150 Meridan Street | Pittsburgh, PA 15211

Phone: 412-529-8211 | Fax: 412-488-4255| Parent Hotline: 412-529-HELP (4357) |

Valerie Lucas, Principal

11/5/2014 “And How Are The Children? All The Children Are Well!”

Massi Warrior Greeting

Title I

Parent Involvement Policy

  • This school’s parental involvement policy has been developed with, agreed upon, and will be distributed to parents at the annual meeting (October 1, 2014). The policy will be available for review at the individual school. This policy will be reviewed annually and shall be updated as appropriate to meet the changing needs of parents and the school.
  • An annual meeting to which all parents shall be invited and encouraged to attend will be held in September or early October. At the meeting, this policy, legal requirements, and the parents’ rights to be involved will be explained.
  • A copy of this policy and a copy of the legal requirements will be distributed to parents at this meeting.
  • The school meets with any interested parent or community member on the first Wednesday of each month at 5:30 P.M. in the school library.
  • Title I funds may be used to pay expenses associated with Title I parent involvement activities, including but not limited to funds to pay for meals, activities, etc. that enable parents to participate in school-related meetings and trainings.
  • Parents will be involved in the development of this policy and the school improvement plan. Parents are invited to the annual Title I meeting to review and provide input of the policy. The school will provide parents and the community members with an update on how the school is utilizing Title I funds. Parents are encouraged to offer suggestions to engage parents in school events and trainings. Staff members will share with parents and community members how the school is progressing towards meeting their school improvement goals.
  • Parents will provide feedback in the yearly district parent survey.
  • Parents will be informed of programs available through the parental involvement policy and under Title I law. Parents will also be involved in the planning, review, and improvement of the school’s Title I program.
  • Parents will be informed of their child’s progress via report cards, interim reports, student monitoring tools with data from assessments, and results from district and state tests. The forms of academic assessments are:

*The Kindergarten Assessment

*Dibels: Grades K-5

*PSSA Tests: Grades 3, 4, 5

*SMI Math: Grades K-5

*GRADE (Reading only) Grades 3, 4, 5

*Unit Assessments in both Reading and Math

The following curricula are used at Pittsburgh Whittier K-5:

MacMillan Reading Envision Math/Everyday Math

  • During the 2014-2015 school year, Whittier will offer a math night and a reading night during a PSCC meeting to inform parents of the changes in the State standards. Parents will be able to review curriculum. Grade level teachers will send home periodic updates to parents informing them of what their students are learning in Reading and Math. Parents/Guardians may visit the PDE website, or contact Pittsburgh Whittier K-5 School for assistance in understanding the State’s academic content standards and student achievement standards, as well as local academic assessments, to help them monitor their child’s progress, in an effort to work with teachers to improve the achievement of their children.
  • Opportunities for regular meetings to share experiences, offer suggestions, and as appropriate participate in decisions relating to the education of their children are provided through an annual parent meeting, PSCC meetings, and PTO meetings/training sessions.

High Achievement-High Expectations-High Atop Mt. Washington ….. CAN’T HIDE THAT WILDCAT PRIDE!

The Pittsburgh Public Schools (PPS) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA Title II Coordinator at 341 Bellfield Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 or 412.529.HELP (4357).