Republic of Latvia


Regulation No. 575

Adopted 29 June 2010

Regulations Regarding the Procedures for Registration of Chemical Substances and Mixtures and Their Database

Issued pursuant to

Section 7, Paragraph two of the Chemical Substances Law

1. The Regulation prescribes the procedures for registration of chemical substances and mixtures, as well as the information, which shall be provided, maintained, compiled and evaluated in the Database of Chemical Substances and Mixtures (hereinafter – Database).

2. A person who performs activities involving chemical substances or mixtures (hereinafter – performer of activities) shall ensure written or electronic registration of the following information:

2.1. the name, quantity, classification and labelling of the chemical substance or mixture;

2.2. safety data sheets of the chemical substance or mixture.

3. The performer of activities shall once a year perform stocktaking of chemical substances and mixtures and update the information referred to in Paragraph 2 of this Regulation.

4. The performer of activities shall ensure:

4.1. completeness and accuracy of the information laid down in this Regulation;

4.2. provision of the information obtained during stocktaking to State institutions, if it is necessary:

4.2.1. for restricting an accident or for liquidation of its consequences;

4.2.2. for performance of supervision and control functions.

5. A manufacturer of chemical substances or a mixture or a person who brings in a chemical substance or mixture in the territory of Latvia shall fill in a special form (Annex) and each year by 1 March submit a report on activities involving chemical substances and mixtures (hereinafter – report) to the State limited liability company “Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre” (hereinafter – Centre) concerning the previous calendar year in printed form or in the form of an electronic document. The manufacturer of chemical substances and mixtures or the person who brings in a chemical substance or mixture in the territory of Latvia shall ensure the veracity of the information submitted.

6. A report shall be submitted:

6.1. on the chemical substances or mixtures brought in or manufactured in the territory of Latvia, if their quantity exceeds 100 kilograms a year, except chemical substances or mixtures classified as very toxic, toxic, cancerogens of Category 1 and 2, mutagens of Category 1 and 2 or toxic for reproduction in Category 1 and 2;

6.2. on the chemical substances or mixtures brought in or manufactured in the territory of Latvia which are very toxic, toxic, cancerogens of Category 1 and 2, mutagens of Category 1 and 2 or toxic for reproduction in Category 1 and 2, if their quantity exceeds 10 kilograms a year.

7. A report shall be provided for the following categories of chemical substances and mixtures:

7.1. organic chemical compounds, also organic surface-active agents, detergents and lubricants, animal or vegetable fats and oils, their cleavage products intended only for technical and industrial needs, except production of food products;

7.2. inorganic chemical compounds;

7.3. asbestos, hydrated lime and unhydrated lime;

7.4. mineral heating fuel (except peat and coal), oil, its fractions, bitumen materials, also coal lignite, peat and other mineral tars or partial distillation products;

7.5. mineral fertilisers or vegetable macronutrients and micronutrients;

7.6. pigments, dyes, paints, varnishes, enamel;

7.7. biocides intended for human hygiene;

7.8. disinfectants of residential, public and private buildings and territories;

7.9. biocides of veterinary hygiene;

7.10. disinfectants of food products and animal feed;

7.11. disinfectants of drinking water;

7.12. preservatives of packaged goods;

7.13. preservatives of coatings (preservatives of films);

7.14. wood preservatives;

7.15. fibre, leather, rubber and polymeric material preservatives;

7.16. masonry preservatives;

7.17. preservatives of cooling and processing system liquids;

7.18. slimicides (products used to prevent the growth of slime);

7.19. preservatives of metal processing liquids;

7.20. rodenticides;

7.21. avicides;

7.22. molluscocides;

7.23. piscicides (products used for protection against fish);

7.24. insecticides, acaricides and other products intended for use against anthropoda;

7.25. repellents and attractants;

7.26. food or animal feed preservatives;

7.27. anti-sediment products (products used to prevent the growth of organisms forming sediments);

7.28. embalming and taxidermy liquids;

7.29. agents for destroying vertebrates.

8. If the ready-made varnishes and paints have a different colour, shade, level of gloss, structure or rheological properties, however, they belong to the same group of varnishes or paints, one report on the relevant group of varnishes or paints shall be submitted, using the common part of the trade name, and the components of the relevant paint or varnish and their concentration shall be indicated.

9. A report need not be submitted for manufactured by-products, if they are not intended for selling, as well as carriage of chemical substances and mixtures.

10. Report forms shall be received at the Centre or the regional environmental board of the State Environmental Service. Report sheets in which information regarding a chemical substance or mixture is indicated shall be numbered.

11. If changes have occurred in the information provided, the manufacturer or the person who brings in a chemical substance or mixture in the territory of Latvia shall notify the Centre thereof within five working days in printed form or in the form of an electronic document.

12. The Centre shall create and maintain the Database, evaluate the submitted reports and, if errors or deficiencies are established, request that the necessary corrections are made within two weeks after establishing mistakes.

13. The Centre shall:

13.1. register the reports submitted;

13.2. assign an individual registration number to each chemical substance and mixture;

13.3. enter information in the Database, provided by the manufacturer or the person who brings in a chemical substance or mixture in the territory of Latvia;

13.4. evaluate the completeness of the information provided;

13.5. ensure the State Fire and Rescue Service with access to the Database information which is necessary for the performance of its functions.

14. The Centre shall evaluate what dangerous chemical substances and mixtures are brought in or manufactured in the territory of Latvia, and shall inform accordingly in printed form or in the form of an electronic document:

14.1. the Health Inspectorate, the State Environmental Service or the State Labour Inspectorate – regarding the manufacturer of chemical substances or mixtures or the person who brings in a chemical substance or mixture in the territory of Latvia, and regarding the dangerous chemical substances and dangerous mixtures brought in and manufactured in the territory of Latvia, if the relevant substance or mixture is referred to in Annex XVII to Regulation No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC;

14.2. the State Environmental Service – regarding the manufacturer of chemical substances or mixtures or the person who brings in a chemical substance or mixture in the territory of Latvia, and regarding the dangerous chemical substances and dangerous mixtures brought in and manufactured in the territory of Latvia, if the relevant substance or mixture is classified and labelled as dangerous for the environment;

14.3. the Health Inspectorate and the State Labour Inspectorate – regarding the manufacturer of chemical substances or mixtures or the person who brings in a chemical substance or mixture in the territory of Latvia, and regarding the dangerous chemical substances and dangerous mixtures brought in and manufactured in the territory of Latvia, if the relevant substance or mixture is classified and labelled as very toxic;

14.4. the Security Police – regarding the manufacturer of chemical substances or mixtures or the person who brings in a chemical substance or mixture in the territory of Latvia, and regarding the dangerous chemical substances and dangerous mixtures brought in and manufactured in the territory of Latvia, if the relevant substance or mixture is classified and labelled as explosive, extremely flammable, highly flammable, flammable, very toxic, toxic or dangerous for the environment.

15. The Centre shall ensure the Information Centre for Poisoning and Medicinal Products of the Toxicology Centre with free access to the Database. It shall be used only for provision of information regarding poisoning symptoms, prophylactic, first aid and emergency measures in cases of poisoning, as well as other similar accidents.

16. If the manufacturer of chemical substances and mixtures or the person who brings in a chemical substance or mixture in the territory of Latvia does not submit the relevant reports, the Centre shall inform the Health Inspectorate, the State Environmental Service or the State Labour Inspectorate thereof in order to take a decision on holding the referred-to person liable in accordance with the procedures laid down in laws and regulations.

17. Cabinet Regulation No. 466 of 22 October 2002, Regulations Regarding the Procedures for Registering Chemical Substances and Mixtures and Their Database (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2002, No. 157; 2006, No. 64; 2008, No. 45), is repealed.

Prime MinisterV.Dombrovskis

Minister for the EnvironmentR. Vējonis


Cabinet Regulation

No. 575

29 June 2010

On Activities Involving Chemical Substances and Mixtures
in Year ______
To the State limited
liability company
“Latvian Environmental, Geology and
Meteorology Centre”
165, Maskavas street

Riga, LV-1019

Name (firm name) and legal address of the merchant, institution, organisation / Registration number
Registration date
in the Enterprise Register
Person who fills in the form / Telephone
(given name, surname) / E-mail
Given name, surname of the responsible person*
(in block letters)
Place for a seal*
Registration No.
Report No.

Page ___ of _____

The tinted boxes shall be completed by the responsible employee of the State limited liability company “Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre”.

Note. * The details of the document “given name, surname of the responsible person”, “signature”, “date” and “place for a seal” shall not be completed if the electronic document has been prepared in conformity with the laws and regulations regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.

I. Report On Manufacturing or Bringing in of Chemical Substance in the Territory of Latvia
Trade name of the chemical substance
Common (trivial) name of the chemical substance or name according to the IUPAC nomenclature(1)
CAS number of the chemical substance(2)
EC number(3)
2. Quantity of the chemical substance (in tonnes)(4) / 3. Classification and labelling of the chemical substance(5)
Manufactured / Brought in the territory of Latvia
4. Code of the chemical substance according to the combined (customs) nomenclature of goods and services of Latvia, if the chemical substance has been imported, and full name thereof / 5. International labelling of the chemical substance in relation to carriage of dangerous goods (class, sub-class together with the letter ADR or RID)
(the code of goods shall be entered in check-columns)
6. Sector of national economy (NACE) in which the chemical substance may be used(6) / 7. Addresses of locations for storage of chemical substances(7)
NACE code / Description / 1)


1. Common (trivial) name of the chemical substance or name according to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) nomenclature.

2. Number of the chemical substance in the register of chemical substances Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS number), if known.

3. Number of the chemical substance in the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS number) or the European List of Notified Chemical Substances (ELINCS number), if known.

4. Quantity of the chemical substance manufactured or brought in the territory of Latvia within a year. The quantity of chemical substances shall be indicated in the report form in tonnes, rounding up the figure:

4.1. up to 100 grams, if the quantity of a very toxic, toxic substance, cancerogens of Category 1 and 2, mutagens of Category 1 and 2 or substance toxic for reproduction in Category 1 and 2 is up to 0.1 tonne;

4.2. up to tenths of a tonne, if the quantity of the chemical substance is 0.1-9.9 tonnes;

4.3. up to whole tonnes, if the quantity of the chemical substance is 10-999 tonnes;

4.4. up to 10 tonnes, if the quantity of the chemical substance is 999 tonnes.

5.Classification and labelling of the chemical substance in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for classification, labelling and packaging of chemical substances and mixtures.

6.Code of the national economy sector (NACE code) in which use of the chemical substance is intended, and its description.

7. Address of the warehouse of the chemical substance (if the substance is stored at several warehouses, addresses of all storage locations shall be indicated).

Registration No.
Report No.

Page ___ of _____

The tinted boxes shall be completed by the responsible employee of the State limited liability company “Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre”.

II. Report On Manufacturing or Bringing in of a Mixture in the Territory of Latvia

1. Data on MIXTURE
Trade name of the mixture
Names of components of the mixture(1) / CAS No.(2) / EC No.(3) / Concentration in percentage(4)
2. Quantity of mixture (in tonnes)(5) / 3. Classification and labelling of mixture(6)
Manufactured / Brought in the territory of Latvia
4. Code of the mixture according to the combined (customs) nomenclature of goods and services of Latvia, if the mixture has been imported, and full name thereof / 5. International labelling of the mixture in relation to carriage of dangerous goods (class, sub-class together with the letter ADR or RID)
(the code of goods shall be entered in check-columns)
6. Sector of national economy (NACE) in which the mixture may be used(7) / 7. Addresses of locations for storage of chemical substances(8)
NACE code / Description / 1)


1. Common (trivial) name of the chemical substances in the composition of the mixture or name according to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) nomenclature.

2.Number of the chemical substance in the register of chemical substances Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS number), if known.

3. The number of the chemical substance in the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS number) or the European List of Notified Chemical Substances (ELINCS number), if known.

4. Concentrations of the chemical substances in the composition of the mixture, indicating:

4.1. concentrations of all dangerous chemical substances;

4.2. concentration intervals of all chemical substances in the composition of the mixture, which are not classified as dangerous, including also components which are not classified as dangerous in paints, varnishes, polymeric materials, cleaning products and detergents:

4.2.1. less than 5%;

4.2.2. from 5% to 15%;

4.2.3. from 15% to 30%;

4.2.4. more than 30%;

4.3. concentration intervals of the dangerous components for paints, varnishes and polymeric materials:

4.3.1. 0–1 %;

4.3.2. 5% intervals, if their limits are within 1-10% interval;

4.3.3. 10% intervals in other cases.

5. Quantity of the mixture manufactured or brought in the territory of Latvia within a year.The quantity of mixture shall be indicated in the report form in tonnes, rounding up the figure:

5.1. up to 100 grams, if the quantity of a very toxic, toxic chemical substance or mixture, cancerogens of Category 1 and 2, mutagens of Category 1 and 2 or chemical substance or mixture toxic for reproduction in Category 1 and 2 is up to 0.1 tonne;

5.2. up to tenths of a tonne, if the quantity of the mixture is 0.1-9.9 tonnes;

5.3. up to whole tonnes, if the quantity of the mixture is 10-999 tonnes;

5.4. up to 10 tonnes, if the quantity of the mixture is 999 tonnes.

6.Classification and labelling of the mixture in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for classification, labelling and packaging of chemical substances and mixtures.

7. Code of the national economy sector (NACE code) in which use of the mixture is intended, and its description.

8. Address of the warehouse of the mixture (if the mixture is stored at several warehouses, addresses of all storage locations shall be indicated).

Minister for the EnvironmentR. Vējonis

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