The Graduate Council held its regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, May 11, 2016, in Plaster Student Union, room 315. Chair Randy Dillon called the meeting to order at 3:30.
Members Present: Drs. Beckman, Buchanan, Carr, Chang, Dillon, Dollar, Duitsman, Evans, Finch, Garland (for Suttmoeller), Jones (for Hubbard), Kaula, Kemp, Maddox (for Agnew), G. Masterson, J. Masterson, Morris, Moses, Novik, Piston, Prescott, Scott, Stanojevic, Test, Tomasi, Williamson and Worman; Ms. Yarberry, Ms. Cleveland and Ms. Miller
Members Absent: Drs. Berquist, Calihman, Franklin, Gerasimchuck, Ghosh, Goerndt, Gutierrez, Haggard, Harsha and Penkalski
Guests: Dr. Sexton
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Dr. Piston and seconded by Dr. Williamson to approve the minutes from the April 2016 meeting. Motion unanimously approved.
Committee Reports
Report of the Council Chair – Randy Dillon
Dr. Dillon reported that the new “Mixed Credit” policy that passed Graduate Council in January, 2016, was presented as a Resolution at the Faculty Senate meeting on May 5. The Resolution passed Senate and will now go forward to Administrative Council. If approved through Administrative Council, it will be included in the policy library.
Dr. Dillon continued with highlights from the past academic year. Degree Works went live in the fall semester and is working well. It is such an improvement over the old audit system and the addition of graduate student audits has been a great improvement. The Electronic Curricular System also went live for the fall semester. While there are some very good parts of the system, it is still a work in progress. The Council conducted a SWOT analysis in the fall which was a huge success. Many of the issues from the SWOT are being included in the future of the Graduate College through the strategic plan and other policy/procedure changes.
Finally, Dr. Dillon thanked each member of the Executive Committee as well as the Graduate Council as a whole. He stated that he felt this Council had been one of the best that he had ever worked with and that a lot was accomplished over the past year.
Report of the Graduate Dean – Julie Masterson
A. Announcements: For a complete listing of announcement and deadlines, see the “Graduate College Update” at http://graduate.missouristate.edu under the Graduate Council section.
B. SP16 Commencement. 646 graduate students have applied for graduation.
C. Dr. Masterson reminded the Council that several new committees will be formed in the fall (Graduate College Steering Committee, Graduate Academic Innovations Team (GAIT), Recruitment and Marketing Initiatives Team (REMIT) and Graduate Education Advisory Board). Anyone interested in serving on any of these committees should email Dr. Masterson to volunteer. Also, if Council members know of others who would have expertise for these committees, please email Dr. Masterson with those suggestions.
D. The Graduate College now has a Foundation Account. Faculty are encouraged to support this account with donations of any amount. You can access this account at https://webapps.missouristate.edu/giving/pledgeSearch.aspx?search=Graduate+College.
Report of the Graduate Student Senate – Tom Tomasi for Brooke Bengel
The election of officers will be held early in the fall semester.
Report of the Graduate Faculty Membership Committee – Bill Piston
The following faculty were approved for full graduate faculty status:
Deidre Argyle ART Research
Amanda Bartlett PAS Professional
Dustin Bartlett PAS Professional
Barbara Bumberry PAS Professional
John Byrd BMS Professional
Cole Closser ART Research
Adriane Fain BMS Professional
Danielle Lillge ENG Research
Holly Metcalf CSD Professional
The following faculty was approved for probational graduate faculty status:
Karen Engler CSD Research
The following recommendations remained tabled from previous Membership Committee meetings and will be returned to the departments:
Jannette Eldred SWK Professional
Julie Babb Hitchcock CSD Professional
Darcy Miller BMS Professional
John Nagelhout BMS Professional
Michael Nichels BMS Professional
Thomas Rice BMS Professional
Report of the Graduate Grievance Committee – Tyler Morris
No report.
Report of the Graduate Scholarship Committee – Kevin Evans
The committee reviewed applications for the Graduate Scholarship for Enhancing Diversity. There were 13 applications and the committee recommended funding for 8 of the students.
Report of the Graduate Recruitment Committee – Martha Finch
No report.
Report of the Graduate Screening Committee – Ching-Wen Chang
The following Substantive Proposals were approved:
New Program
Data Analytics Graduate Certificate
Perspectives about the American Higher Education System Graduate Certificate
Teaching of Writing K-12 Graduate Certificate
Program Changes
MS, Chemistry – change description, entrance requirements, accelerated admission requirements and degree requirements
New Courses
CHM 791 Preparation for Graduate Study in Chemistry
CIS 645 Data Infrastructure for Data Analytics
CIS 655 Data Visualization
CIS 735 Neural Networks for Machine Learning
Course Changes
BIO 639 Biogeography – change hours from 2 to 3
CHM 740 Seminar – change number from 740 to 793, title, prerequisite, hours and description
CHM 790 Advanced Topics in Chemistry – change description
CHM 792 Degree Paper – change title, prerequisite, description and hours
Course Deletion
ENG 616 Mark Twain
ENG 687 History of Literary Criticism
Unfinished Business
No report.
New Business
The following Resolution was presented by Dr. Bill Piston
WHEREAS, Dr. Randy Dillon has provided dedicated service and insightful leadership as Chairperson of the Graduate Council during the 2015-2016 academic year; and
WHEREAS, he has unselfishly served the best interest of all who support and work in graduate education; and
WHEREAS, he presided over both the Graduate Council and Executive Committee with just the right balance of allowing free expression of ideas while bringing the group back to task as needed; and
WHEREAS, true to his Communication heritage, he skillfully led the Graduate Council through a SWOT analysis that left members staying at the meeting late with no one pushing to “move for adjournment;” and
WHEREAS, most people presume that the results of a SWOT analysis are never to see the light of day, Dr. Dillon demonstrated how one can use the SWOT analysis to provide input for program review.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Graduate Council of Missouri State University commends Dr. Randy Dillon, and extends its thanks and appreciation for service as Chairperson of the Graduate Council during this academic year.
The Resolution was seconded by Dr. Williamson and unanimously passed.
No program.
The meeting adjourned at 3.52.
Randy Dillon, Chairperson
Members Present: Drs. Bakker, Buchanan, Carr, Dillon, Dollar, Duitsman, Garland (for Suttmoeller), Goodwin, Gouzie, Jones (for Hubbard), Kaula, Kim, Kemp, Maddox, G. Masterson, J. Masterson, Moses, Nelson, Prescott, Scott, Schick, Stanojevic, Test, Tomasi, Williamson, Wilson, Worman and Zimmerman; Ms. Yarberry, Ms. Cleveland and Ms. Miller
Members Absent: Drs. Calihman, Ghosh, Goerndt, Haggard, Harsha, Llewellyn, Penkalski, Willis and Yu
The organizational meeting of the 16/17 Council was called to order at 3:53 with Dr. Julie Masterson presiding.
She then asked for nominations for chairperson. Dr. Williamson nominated Dr. Ching-Wen Chang. Dr. Worman seconded the nomination. Dr. Chang accepted the nomination. Hearing no additional nominations, Dr. Masterson asked for an election by acclamation. Dr. Chang was unanimously elected.
Dr. Chang thanked the Council for electing her and said she looked forward to working with the Council next year.
Committee sign-up sheets were distributed and everyone was asked to fill them out and leave with Christy at the end of the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 3:56. The next meeting of the Graduate Council will be in September, 2016.
Ching-Wen Chang, Chairperson