(A) General Information
Study/Topic - BIG IDEAS this week: What happens to food once we bring it home? Children will have the opportunity to explore concepts related to cooking, preparing for meals, and sharing food with family and friends. / Key vocabulary:1. Recipe receta
2. Shopping compras
3. Cooking cocinar
4. Dinner, feast cena, banquete
5. Family, relatives familia, parientes
Monday “To Do” List: / - Review Planned Read-Alouds; read books through at least once. Gather ingredient examples for Bunny Cakes and create flannel board pieces for Pumpkin Soup.
- Review Small Group Activity forms and gather/create materials, and two large (or multiple small) pumpkins.
- Gather/create materials for centers and circle time, including cooking bowls/tools, food-shaped counters, market signs.
- Remove any items from centers that are in poor condition or children no longer use.
- Remind families about sending in an example of foods they eat at home.
- SS Week-
Support for Dual Language Learners: / Familiarize yourself with a few words related to the traditions, holidays or special foods that children in your group are familiar with. (This is true not just for DLL children but for all families!) For example, if you know that pastel = birthday cake, you can use this word in discussions to make the topic relevant to all children.
To increase DLL children’s understanding of complex read-alouds, preview key concepts or vocabulary from the book in their native language. For example: “Todos los días, tres amigos preparan la sopa de calabazas. Cada uno tiene su propia responsabilidad; el gato corta la calabaza, la ardilla bate con el agua, el pato añade la sal. Pero un día, ¡el pato quiere hacer otra cosa” (Note that this should be a preview/introduction only; you should not be “simultaneously translating” the book as you read it, since that does not help children’s comprehension.
Family/ Community Involvement: / Tell families about the “Food at Home” small-group activity and ask them to send in a symbol of a food they commonly eat at home. For example, they might send in an empty box of their favorite pasta; or even a photo of their Sunday dinner table! Having these real examples will make the activity and discussion much more meaningful to children.
(B) Materials to Enhance Children’s Play
Blocks / Dramatic Play / Toys and GamesAdd:
Market-related signs: “sale,” prices, names of store sections or individual items (fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat, etc.)
Children can attach these to blocks if they choose to build markets. Make the signs yourself in advance, or have children help you make them. / Keep: Market/grocery store theme. Add items based on children’s interests, class discussions, etc. / Keep: Food groups sorting game
Food-shaped counters (if available)
Art / Library/Writing / Discovery/Science
Keep any items from previous week(s) that children were particularly engaged with. / Add:
Large pieces of paper for making signs to label the dramatic play grocery store.
Flannelboard pieces (or pictures) for Pumpkin Soup / Keep:
Materials related to food groups/ MyPlate.
Pumpkin seeds or pieces of pumpkin rind with tweezers/tongs, magnifying glasses (after“Exploring Pumpkin” small-group activity)
Sand and Water / Music and Movement / Computers
Tools for cooking/baking. You can choose items related to birthday cake, and/or pumpkin soup depending which book your children are most interested in. / Add: / Add:
Outdoors / Cooking
Add: Props for cooking/baking – large bowls, soup pot, pans, empty jars, measuring cups, mixing spoons, etc. Children might choose to use sand, soil, leaves etc. to create birthday cakes, soup, etc
(C) Group Experiences
/ Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday /Arrival
Opening Circle
Closing Circle / Arrival: Attendance graph
Morning Circle:
Welcome song & one other
SS Puppet Script
- Morning Message:
This weekend I went to my aunt’s house to eat a big meal with my whole family. We ate turkey, potatoes and pie!
[adapt to be true for you and/or write about a meal other than Thanksgiving]
Use to start a discussion about special meals. When you have a big dinner at your house, who comes? What do you eat? Are there any special foods?
Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the day
Transition: SS Brain Builder-
Music/Movement: SS Song & one other
Closing Circle:
Goodbye song / Arrival: Attendance graph
Morning Circle:
Welcome song & one other
Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the day
Transition: Question of the Day (QOTD): Who ate dinner with you last night? Have a list of children’s names and columns with different choices (e.g. Mom, Dad, Grandma, Sister/ Brother, Aunt/Uncle, Cousin, etc.) Then have children put a mark or sticker in all columns that apply to them. Do this individually (during arrival or transition) so you can help children and engage in feedback loops where possible.
Music/Movement: 5 Waiting Pumpkins (have visuals)
*Five little pumpkins growing on a vine, the first one said I feel fine, the second one said I love the fall, the third one said I’m round as a ball, the fourth one said I smell pumpkin pie and the fifth one said Let’s say goodbye. (be sure to say in Spanish as well)
*Choose one other movement song
Closing Circle:
Goodbye song / Arrival: Attendance graph
Morning Circle:
Welcome song & one other
-QOTD: Which do you like best: chicken or greens? (or use other food options that you know will work well with your class) Have children answer during arrival or transition, charting with visuals whiteboard/pocket chart/etc
Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the day
Music/Movement: Choose 2
Relaxation: “Yoga” (see below)
Closing Circle:
Review QOTD results with the full group, counting each column and writing the numeral
Goodbye song / Arrival: Attendance graph
Morning Circle:
Welcome song & one other
-Discussion: What is a recipe? Show an example (e.g., from a cookbook you use at home) and talk about how you might use it.
Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the day
-SS Skill Activity
Music/Movement: SS Song & one other
Transition: SS Brain Builder-
Closing Circle:
Goodbye song
Read-Alouds / Group 1: Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper
(first reading: streamline as needed; focus on basic comprehension of plot/conflict)
Group 2: Bunny Cakes by Rosemary Wells
(basic comprehension, concept of ingredients and making a shopping list) / Group 1: Bunny Cakes by Rosemary Wells
(basic comprehension, concept of ingredients and making a shopping list)
Group 2: Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper
(first reading: streamline as needed; focus on basic comprehension of plot/conflict) / Group 1:SS Story and Discussion-
Group 2: SS book- / Group 1: SS Book-
Group 2: SS Story and Discussion-
Small-Group Activity / Group 1: Exploring Pumpkins
Group 2: Grocery-Shopping Graphs / Group 1: Grocery-Shopping Graphs
Group 2: Exploring Pumpkins / Group 1: SS Skill Activity-
Group 2: Food at Home (sharing foods we eat at home, making grocery lists) / Group 1: Food at Home (sharing foods we eat at home, making grocery lists)
Group 2: SS Skill Activity-
Special Activities / Tangible Acknowledgement System: / Mealtime: Discussion: What jobs do people in your family do to help for dinner? Walk through the possible jobs – setting the table, cooking the food, etc. – and ask for examples of who does that in children’s families. / “Yoga” (repeated from last week) – put on slow music and have children stretch, bend, curl, reach and breathe. For example, stand tall like a tree and spread branches (arms); lie flat on stomach, push up onto elbows and hiss like snake.
Outside / Inclement Weather Plan:
Individual Child Planning Form
Center/Classroom: / Teachers: / Week of:Focus Date / Child’s
Name / School Readiness Goal Focus Domain(s) / Focus TS GOLD Objective(s) / Why Chosen?
(IFSP, TS Gold Report, family input, conference goal, etc.) / Strategy/Activity
NOTE: Children with similar needs may benefit from differentiated instruction (e.g. during small-group activity). You can use the “Small Group” column at right to make notes about possible groupings.
Example: 1. Routine – activity, state how you are individualizing for this child. / Possible small-group? / CHECK when implemented
Soc-Emotional / Approaches to Learning / Language & Literacy / Cogn./ Gen. Knowledge / Physical
IFSP Child Planning
Child’s Name / IFSP Goals / Classroom Plan: What’s the Activity/Who’s Supporting the Child*Please review all IFSP plans including Speech Only to ensure implementation of all classroom goals.
*For speech goals the what/who would be: Directed by the Speech Language Therapist
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