St. Francis Preparatory SchoolSpring 2017
Religious EducationMs. Bergin
Rel#9590/Religions of the World
As described in the SFP Course Offerings Booklet:
“Throughout human history, religion has been a source of both peace and conflict for humanity. Thepurpose of this course is to provide an opportunity for students to explore respectfully and critically thetenets, practices, and spirituality of the religions of the world. Students will discover that by approachingdiverse religious beliefs with intelligence and openness, religion can be a source of healing and unityrather than of strife and division.”
Religion is important for the majority of people living on this earth. Understanding of and appreciation for different belief systems can only enrich or own faith lives. In the words of the Second Vatican Council:
“The problems that weigh heavily on human hearts are the same today as in ages past. What is the human person? What is the meaning and purpose of life? What is upright behavior, and what is sinful?Where does suffering originate, and what end does it serve? How can genuine happiness be found? What happens at death? What is judgment? What reward follows death? And finally, what is the ultimate mystery, beyond human explanation, which embraces our entire existence, from which we take our origin and towards which we tend?” -Nostra Aetate, Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions
We live in a society of religious diversity. If we can learn to build bridges to people of other faiths, we can move closer to St. Francis’ teaching to become “instruments of peace”.
MATERIALS NEEDED: - Notebook for class, ideally with a pocket or small folder for handouts.
- Colored pencils (12 or 24 pk) + sharpener
- In addition to handouts given in class, students will be responsible to periodically check
the course webpage and Google classroom for supplemental information.
Class will be conducted with the expectation of respectful dialogue between teacher and all class members. Everyone will be encouraged to participate as fully as they are capable in an atmosphere of respect for each other and the course material. It is my intention to engage the class in many activities and discussions which may ask you to consider your own beliefs and expand your understanding of beliefs and cultures that may be new to you. Our activities and discussions will be as successful as each individual’s willingness to keep an open and respectful outlook. Let us try to make our classroom a microcosm of the respect for diversity of belief and culture so needed in our world today.
I hope to arrange field trips to local houses of worship for interested students. Any such trips would be optional and be scheduled for after school or the weekend. Students who participated in this opportunity in past years found these experiences enjoyable and interesting. More information will be given in class.
The first part of this course is designed to explore the nature of religion itself, its role in human history and in our world today. Together, we will explore the following:
- What is religion itself? From where does it emerge? What purpose does it serve?
- "Locating" ourselves: How do we think about religion/faith/God? Are there other valid ways?
- "Religion in the News"
- Reality and Time: How does good religious practice deepen our engagement with the "really real"?
- The 'language' of religion: symbols,story and ritual
The second part of this course will take up an exploration of the history, beliefs, practices and spirituality of an array of the world's religions, including: HINDUISM; BUDDHISM;TAOISM; SHINTO; JUDAISM; ISLAM; SIKH
(and very likely.... more!)
-Quarter grades will be determined from an average of - 2-3 tests
- 1-2 formal written assignments/projects
- thoughtful completion of class work
- respectful and meaningful class participation
- Please note that a cumulative final exam is given at the end of the course worth 20% of your course grade.
All projects/written work must be thoroughly and thoughtfully completed and handed in on time to receive full credit. Late work will be penalized -5 per calendar day past the due date and a zero given for any missing assignments. If you are absent from school on the day an assignment is due or a test scheduled, you must hand in that assignment/schedule a make-up test on the day you return to school. Please note that make up tests are not given during class time.
Naturally, it is expected that respect is demonstrated for all class members and the course content at all times, as well as all school rules and especially the SFP Honor Code.
Class attendance at St. Francis Prep is a major priority. All students are required to complete all required work even if they are absent. If a student is absent from class 6 or more times for any given quarter, this will be considered excessive absence. This will result in a mandatory 5 point deduction from the quarterly grade. Please be advised classes missed due to lateness or early dismissal will be included in this group.
COLLEGE CREDIT(This isOPTIONAL..but I encourage you to consider this opportunity!)
*Eligible students are encouraged to take this course for college credit. If you choose to pursue this option, you need to:
1) complete your registration by ______and pay the required fee.
2) successfully prepare and present paper/project that includes appropriate research to merit college credit.
Please see the College Credit tab on the SFP website for more specific information and be sure to look /listen for announcements in the coming week about College Credit registration.
We will definitely cover a lot of material in this course as we journey back in time, around the world, into numerous cultures and into the infinite mystery of God and human existence. I will invite us all to think broadlyanddeeply.
It is my hope that we will have an enjoyable and mutually enriching semester!
We all have something to offer...and we can build a great class together if we all get involved!
If you need to contact me for any reason, I can usually be reached during free periods in the Religious Education office (W116) or you may e-mail me at .