Terms of Reference (TOR)

for Case ManagementTraining Service Providers

(Second Round)

Tirana, Albania

20September, 2017

Terms of Reference and Scope of Services

  1. Background

SOS Children's Villages Albania (SOS AL) is a non-profit non-governmental organization and an active member of the Federation SOS Children’s Villages, comprising of 135 independent national associations. Since 1995, SOS AL has been operating in social protection through quality support services in the area of family-based long-term care for children and youth without parental care as well as in community based support for vulnerable families.

Our organization actively, participates in policy-making and advocates for the rights of children and young people who are at social risk - as stated in the UN guidelines for alternative long-term care. We work closely with decision-makers, government institutions, civil society organizations and social service providers, and attaches great importance to the involvement of young people in decision-making processes.

SOS Children's Villages Albania is currently implementing a three-year project "Social Inclusion and Economic Empowerment of vulnerable families in the Tirana city outskirts"(BMZ project), funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Hermann-Gmeiner-Fonds Deutchland e.V.

This project aims is to contribute in overcoming social exclusion and economic unsustainability of socially and economically disadvantaged young people and families at risk in Tirana City. This project will target as direct beneficiaries close to 200 parents and carers (aged 20-45 years) and 100 young people (15-29 years old) who are in a difficult social and economic situation and are resident in the Sanatorium, Çollak and suburban areas of the Administrative Unit No. 2 of the Tirana Municipality.

The main objectives of the project are:

  1. Building a new career centre and local professionals provide improved and integrated support for vulnerable families in Tirana, whereby vulnerable parents and young people can be better integrated socially and economically.
  1. Vulnerable parents and youth will acquire improved social and personal skills in order to be able to integrate themselves successfully socio-economically.
  1. Vulnerable parents and youth will expand their business skills and improve their income opportunities through small business.
  1. Local structures strengthen sustainably and contribute to socio-economic support to the target group.
  1. Thanks to strengthened capabilities, local professionals will respond in a coordinated and efficient manner to the needs of socio-economically marginalized families.
  1. Objective of the Assignment

The main objective of these Terms of Reference is for contracting a Training Service Provider aiming to strengthen the capacities of 20 local professional (NGOs operating in Tirana city and representatives of the Tirana Municipality local administrative units), and project employees’ in the field of case management (roles, functions, activities, process, standards, etc.)to support and serve better and provide effective services for socio-economic stabilization of the marginalized and vulnerable children, youth and families In Tirana city.

  1. Scope of Services

The proposed Case Management training will prepare the potential participants to:

-Develop capacitieson the case management and administration procedure: admission criteria, case collection, interview with target group, monitoring visits, etc;

-Learn on how to use practical tools best to deal with cases in cooperation with all known resources / partners.

-Gain some practical experience and to deepen the knowledge for case management;

Proposed potential examples of training topics but not limited to the following:

-Case Management – what it is;

-Guiding principles for case management;

-How to do case management;

-Case management cycle:

The Case Management Training Service Provider shall develop the full training program and training materials.

Place of training and number of participants

The training shall be conducted at the Career Development Centre in the premises of the SOS Children’s Villages, Albania. The approval of the BMZ Project Manager is needed if there is any suggested change for the place of the training.

The planned number of participants is 20 participants.

The training is planned to be conducted in the period October 2017 – December 2017.

  1. Training Service Provider Obligations

The training service provider has the following obligations:

4.1Develop interactive and detailed training modules/training session plan and all accompanying background material for the delivery of training on case management. A copy of them should be submitted to the BMZ Project Manager.

Proposals for joint/separate workshops with justification regarding different modules for different actors/service providers and/or interdisciplinary workshop are welcome.

4.2Deliver six day trainings to the participants in high quality manner, using a variety methods and istruments including interactive methods, use of learner-centred competency based methodologies, having adequate practical work and adequate delivery of the teaching-learning materials for independent practice of individual trainee, but not limited to these.

4.3To support and guide the participants during the process of case management skills.

4.4Develop a detailed evaluation of the modules/workshop(s) by the participants so that the workshop/training materials can be improved/finalized according to the participant feedback. The Training Service Provider is also expected to utilize different tools to evaluate sessions at the training program relying on both quantitative and qualitative data.

4.5To report to the BMZ Project Manager. After realization of each type of training session, the Training Service Provider will submit a report with details about the organized training.

4.6At the end of the training, Training Service Providershall offer a Certification for each participant.

  1. Experience and qualification of the Training Service Provider

The desired qualifications of the Training Service Provider for this assignment are the following:

Proven and extensive experience in the development of training curricula and materials,

Minimum 5 years of experience in implementing training programs, in the field of HR development and case management,

Experience in leading and facilitating training workshops especially for public servants shall be considered as an advantage.

  1. Preparation of the technical and financial proposal

-Technical proposal should include a detailed implementation plan/ technical proposal in accordance with the scope of work, expected outputs and deliverables provided for herein.

-Financial proposals should include the following documents and/or information a detailed budget in ALL and Euro where all the costs to be incurred are to be clearly specified indicating the all the taxes payable.

The submitted plan will be evaluated in terms of the quality of complete coverage of all aspects of the terms of reference, as well as compliance with qualifications as provided for herein.

  1. Submission of the proposals

The deadline for submitting the proposal is 2October, 2017, at 16:00hr.

Interested Training Service Provider)s should deliver, and/or email:

-CV of the expert/s that will be engaged in fulfilling the training service

-Letter of Interest

-Proposal (Both technical and financial);


SOS Children's Villages Albania,

Rr. Herman Gmeiner No. 5, Sauk, Tiranë



A loving home for every child