Medical Adaptations Policy & Procedure
Craigdale Housing Association Ltd
83/85 Dougrie Road
Glasgow, G45-9NS
Date approved by
Policy Sub-Committee: / 18.08.14
Date ratified by
full Management Committee: / 28.08.14
Date staff training: / 24.09.14
Date of next review: / 2019
Policy Statement
It is Craigdale Housing Association policy to provide quality houses which meet the tenants housing needs along with their families. We are committed to providing a quality service which meets all our tenant’s needs through housing and services which we currently provide.
The process detailed below highlights the process to be followed by tenants and staff in dealing with applications to carry out alterations to property.
Regulatory and Good Practice Requirements
This policy has been written using best practice guidance and aims to comply fully with these and the requirements of legislation.
The policy assists Craigdale in fulfilling its requirements under the Government’s Scottish Social Housing Charter. It links to the vast majority of the Charter Standards as it is vital that Staff and Committee Members are adequately trained in the relevant areas to ensure successful outcomes.
Scottish Social Housing Charter Standard No. 1:Equalities / Social landlords perform all aspects of their housing services so that:
Every tenant and other customer has their individual needs recognised, is treated fairly and with respect, and receives fair access to housing and housing services.
Scottish Social Housing Charter Standard No. 2:
Communication / Social landlords manage their businesses so that:
Tenants and other customers find it easy to communicate with their landlord and get the information they need about their landlord, how and why it makes decisions and the services it provides.
Scottish Social Housing Charter Standard No. 3:
Participation / Social landlords manage their businesses so that:
Tenants and other customers find it easy to participate in and influence their landlord's decisions at a level they feel comfortable with.
Scottish Social Housing Charter Standard No. 11:
Tenancy sustainment / Social landlords ensure that:
Tenants get the information they need on how to obtain support to remain in their home; and ensure suitable support is available, including services provided directly by the landlord and by other organisations
Scottish Social Housing Charter Standard No. 13:
Value for money / Social landlords manage all aspects of their businesses so that:
Tenants, owners and other customers receive services that provide continually improving value for the rent and other charges they pay
Scottish Social Housing Charter Standard No. 14 and 15:
Rent and Service charges / Social landlords set rents and service charges in consultation with their tenants and other customers so that:
A balance is struck between the level of services provided, the cost of the services, and how far the current and prospective tenants and other customers can afford them
Tenants get clear information on how rent and other money is spent, including any details of individual items of expenditure above thresholds agreed between landlords and tenants
Equal Opportunities
Craigdale Housing Association recognises our pro-active role in valuing and promoting diversity, fairness, social justice and equality of opportunity by adopting and promoting fair policies and procedures. CHA will check this policy and associated procedures regularly for their equal opportunity implications, taking appropriate action to address inequalities likely to result or resulting from the implementation of the policy and procedures.
Implementing and Monitoring
Staff Members have day to day responsibility for implementing the policy and the Director has overall responsibility for monitoring.
Review Period
This policy has a review period of five years: 2019
Adaptations are permanent changes to the layout and fixtures of an existing property.
Adaptations are different from temporary aids such as shower aids, grab rails, toilet frames. These aids can be removed when you no longer need them or if you move home. Such aids are the responsibility of the Health Board or Social Work Department.
Adaptation works are classified in three groups in line with Scottish Homes Guidance Note (SHGN 2001/02).
- Stage One – design features that are not specific to a particular condition or individual and that are incorporated into the initial specification for the property prior to its construction or improvement.
- Stage Two – adaptations to a property to suit the particular requirements of the tenant to whom it has been allocated before, or close to, practical completion of construction or improvement works. The original contractor may carry out these adaptations.
- Stage Three – works to adapt a property to suit the changing needs of the existing tenant, or of a new tenant, where these could not reasonably have been identified when the property was originally provided.
Craigdale Housing Association Ltd. is responsible for the installation and maintenance of these adaptations. As they are of a permanent nature, the property will continue to be let as an ‘adapted’ property to future tenants requiring such a property.
If a tenant or member of his or her household has changing needs, which makes it difficult to perform routine daily tasks within the home, they may qualify for an adaptation.
The tenant must put this request in writing to the Association together with the following supporting documentation:-
- Doctor/other appropriate medical practitioner confirming the condition and recommendation for adaptation.
- A recent assessment from an Occupational Therapist recommending the adaptation.
- Where the adaptation required is minor, for instance, a handrail, the above may be waived if the Association has a working knowledge of the tenants needs or condition, this is at the discretion the Projects Manager.
Craigdale Housing Association will assess and prioritise requests for adaptations as follows:-
In certain circumstances applicants will be ineligible:-
- Where the applicant knew that they were accepting a property, which was inappropriate to their needs and did not inform the Association until after the let was made. For example, the applicant accepted a house with internal stairs without informing the Association that they had a degenerate illness which would render it difficult or impossible to climb stairs.
- The property in which they currently reside is entirely unsuited to the applicants needs and rehousing is required.
Examples (not exhaustive) of this are:-
- Where a walk in shower is required above ground floor level.
- The Association has suitable alternative accommodation available.
- The property would need to be reinstated to its original condition in order to relet.
Applicants will be eligible to be considered for an adaptation as described below:-
- Applicants whose circumstances change after the property was originally let and this could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of let.
- The location and style of the property is suitable.
- The property may be relet as an adapted property.
- Funding is available or can be made available from Glasgow City Council Housing & Development Regeneration Services.
Where there is more than one applicant who qualifies and funds are not available to carry out all works the Association will seek the advice of the Occupational Therapist in prioritising the works, which proceed.
Notifying the Applicant
The Association will aim to process the application within set timescales.
The applicant will be notified in writing by the Housing Services Team within 3 working days that the application has been received.
Within 8 working days the Housing Services Team will notify the applicant of whether or not they are eligible.
Where the tenant’s application is considered to be ineligible, a reason will be stated and copy of the Associations Complaints Policy enclosed should they wish to appeal the decision.
The Occupational Therapist and any other relevant person will be notified in writing within the same timescale.
- The Housing Services Team will inspect the property and liase with the Occupational Therapist in order to ensure that the appropriate adaptation is installed.
- The Housing Services Teamwill draft any specifications required for tender for builders and supervise these works. Tendering for work will be in line with the SHGN 2001/02.
- The Association will aim to complete adaptations as soon as it is reasonably practicable.
- Together with the Occupational Therapist they will post inspect the works to ensure that the workmanship is of good quality and meets the applicant’s needs.
- The Housing Service Team will issue copy of VAT exemption form to the Contractor on completion of works.
- Once the works are completed issue the Tenant and Occupational Therapist with a customer satisfaction questionnaire.
Lettings to Adapted Property
Craigdale Housing Association Ltd. believes that it is important that people have access to properties adapted to suit their specific needs. This means that as an individual or family no longer require an adapted property, the Association would seek the opportunity of reallocating the property to someone in need of it. This would only apply where major adaptations were in place for instance walk-in shower wheelchair housing. The Association would be sensitive in its approach and each situation would be dealt with on an individual basis.
Once installed adaptations become the responsibility of the Association. Maintenance on a reactive and cyclical basis is then required and while replacement costs must be considered. The Association will address these matters as describes below.
The Association’s Finance Department will set aside funding each year in the event that medical adaptations require to be replaced.
The Association will carry out repairs for adaptations in line with its procedures for reactive repairs.
There are three types of disputes, which may arise throughout this process.
The applicant disputes the Occupational Therapist assessment.
The applicant must pursue this through the Social Works Department where they will issue the applicant with their complaints procedure.
The applicant disputes the Association’s decision.
Disputes with the Association are pursued through the Complaints Policy. A leaflet is enclosed in the Tenancy Pack, and a Copy of the Policy is available on request.
The Association disputes the Occupational Therapist assessment.
The Association will write to the Occupational Therapist stating the reason for the dispute and requesting a re-assessment.
Reporting to the Asset Management Sub-Committee will take place on a quarterly basis. The Committee will be notified of:
- At the start of new finance year meet with Glasgow City Council, Development & Regeneration Services to discuss proposals for grant funding.
- Number of approved Applications at start of year
- Number added during year
- Number and percentage completed during year
- Spend Year to Date and balance
- Breakdown of type of Adaptations
- Time to complete approved applications
- Outcome of customer satisfaction questionnaires
If you wish to appeal against any decision taken in this policy, an informal appeal can be made to the Projects Manager. Where the applicant remains dissatisfied, they should appeal in writing to the Association’s Director.
Where after following the procedures, the applicant still disagrees with the decision, the applicant may appeal to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO):
- Freephone adviceline 0800 377 7330
- Adviceline (if calling from outside the UK) 0131 225 5300
- Online form
- In person 4 Melville Street, Edinburgh, EH3 7NS (see a map)
- By post FREEPOST EH641, Edinburgh, EH3 0BR
- Fax0800 377 7331
The Procedures which follow in this document explains how Craigdale Housing Association assists their tenants who remain in their homes and their physical needs change.
This Policy does not apply to owner occupiers, shared ownership and shared equity properties. The aforementioned must apply directly to the local authority for grant funding assistance.
YES / NO / DATEOccupational Therapist Referral
Tenant: Recommendation for Permanent Adaptations letter
Tenant & OT: Letter explaining that request has been denied
Contractor: Request for quotationdescription of works
Contractor: Successful quotation
Contractor: Unsuccessful quotation
Contractor: VAT Exemption Letter
Contractor: VAT Exemption Form
Tenant: Authorisation of medical adaptation
OT: Authorisation of medical adaptation
Tenant: No funds available
OT: No funds available
Tenant: Medical Adaptation Satisfaction Letter
Tenant: Medical Adaptation Satisfaction Questionnaire
OT: Confirmation that medical adaptation has been completed letter
OT: Medical Adaptation Satisfaction Questionnaire
DRS: Letter applying for grant funding
DRS: Copy of Occupational Therapist Report
DRS: Copy of Description of Works
DRS: Copy of Contractors Invoice
DRS: Copy of Grant Claim Form
DRS: Copy of Quarterly Monitoring Information
Mr Joe Bloggs
123 Name Street
Flat 0/1
Dear Mr Bloggs
Please contact the Office to discuss the medical adaptation recommendation from your Occupational Therapist.
Yours sincerely
Housing Services Officer
Further to your recommendation for permanent medical adaptations at the above address I write to advise that we are unable to progress this request for the following reason(s):
1/ In line with the Association’s Medical Adaptation’s Policy and Procedure we will not remove a bath and replace with a level access shower where the bathroom is above ground floor level.
I trust the above is of assistance to you.
Yours sincerely
Housing Services Officer
MCN (Scotland) Limited
13 Lady Jane Gate
G71 8BW
FAO Mr Derek Murray
Dear Contractor
Subject: Mr Joe Bloggs, 123 Name Street, 0/1, Castlemilk, G45-9NB
Supply & Fit Over bath Shower
With regards to the above subject, the Association would be grateful if you could provide us with an estimate to carry out the above works.
Your estimate should be based on the attached specification; if you require to visitthe site prior to submitting your estimate please contact the office and we will arrange access.
Your estimate should be returned to the Association’s office no later than
12.00 noon on Friday 20January 20xx.
Should you wish to discuss any of the above then please do not hesitate to contact me at the above address.
Yours sincerely
Housing Services Officer
Specification: / Supply & Fit over bath shower and wall boardsName: / Mr Joe Bloggs
Address: / 123 Name Street, 0/1, Castlemilk, G45-9NB
Telephone: / 0141-634-1234 / 07927-123-456
- Supply & Fit Mira Advance Flex Shower over bath and wet wall panels, curtain and rail system, grab rail, seal bath edges
MCN (Scotland) Limited
13 Lady Jane Gate
G71 8BW
FAO Mr Derek Murray, Director
Dear Derek
Subject: Mr Joe Bloggs, 123 Name Street, 0/1, Castlemilk, G45-9nb
Supply & Fit Over bath shower
Further to your recent quotation of £0.00to carryout medical adaptation, I now write to confirm that your quotation has been successful.
I would be obliged if you could confirm to me at your earliest convenience commencement date and duration of works. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me at the above address.
I look forward to working with your company again.
Yours sincerely
Housing Services Officer
MCN (Scotland) Limited
13 Lady Jane Gate
G71 8BW
FAO Mr Derek Murray, Director
Dear George
Subject: Mr Joe Bloggs, 123 Name Street, 0/1, Castlemilk, G45-9nb
Supply & Fit Overbath Shower
Further to the recent quotation for medical adaptation at the above address, I now write to inform you that on this occasion your quotation has been unsuccessful.
Please find listed below the tender quotation prices the Association received for these works.
- £0.00 + VAT
- £0.00 + VAT
- non return
Thank you for taking the time to provide this quotation, if you require any further information on this matter please do not hesitate to contact me at the above address.
Yours sincerely
Housing Services Officer
MCN (Scotland) Limited
13 Lady Jane Gate
G71 8BW
FAO Mrs Donna Rodgers
16th August 2013
Dear Donna
Mr Joe Bloggs, 123 Name Street, 0/1, Castlemilk, G45-9nb - Medical Adaptations
Please find enclosed a VAT Exemption Form for the above address as requested.
Many thanks
Yours sincerely
Housing Services Officer
Enc. Exemption Form
Goods and Services for Disabled Persons
Eligibility Declaration by a Charity
I (full name and status in charity) / Craigdale Housing Associationof (name and address of charity) / 83-85 Dougrie Road, Castlemilk, GLASGOW, G45-9NS
declare that the charity named above is receiving from / MCN (Scotland) Limited, 13 Lady Jane Gate
Bothwell, G71 8BW
(name and address of supplier)
- the following building alterations at
(address of building) to enable a disabled person to enter or move within the building:
Supply & fit overbath shower / (description of alterations)
And I claim relief from Value Added Tax under Group 14 of Schedule 5 to the Value Added Tax Act, 1983.
Note to Supplier
You must keep this declaration for production to your VAT office. The production of this certificate does not automatically authorise the zero-rating of the supply. You must also ensure that the goods and services you are supplying qualify for zero-rating.
Note to Customer
If you are in doubt as to whether you are eligible to receive goods or services zero-rated for VAT you should consult local VAT office before signing the declaration.