
The School of Veterinary Medicine has been running a Master of Science (MSc) course in Molecular Biology since October 2001. However, considering the course content which includes biotechnology, the name needs to be changed to Master of Science (MSc) in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. Thus, it is proposed that the new name takes effect with the 2011/2012 intake. The course is coordinated in the Department of Veterinary Parasitology & Microbiology where molecular biology facilities and expertise exist. This is an applied and practical course emphasizing the application of molecular biology technology in research and in generation of higher knowledge and tools for diagnosis, treatment and control of diseases and transformation of organisms for the benefit of human kind and animals. In Africa, infectious diseases constitute the bulk of the animal, plant and public health problems. Therefore the course emphasizes the role of molecular biology and biotechnology in disciplines such as parasitology, microbiology, immunology, pharmacology and plant biology, as well as more basic aspects of cell biology. The program is run in collaboration with the Colleges of Natural Sciences; Health Sciences; and Agriculture and Environmental Sciences in Makerere University. The external collaborators includeamong others; Joint Clinical Research Centre (JCRC), Med Biotech Laboratories (MBL), Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) and overseas institutions.

1.2Program Justification

Molecular biology and biotechnology comprises the most recent technologies applied to solve problems in forensic medicine, animal and plant breeding, drug & vaccine development, diagnosis of diseases of all forms of life, anthropology, conservation biology, population genetics, epidemiology, pathogenesis, teratology/embryology, oncogenesis and other disciplines. Molecular biology and biotechnology techniques allow researchers to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the survival and replication of disease causative agents and the pathogenesis of diseases. With this knowledge powerful new therapeutics, or prophylactics and diagnostic tools or control strategies can be developed to manage diseases more efficiently. For example recombinant DNA technology can facilitate the development of recombinant vaccines such as DNA vaccines that can be produced at a lower cost and are more thermal stable than conventional vaccines. In addition vaccines can be engineered to have a wider spectrum of protection especially useful if mutations or variants occur. Animals or plants with new desirable characteristics can be developed using genetic engineering in order to improve productivity and food security. The basic molecular biology techniques are essentially the same for plant, animal or human scientists. Therefore, molecular biology and biotechnology has a demand that cuts across many disciplines. Molecular biology and biotechnology is highly demanded in the study of emerging problems such as HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Rift Valley Fever. Some of our local institutions especially the Uganda Virus Research Institute and the Joint Clinical Research Center need molecular biology and biotechnology to make modest advances in control of diseases. Therefore molecular biology and biotechnology is highly relevant in Uganda and Africa just like in other parts of the developed world.

1.3Target group

This programme targets graduates of veterinary or agricultural sciences, medicine and other biology based disciplines or subjects. The course will particularly be valuable for those working or researchers, in nutrition, animal and human health care, crop and pharmaceutical firms and educational institutions, who need molecular biology and biotechnology knowledge for their research, training, doctoral studies or other activities.


2.1Physical Facilities

The programme is housed and administered by the School of Veterinary Medicine in its Department of Veterinary Parasitology and Microbiology where the human and laboratory resources exist. Spacious facilities are available and furnished to house laboratory animals, in addition to an internet connected computer and well equipped teaching and research laboratories.


In addition to the academic staff of the School of Veterinary Medicine who are currently teaching in the MSc. Programme, others are affiliated to the Colleges of Natural Sciences; Health Sciences; and Agriculture and Environmental Sciences in Makerere University and from outside the University.


Each Ugandan candidate will pay a tuition fee of Uganda shillings Four millions, one hundred sixty two thousand and five hundred only (4,162,500/=) per year, while foreign students will pay US dollars 5,000 per year. Capital equipment to run the programme is available but depreciates fast and there is need to plan for replacement. In addition, laboratory chemicals and supplies used in molecular biology and biotechnology studies are normally very expensive. Therefore, it is suggested that each student should pay an additional $250 per semester for maintenance of the laboratory equipment and replenishment of supplies. All candidates are expected to pay the other standard University fees (application & registration fees etc) and meet the cost of their dissertation research and personal expenses.


The MSc. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology programme will:

a)Enable graduate students to acquire knowledge in molecular biology and biotechnology, which will make them better equipped to do research and solve problems in veterinary and human medicine, agriculture and other biological sciences.

b)Train graduates with a qualification sufficient to meet the needs of staff development of local universities and research institutions.

4.0Roles of Graduates of this Programme

At the completion of this graduate program, students will be able to:

  • To apply the acquired knowledge to solve problems in forensic medicine, animal and plant breeding
  • To design and develop drugs, vaccines and diagnostics for diseases for both animals and humans
  • To engineer plants, animals and microorganisms with new desirable characteristics that can be applied for food security and production
  • To apply the acquired knowledge in the study of emerging and re-emerging diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Haemorrhagic fevers and Rift Valley Fever


5.1Nature of the Programme

The MSc Molecular Biology and Biotechnology shall consist of course work, practicals plus a dissertation. The MSc Programme runs on a semester system during day/evening; and a candidate shall take core courses plus at least three elective subjects in the student’s field of interest. The language of instruction shall be English; hence proficiency in English language is a requirement.

5.2Admission requirements

A candidate will be admitted to the MSc Molecular Biology and Biotechnology program if he/she has at least a degree of second-class or equivalent grade in Veterinary or Human Medicine, Agriculture or other Biological Sciences. Graduate studies regulations as listed on p152 – 155 in the Makerere University Prospectus 2007/2010 5th Edition, shall apply. A copy of the regulations can be found in the SGS handbook or online at http//:



The Masters program shall normally run as Plan A (Coursework and Dissertation) for two academic years of two semesters each. The first two semesters shall be devoted to teaching, seminars/tutorials and practicals but the second year will be devoted to seminars, research and dissertation writing.

6.2Credit Unit System

The programme shall be conducted on credit unit system. One credit unit shall be equivalent to one contact hour per week per semester or a series of 15 contact hours. One contact hour is equivalent to one hour of lecture or two hours of practicals/tutorial/seminars.

6.3Structure of the Programme

The course shall consist of Core and Elective courses as indicated below.


Compulsory courses

Course Code / Course Name / LH / PH/TH / CH / CU
MBS 7111 / Cell and Molecular Biology / 60 / 30 / 75 / 5
MBS 7112 / Protein Biotechnology / 45 / 30 / 60 / 4
MBS 7113 / Molecular Microbiology / 30 / 30 / 45 / 3
MBS 7114 / Immunobiology / 20 / 20 / 30 / 2
MBS 7115[JLN1] / Seminar/Tutorial / - / 60 / 30 / 2


Compulsory courses

Course Code

/ Course Name / LH /


/ CH / CU

MBS 7212

/ Nucleic acid biotechnology / 45 / 30 / 60 / 4

MBS 7213

/ Molecular epidemiology and Population genetics / 20 / 20 / 30 / 2

MBS 7214


Research Methods and Biometry

/ 20 / 20 / 30 / 2

MBS 7215



/ - / 60 / 30 / 2

Elective courses (Choose 3 courses)

Course Code / Course Name /


/ PH/TH / CH / CU
MBS 7217[VPM2] / Advanced Parasitology /


/ 20 / 30 / 2
MBS 7218 / Applied Molecular Parasitology / 5 / 50 / 30 / 2
MBS 7219 / Applied Molecular Microbiology / 12 / 36 / 30 / 2
MBS 7220 / Immunobiotechnology / 12 / 36 / 30 / 2
MBS 7221 / Applied Molecular Crop Biotechnology / 10 / 40 / 30 / 2
MBS 7222 / Molecular and Biochemical Pharmacology / 10 / 40 / 30 / 2

YEAR II (All courses are compulsory)


Course Code / Course Name / LH / PH/TH / CH / CU
MBS7311[VPM3] / Seminar/Tutorial / - / 60 / 30 / 2


Course Code / Course Name /


/ PH/TH / CH / CU
MBS7411[VPM4] / Seminar/Tutorial / - / 60 / 30 / 2
MBS 7412 / Research and dissertation[VPM5] / N/A / N/A / 150 / 10

LH = Lecture Hour, PH = Practical Hour, TH = Tutorial Hour, CU = Credit Unit.


The courses shall be assessed as stipulated in the Graduate Training and Research Hand Book, School of Graduate Studies, August 2008.


Candidates shall carry out research during the second year of their study. The assessment of the dissertation shall be according to the general University regulations.

8.1Passing a Dissertation
  • The dissertation shall be assessed as stipulated in the Graduate Training and Research Hand Book, School of Graduate Studies, August 2008.
  • A candidate shall have passed a dissertation after satisfying three examiners (including external) in written dissertation and at the viva voce.
  • A candidate who fails to satisfy examiners shall re-submit a revised dissertation in accordance with the guidance of the viva voce committee within six months after notification.


The degree of Master of Science in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (MBS) shall be awarded to a candidate who satisfies the three conditions below:

a)Passes the course work as described under progression in University regulations cited in 7.0 above.

b)Accumulates at least 30 credit units from the compulsory courses and 6 from the electives.

c)Passes the dissertation


Course Name: Cell and Molecular Biology

Course Code:MBS 7111

Credit Units:5

Course Description

This course provides an introduction to cell and molecular biology and the basic knowledge required for other courses in biology such as Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Developmental Biology, Microbiology, Parasitology and Physiology.Emphasis will be placed on the molecular basis of gene regulation and its role in directing normal and abnormal cell processes.Laboratory experimentation and research will provide hands-on experience of the techniques used in cell and molecular biology laboratories; in so doing will emphasize lecture sessions and enhance students’ learning.

Course Objectives

  1. To impart knowledge and hands on experience on laboratory techniques employed in the Molecular laboratory
  2. To expose students to biomolecules of life, their function and mechanism of action in maintaining, functioning and replication of cells as well as cell communication.
  3. To impart knowledge on gene activity, expression and genetic regulation.
  4. Understand the mechanism and importance of DNA replication and repair.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the students should

  1. Appreciate the biochemical and physical properties of biomolecules.
  2. Describe how biomolecules work together to create and sustain a system and allows propagation.
  3. Describe how cells communicate within themselves and with one another.
  4. Explain genetic regulation, control of gene activity and gene expression.
  5. Explain the importance of the cytoskeleton and how its components function in cell assembling, shape regulation and contraction.
  6. Describe mechanism and importance of DNA replication and repair.

Course Content

Topic / Content / Delivery Mode
Introduction /
  • General introduction to cell and molecular biology, History, scope, definition terms and related disciplines
/ Lectures
Biomolecules and bioenergetics /
  • Organic and inorganic components of the cell
  • Nature of biochemical reactions and bonding; central role of water in cell structure, physiology and biochemistry
  • Thermodynamics and biological order: concepts of work, enthalpy, entropy, Gibb’s energy, heat etc in biology.
/ Lectures
Cell structure and physiology of animal and plant cells /
  • Cell organization; structure and functions of various organelles; cell membrane structure and physiology
  • Methods for studying cell structure and physiology especially microscopic theory and practice
  • Cell cycle; cell division and oncogenesis; vesicular trafficking; the cytoskeleton
  • Cell adhesions and extracellular matrix; principles of cell to cell communication
  • Cell motility and chemotaxis
/ Lectures and Practicals
Nucleic acid structure and function /
  • Structure and characteristics of DNA & RNA
  • DNA replication
  • DNA and genes: What are genes and how do they function?
  • Genome structure and function, brief description of examples of bacterial, viral and eukaryotic genomes and central concepts of genome structure
  • Transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes: Structure and function of mRNAs; details of the transcription and related process.
  • Translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes: History and characteristics of the genetic code; structure and function of tRNA, rRNA and other molecules that take part in translation
  • Control of gene expression in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organism: basic patterns and principles; role of DNA binding proteins; promoters; concept and detailed description of operons and multi-gene families
/ Lectures, Seminars
Protein structure and function /
  • General structure, chemistry, characteristics and classification of amino acids.
  • Protein structure, assembly, function and classification.
  • Post-translational protein modifications.
  • Kinetics and regulation of enzymes and other proteins
  • Protein structure determination: Protein sequencing methods, X-ray crystallography, NMR etc.
  • Deducing protein function from its structure.
/ Lectures
Advanced cell biology /
  • 3-D structure of DNA: The DNA double helix; twisting, curving and super-coiling of the DNA double helix; assembly into chromosomes; DNA-protein interactions; how chromosome structure influences DNA function etc.
  • Signal transduction mechanisms
/ Lectures

Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment

Lectures (60 hours); 15 tutorial/seminar hours and 15 practical hours; equivalent to 5 CUs. Assessment is through assignments (10%), course work (20%), evaluation of written practical reports (5%); evaluation of seminar presentations (5%) and written examination (60%) at the end of the 1st semester.

Available Resources

Molecular Biology Laboratory with selected molecular laboratory equipment, Post-graduate student computer laboratory with internet connectivity, selected reference books.

Resource Persons (Staffing):

Prof. G. W. Lubega (PhD), Assoc. Prof. E. Matovu (PhD), Assoc. Prof. R. Muwazi (PhD),Dr. A. Nanteza (PhD), Dr. E. Nyatia (PhD)

Reading List

  1. Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, and Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter 2002, Publisher Garland Science Fourth edition. ISBN-10: 0815332181, ISBN-13: 978-0815332183
  2. Molecular Biology of the Cell: The Problems Approach by John Wilson and Tim Hunt 2007 Publisher Garland Science Fifth Edition. ISBN-10: 0815341105, ISBN-13: 978-0815341109
  3. Introduction to Protein Structure by Carl Branden and John Tooze 1999, Publisher Garland Science 2nd edition. ISBN-10: 0815323050, ISBN-13: 978-0815323051
  4. Genetics: From Genes to Genomes by Leland Hartwell, Leroy Hood, Michael Goldberg, Ann Reynolds, Lee Silver 2010, Publisher McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 4 edition. ISBN-10: 007352526X, ISBN-13: 978-0073525266
  5. Essential Cell Biology by Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Karen Hopkin, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter 2003.Publisher Garland Science/Taylor & Francis Group Second Edition. ISBN-10: 081533480X, ISBN-13: 978-0815334804.
  6. Molecular Biology by David P. Clark (Author), 2009 ACACL 1st ed. ISBN-10: 0123785898; ISBN-13: 978-0123785893

Teaching Requirements:

Laboratory consumables and assorted molecular laboratory equipment, stationary, biological specimens, Reference books, Laptop, LCD projector.

Course Name: ProteinBiotechnology

Course Code:MBS 7112

Credit Units:4

Course Description:

This course provides an introduction to protein biotechnology and provides the basic knowledge required for biotechnology laboratory set up and biotech materials/supplies.The molecular basis of protein expression, recovery and analysis will be emphasized. Laboratory experimentation and research will provide hands-on experience of the techniques used in protein biotechnology laboratories; in so doing will supplement the lecture sessions and enhance students’ learning.

Course Objectives:

  1. To equip the student with knowledge on protein analysis at a molecular level and applications in biotechnology.
  2. To impart knowledge and hands-on experience on laboratory techniques employed in the protein laboratory and industry.
  3. To impart knowledge on protein activity, expression and characterization.
  4. To illustrate the mechanism and importance of protein expression, protein post –translation modifications and their applications.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the students should be able:

  1. To describe the biochemical and physical properties of proteins.
  2. To explain how proteins create, sustain a biological system and allow cell to cell communication
  3. To express, measure and control protein activity in the laboratory.
  4. To extract, quantify, purify and preserve proteins.
  5. To explain the mechanism and importance of protein synthesis and how it relates to day-today applications.

Course Content

Topic / Content / Delivery Mode
Introduction /
  • Purpose, scope,
  • Biotechnology laboratory set up and biotechnology materials/supplies
/ Lectures and practicals
Protein extraction /
  • Cell disintegration methods for yeast and bacterial cells, and of various mammalian and plant tissues
  • Extraction of membrane proteins and organelles
/ Lectures, practicals
Quantification of proteins and protein activity /
  • Protein concentration determination: the Biuret reaction, Lowry method, UV absorption, Dye binding methods, bicichonic acid method
  • Enzyme activity determination and characterization: Stopped, continuous and coupled methods; effects of substrates, activators, pH, ionic strength and temperature, on enzyme/protein activity and stability
/ Lectures, practicals
Protein purification /
  • General introduction and definitions
  • Purification by precipitation: salting-in and salting-out; precipitation by organic solvents and organic polymers; separation by selective denaturation.
  • Chromatography theory and practice for large molecules (proteins) and small molecules (drugs), liquid column chromatography, types of chromatographic techniques
  • Adsorption methods (ion exchange, reverse phase affinity etc)
  • Purification of special types of proteins such as recombinant proteins, membrane proteins, antibodies etc.
  • Adaptation of the above techniques for large scale purification: Scaling up principles and procedures; purification for industrial purposes.
/ Lectures, practicals, seminars and tutorials
Protein preservation and storage /
  • Buffer theory; prevention of denaturation by pH control, enzyme inhibitors, temperature control or freezing;
  • Protein storage by crystallization: general crystallization theory and practice; other purposes of protein crystallization;
  • Freeze-drying or lypholization theory and practice.
/ Lectures, practicals, seminars and tutorials
Protein characterization and purity analysis methods /
  • Electrophoretic methods;
  • Molecular weight determination;
  • Amino acid composition analysis; N-terminal analysis;
  • Protein blotting (Western blot)
  • Analytical HPLC; Mass spectrophotometry; Protein Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
/ Lectures, practicals, seminars and tutorials

Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment