, Canada.
Vodosek, Markus 2003. Finding the Right Chemistry: Relational Models and Relationship, Process, and Task Conflict in Culturally Diverse Research Groups. PhD Dissertation,Business Administration, University of Michigan. PDF
Whitehead, H. 1993. Morals, models, and motives in a different light: A rumination on Alan Fiske’s Structures of Social Life. Ethos, 21, 319-356. PDF
Whitehead, H. 2002. Eager subjects, reluctant powers: The irrelevance of ideology in a secret New Guinea male cult. In J. Mageo, Ed., Power and the self.New York: CambridgeUniversity Press.