21st February 2007

A MEETING of the REGULATORY COMMITTEE will be held within the Council Chamber, Greenfield, Alloa, on THURSDAY 1st MARCH 2007 at

9.30 am.


Head of Administration and Legal Services

From February 2005, the Council has introduced a scheme governing oral submissions on planning applications. In line with standing orders, the Convener may re-arrange the order of this agenda to allow oral submissions to be heard as the first items of business. The final decision on who will make oral submissions will rest with the Convener of the Committee.

Members are reminded of their obligation to declare any financial or non-financial interest which they may have in any item on this agenda in accordance with the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Page No.

1.Confirm minute of meeting held on 1st February 200701

(Copy herewith)

2.Planning Application: Erection of 81 No. Houses with05

Associated Roads, Footpaths and Landscaping at Burnside,

Riccarton, Clackmannan (Ref. 06/00313/FULL) – report by

Grant Baxter, Principal Planner (Copy herewith)

3.Outline Planning Application: Erection of One House on Land 17

at 30 Back Road, Dollar, (Ref. 06/00334/OUT) – report by

Grant Baxter (Copy herewith)

4.Planning Applications – report by Grant Baxter27

(Principal Planner) (Copy herewith)

(i)Redevelopment at Farm Steading to Erect 2 Detached and 9-

Terraced Houses with Associated Roads, Car Parking,

Landscaping and Fencing at Blackfaulds Farm, Blackfaulds

Road, Coalsnaughton (Ref. 06/00388/FULL)

(ii)Erection of Horse Stables/Livery and Associated Access Road-

and Bridle Path at Blackfaulds Farm, Blackfaulds Road,

Coalsnaughton (Ref. 06/00394/FULL)

Page No

5.The Planning Enforcement Strategy – Progress with 43

Implementation – report by Stephen Bell, Head of

Development Services (Copy herewith)

For further information please contact Chief Executive’s Service, Clackmannanshire Council, Greenfield, Alloa FK10 2AD

(Tel 01259 452106) (Fax 01259 452230) (email ) (