July 27, 2006

Portland, Oregon



3:00 PM Tour of Portland Streetcar. Meet at The Eliot condominium lobby at 1201 SW 10th Avenue in developer John Carroll’s office. A ride of the streetcar through Pearl and Northwest Portland will follow. Rick Gustafson, Charlies Hales and John Carroll will accompany.


7:45 AM Registration and Breakfast Provided

8:30 AM Welcome to Portland and Introduction of United Streetcar: A brief discussion about the activities of the national Community Streetcar Coalition and the strong interest in streetcar projects, as well as a discussion about the importance of the streetcar to Portland, and an introduction to United Streetcar, the new U.S. manufacturer of modern streetcars.

Lake Oswego Mayor Judie Hammerstad, Chair of the National Community Streetcar Coalition

David Bragdon, Portland Metro Council President

Sam Adams, Portland City Commissioner

9:15 AM Why streetcars, why now? A discussion of the most robust new streetcar systems, what they have achieved, and lessons learned.

Gloria Ohland, Reconnecting America, Moderator

Jim Graebner, APTA Heritage Trolley and Streetcar Subcommittee

Charlie Hales, HDR Inc.

Mark Dorn, URS Corp.

John Schumann, LTK Engineering Services

Scott Bernstein, Center for Neighborhood Technology

10:15 AM The Federal Transit Administration’s Small Starts Program: The FTA will explain the Small Starts program, a potential streetcar funding source. Also discussed will be the role of cities vs. transit agencies as streetcar champions, and some issues about federal transportation funding that have come up as a result of streetcars.

Fred Hansen, TriMet, Moderator

Ron Fisher, Federal Transit Administration

Jeff Boothe, Holland & Knight and executive director of the Community Streetcar Coalition

Richard Brandman, Portland Metro

David Unsworth, TriMet

11:15 AM Break

11:30AM Local Funding, Planning and Economic Development: Local funding options, the link between streetcars and economic development, and developer agreements that can help cities leverage broad public benefits ranging from affordability to high-quality public space and parks.

Michael Powell, Powell’s Books, Moderator

David Taylor, HDR Inc.

Eric Hovee, E.D. Hovee & Company

G.B. Arrington, PB PlaceMaking

Cheryl Twete, Portland Development Commission

12:30 PM Lunch Provided

Luncheon Discussion Groups, Introductions by Metro Councilor Rex Burkholder:

Possible Topics:

Local funding options: HDR

Vehicles: LTK and United Streetcar

Construction: URS

Private Sector Support: Michael Powell

Federal Policy: Jeff Boothe

2:00 PM Streetcar Case Studies: Very short case studies of projects that are moving forward, the politics of these projects, the challenges, and the opportunities.

Judie Hammerstad, chair of Community Streetcar Coalition, Moderator

Sue Comis, Tacoma Sound Transit

Elaine Clegg, Boise City Council

Dale Bracewell, City of Vancouver, B.C.

Grace Crunican, Seattle Department of Transportation

Sam Adams, Portland City Commissioner

David Knowles, David Evans Associates


Streetcar will depart from PSU to South Waterfront. A reception at the OHSU Health and Wellness Center will be held and workshop participants can take the aerial to the OHSU main campus for a spectacular city view.

5:30 PM Reception


9:00 AM Local brainstorming session with community advocates for streetcar. The Streetcar system plan will be the main topic for the morning session. All potential corridors will be included in the discussion with added discussion on the system plan approach.