ELD (English Language Development) III / IV A

Syllabus 2016-2017

Location: B128 (Prep B209)

Teacher: Mr. Bryan Haws


Website: Gradebook in StudentVue!

Phone: 503-399-5533

Course Description: This course focuses on four areas of language: speech, reading, writing, and listening. The focus of ELD is daily comprehensible grammar practice. The GOAL for each student is to increase English language skills to receive a passing scores on the exit test, ELPA, in order to Transition out of the ELD program and be prepared for and successful in mainstream classes.

Texts: Required Materials:

Nat Geo Pathways ~writing utensils

Grammar Dimensions ~texts and homework

and other level appropriate materials ~spiral notebook/ composition journal

The Haws Three:

1.  R.E.S.P.E.C.T. at all times!

2.  Come to class prepared and on time!

3.  Follow all School and District Policies

**You will be expected to practice English at all times unless specifically told otherwise.

Attendance: It is very important that you come to class every day, and that you are on time. You are responsible to be here and participate in your learning experience. Homework and tests missed due to unexcused absences may not be made up.

Homework/ Tests: Homework turned in after the due date will be worth one-half the original credit. Homework and tests earning less than 70% may be corrected for up to 5% additional credit. Corrections must be turned in no more than one week from day returned. No late work accepted during finals week.

‘R’ rated movie policy: There may be a showing of a movie or portion of a movie during the semester. If so, a permission slip will be sent home.


90-100%= A 80-89%= B 70-79%= C 60-69%= D 50% and under= F

Homework 20% Exam 20% Quizzes 10%

Projects 15% Final 15% Proficiencies 20 %

Grade earned through: projects and written assignments, vocabulary, proficiencies, and final exam. Daily work used as Formative assessment will not be entered into the grade book with a numeric value –used to check comprehension of English standards and content. Grades are not weighted. Your Rate and level of learning are taken into consideration as assignments are given, and there are many opportunities for enrichment. I am available for help before school, after school, and during lunch by appointment. Please keep all work completed and handed back either in your notebook or writing folder. We have Zero Tolerance for Plagiarism at West. Do your own work!

Late Work: All work is expected to be turned in on time. Late work will only be accepted at my discretion and for no more than sixty percent of the original credit. No work is accepted during “dead week” or finals.

Sample Grading Rubric:

Criteria / 1
Basic / 2
Nearly Meets / 3
Meets / 4
How effectively does the language match the task? / ·  Language does not clearly match context
·  For example, conversational language used in formal writing / ·  Some, but not all, language appropriate for the context / ·  Language appropriate for the context / ·  Is able to seamlessly combine functions appropriately to meet needs of the context
Grammar and Syntax:
How appropriate are the language patterns for the task and the target level? / ·  Attempts to use target-level grammar correctly
·  Frequent errors in word order with target forms / ·  Occasionally uses target-level grammar correctly
·  Some errors in word order with target forms / ·  All target-level grammar correct and appropriate to the level of instruction & practice
·  Very few errors with target forms / ·  All target-level grammar is correct & includes forms above current level of instruction & practice
·  No errors in target forms
Does the student use target vocabulary appropriately? / ·  Attempts to use target vocabulary
·  Relies heavily on lower-level vocabulary in context / ·  Some correctly used target vocabulary
·  Relies mostly on lower-level vocabulary in context / ·  Appropriately uses target vocabulary in context / ·  Uses more precise, sophisticated vocabulary above the current target


By signing below, I verify that I have read and understand the expectations of this course:


Student name (print) Student Signature


Parent/Guardian name (print) Parent/Guardian Signature

**You will keep this syllabus in your binder for future reference**