SPORT management
These Regulations refer to the conduct of the course in the session 2008-09 but are subject to change from time to time. Notice of change will be given in subsequent editions of these Regulations. Students should enquire as to the up-to-date position when they need to know this.
The Regulations are to be read in conjunction with Regulation XXI.
1.1The Programme is the responsibility of the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences. The Programme is taught jointly with LoughboroughUniversityBusinessSchool.
1.2The Programme leads to the award of MSc, Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate Certificate as specified in Regulation XXI.
1.3Entrance requirements are those referred to in Regulation XXI.
1.4The minimum period of study for the award of MSc is twelve calendar months full-time.
1.5Candidates will pursue route A or route B at the discretion of the Programme Leader and Head of the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences.
2.1To be eligible for consideration for the awards for this programme students must have accumulated the necessary credits from the following modules:
Either:route a
Compulsory Modules: Semester One
codesubject titlecredits
PEP010Research Methods for Sport Management30
PEP107Sport Markets and Industries20
BSP001Managerial Economics*10
BSP002Management of Human Resources*15
PEP109Managing Service Quality15
Compulsory Modules: Semester Two
codesubject titlecredits
PEP101Sport Management: Theory and Practice20
BSP004Marketing Management*15
BSP005Strategic Management10
BSP003Introduction to Financial Management*15
February onwards
PEP103Individual Project30
Optional modules:
*Entrants to the course with substantial prior academic background in these elements may be permitted or required at the discretion of the Programme Leader in collaboration with Module Leaders, to substitute up to 30 credits with approved modules from other Programmes or Departments.
Compulsory modules: (140 credits)
codesubject titlecredits
PEP010Research Methods for Sport Management30
PEP101Sport Management: Theory and Practice20
PEP107Sport Markets and Industries20
BSP005Strategic Management10
and 40 credits from:
Optional modules:*
PEP109Managing Service Quality15
PEP110Evaluating Research in Sport Policy30
BSP001Managerial Economics*10
BSP002Management of Human Resources*15
BSP003Introduction to Financial Management*15
BSP004Marketing Management*15
Additional modules from other postgraduate programmes may be made available.
This route is only open to SSES graduates.
* Option choices will require approval of the Programme Leader.
2.1.1For details of when the modules are taught and the specific assessment procedures see Module Specifications.
2.2Students may not study more than six modules in any one academic semester without the approval of the Head of School.
2.3Guidance will be given to candidates concerning the selection of optional components. However, the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences reserves the right to offer or withdraw any optional module.
2.4The School of Sport and Exercise Sciences reserves the right to regulate the numbers of students studying a particular module.
2.5Students cannot be considered for a module after two weeks from the start of the module.
2.6Students cannot normally start Module PEP103 (Project) until modules have been studied with a total rating of 150 credits, and a formal written project proposal has been submitted to, and approved by, a School supervisor and the Programme Leader.
2.6iTwo copies of the Report from Module PEP103, in the order of 12,000 - 15,000 words, must be handed in not later than August 14th in the eleventh month of the Programme for full-time students. The candidates may be required to submit themselves to an oral examination on the subject of their Project.
2.6iiThe contents of the Project Report may only be disclosed to persons outside the University with the written permission of the Programme Leader and/or Head of School.
2.7Students cannot normally start Module PEP104 (Dissertation) until a formal written dissertation proposal has been submitted to, and approved by, a School Supervisor and the Programme Leader.
2.7iTwo copies of the Dissertation from Module PEP104, in the order of 16-20,000 words, must be handed in not later than August 14th in the twelfth month of the Programme for full-time students. The candidates may be required to submit themselves to an oral examination on the subject of their dissertation.
2.7iiThe contents of the Dissertation may only be disclosed to persons outside the University with the written permission of the Programme Leader and/or Head of School.
3.1Each module in the programme will be assessed and credits awarded in accordance with the levels of achievement specified in Regulation XXI.
3.2In accordance with Regulation XXI, candidates who have a right of re-assessment in a module may choose to be re-assessed in the University's special assessment period.
3.3To be eligible for the award of the degree of Master candidates must have met the requirements of Regulation XXI. Candidates following Route A are required to have passed the module PEP103 Individual Project.
3.4The normal eligibility of candidates on the programme for the award of Degree of Master, Masters with Distinction, Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Diploma with Distinction, Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Certificate with Distinction will be in accordance with Regulation XXI.
September 2008