Regular School Board Meeting

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

7:00 p.m. – Phoenix High School


CALL TO ORDER / ·  The meeting was called to order at Phoenix High School at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Craig Prewitt. Other Board Members present: Ruth Staten, Nate Shinn, Debra McAlister, Dawn Watson, and Rick Nagel. Absent: Marina Piacentini. Also present: Toby Walker, Carol Cox, Jeff Johnson, Melinda Lidbetter, Jeff Carpenter, Jani Hale, Aaron Santi, Patrick Couture, Suzanne Foster, Cally McKenzie, Curt Shenk, Student Representative Denaly McAlister, Bob Neathamer, David Marshall, Supt. Teresa Sayre, and Board Secretary Sarie Wu.
OATH OF OFFICE / ·  Superintendent Teresa Sayre administered the Oath of Office to Nate Shinn.
ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE / ·  PHS Principal Jani Hale informed that Board that PHS has been meeting with the TMS 8th grade students. The high school plans to provide a more intimate meeting where the 9th grade students can share tips about their first year of high school with the upcoming freshman class. Parents will be invited to attend the 8th grade PHS Introduction Day this year. Ms. Hale recognized Nevina DeLuca for taking the title in her wrestling division two weekends ago. Ms. DeLuca will now be running for Miss Pearblossom. Ms. Hale thanked Jenny Hopkins for her hard work to paint and redecorate the media center at the high school. In addition to Ms. Hopkins’ work, the best-of-the-best student artwork is displayed along the walls of the media center and it’s amazing to see all the talent we have at PHS. Principal Hale informed the Board that PHS office staff selected 10 students who have worked hard to turn their academics and attendance around. For some of these students this recognition was the first they’d ever had.
·  PHS Asst. Principal Toby Walker updated the Board on spring sports events. Girls’ golf is now being coached by Lonna Engle and boys’ golf will be coached by Sam Howell. Marius Boon is still the track coach. Stephanie Vandenbusch is the new softball coach. She has great energy and a good assistant coach this season. Bill Hutchinson is coaching baseball and they’ve received more participation this year than ever. The season will start up with some activities over spring break and then it will be full-speed ahead.
·  TMS Principal Aaron Santi provided the Board with an informational pamphlet for a STEM-based School of Innovation and Design. Director Watson has helped serve on the vision committee for this program. Applications will be open from March 13th through May 1st and TMS has already been receiving interest. The teaching position for this program has been posted as well. Mr. Santi thanked PHS for partnering with TMS for 8th Grade Night and coming next week to help 8th grade students pre-register for PHS. Mr. Santi highlighted a new digital media class offered this year and thanked the Board for their support of the schools to offer new programs to students. The digital media class provided instruction on television skills, digital editing skills among others. The students have been producing some great projects and will be doing some promotional work for clubs and sports this year.
·  PES Principal Jeff Carpenter stated the EBISS meetings at PES just finished their 80% meeting. The teachers are starting to take these meetings to the next level and are really talking about strategies that are working in their classrooms. Family Reading Night was a great success. Laura Millette has been helping PES work with the Rotary Club and eye clinic. PES will be receiving eye screenings for parents as well as students and parents may even be provided with free glasses as a follow-up.
·  TES Principal Curt Shenk announced that forty-three acts were included in the latest TES Talent Show. The students did a great job. Mr. Shenk thanked Claudia Montoya, and Zoe Davis for all the energy and time they put into the event. Mr. Shenk also thanked PHS for allowing TES to use the Rose Theater for the show and Steve Horvath for quickly responding to Mr. Shenk’s call about the theater getting too hot and helping adjust the air so the audience was in a more comfortable environment. TES teachers have begun exploring the new Smarter Balanced assessments. Practice tests are accessible to the public and Mr. Shenk invited the Board Members to review what our students will be asked to do for this exam. is the website at which practice tests can be accessed by the public.
·  Sodexo Operations Manager Melinda Lidbetter announced the Future Chef Competition from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. next week. Board Members are invited to visit or judge the event. Twenty-four entries were received this year and eight finalists will be preparing the healthy snacks. Chairman Prewitt volunteered to help judge.
·  ATI Techer Jeff Johnson stated that ATI has been maintaining their attendance at capacity. After looking at their budget the ATI Board voted to approve the hiring of a new teacher. The school is considering offering a second language next year. Additionally, some plans are in the works for school improvements over spring break such as replacing single-pane windows with thermal glass. The Student Council recognized SRO Janet Bailey at their last meeting. Mr. Johnson also wanted the Board to know the students’ science tests have mostly been receiving nearly meets and meeting scores which has been a good improvement for the school.
·  Director Dawn Watson shared with the Board she has heard positive feedback from the community about ATI. A student who had been having a hard time in public school transferred to the charter school and loves it there. Ms. Watson also recently attended a robotics club meeting at the middle school and was very impressed. The students conducted robot battles; they created the rules, refereed the event and worked hard to help each other out.
·  Vice-Chair Rick Nagel welcomed Director Shin back to the Board. He also thanked Supt. Sayre for the Rose Garden Memorial dedication to Loretta Nordquist. The memorial looks very nice and attractive.
·  Director Shinn thanked Supt. Sayre for meeting with him that week to bring him up-to-speed on current events in the District.
STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE REPORT / ·  Student Representative Denaly McAlister shared with the Board that student Jacob Caster has qualified for State in trombone and baritone, MacKenzie Weaver has as well on the tuba. PHS has asked the student body to provide feedback on the Student Handbook’s daily policies. This Tuesday, PHS attended a math competition at North Medford High School and took home first place from among 15 schools. The State Competition will be held in May. Student Representative Isaac McDaniel was also on that team.
SUPERINTEDENT’S REPORT / ·  Supt. Sayre clarified that the recent position for the School of Innovation and Design will not be a new position, but rather the result of a recent retirement. Ms. Sayre thanked Director Watson, Principal Santi, and Asst. Principal Couture for serving on the committees that designed the new program.
·  Supt. Sayre thanked the Board for moving forward with the Open Enrollment option. The District Office has already received three-four staff member applications who are now allowed to have their children come to school in PTS. The grandson of one of our PHS coaches has always wanted to go to PHS and play for his grandfather and now he’ll be able to do that. The last count totaled about twenty applications.
·  On February 19th, a committee met to consider new extra-curricular activities. Supt. Sayre thanked Chairman Prewitt, Dan Preskinis and Sarie Wu for serving on that committee. Five of the six applications were approved. Some of these activities already existed and it’s nice to be able to honor them and pay the facilitators for what they’re doing.
·  Donna Beegle will be leading a conference on April 6th which a group of twenty PTS employees will be attending. Ms. Beegle does a fantastic job educating professionals on the poverty cycle.
·  March 31st the Interest Based Bargaining (IBB) training will be held for PTS. The District is excited to participate in this process again. The training will be held from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
·  Jim Janousek has done some science and culinary courses for PHS. He has recently applied for a grant for funds to supply the culinary program. The grant foundation, which specifically funds nutrition activities, is interested. Supt. Sayre will be providing more information soon, as the Board will be asked to consider approving the grant application.
·  Approval of Agenda
·  Approval of Minutes for 2/12/15
·  Personnel Report / ·  Chairman Prewitt presented the Personnel Report for review which included the following:
Noelle Calhoun, as Special Education Instructional Assistant at TES
Effective: February 24, 2015
Caleb Karges, as 1.5 Hour Instructional Assistant/2.5 Hour Playground Assistant at TES
Effective: March 2, 2015
Maria LaMont, as Special Education Instructional Assistant at PES
Effective: February 26, 2015
Amy Martinez, as 2.5 Hour Instructional Assistant/1.5 Hour Playground Assistant at TES
Effective: March 2, 2015
Kristi Rutkai, as Temporary Special Education Instructional Assistant at TES
Effective: March 2, 2015 through June 10, 2015
Coaching/Extra Duty:
Alan Vos, as Assistant Softball Coach at PHS
Dave Weber, from .66 FTE to 1.0 FTE Assistant Football Coach at PHS
Increase in Hours:
Jim Heath, Temporary 2 Hour Special Education Instructional Assistant assignment to support TMS track in addition to current 7 Hour Special Education Instructional Assistant at PHS
Effecive: March 5, 2015 through May 9, 2015
Ron Wodehouse, 1.5 Special Education Instructional Assistant in addition to his current 2.5 Hour Instructional Assistant/1.0 Hour Playground Assistant assignment
Effective: February 17, 2015
Stacy Lange, as Language Arts Teacher at PHS
Effective: February 28, 2015
·  On motion by Vice-Chair Rick Nagel, seconded by Director Dawn Watson, the consent agenda as presented was approved by unanimous consent.
SURPLUS PROPERTY / ·  Chairman Prewitt presented the Board with a list of equipment and material for consideration of disposal. Chairman Prewitt reviewed the list with Business Manager David Marshall. Mr. Marshall discussed options for disposal of the wrestling mats and old uniforms.
·  On motion by Director Nate Shinn, seconded by Director Ruth Staten authorization to proceed with disposal of the surplus items as presented was approved as per the following vote:
Ayes: Staten, Shinn, McAlister, Watson, Nagel, Prewitt
Noes: None
Absent: Piacentini
Abstain: None
FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN / ·  Chairman Prewitt asked the Board to consider approving full-day kindergarten. Vice-Chair Nagel informed the Board he has received a phone call with concerns about this being too taxing for students. Supt. Sayre shared with the Board that she has surveyed the kindergarten teachers directly and was assured the teachers feel the students can handle the time increase. The District would like to bring back art and structured play to the kindergarten classrooms.
·  Director Watson inquired about options for a child who may not be ready for kindergarten. Supt Sayre explained that a student has the option of withdrawing if a parent feels their child is not ready for school. Also, some students opt to attend on partial days and PTS works with the family to provide this option. The only restraint with part-day attendance is the District has to assure 80% of students within the elementary school have a full-day schedule.
·  Director McAlister inquired about current daycare options in the District. Supt. Sayre stated that a few preschools are in the area in addition to the Head Start programs.
·  On motion by Vice-Chair Rick Nagel, seconded by Director Debra McAlister the authorization of PTS to proceed with establishing full-day kindergarten was approved as per the following vote:
Ayes: Staten, Shinn, McAlister, Watson, Nagel, Prewitt
Noes: None
Absent: Piacentini
Abstain: None
TEACHER & ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACT RENEWAL / ·  Chairman Prewitt presented the Board with the list of teachers and administrators to consider for contract renewal. The contract renewals must be approved by March 15th. Supt. Sayre informed the Board the names on the back of their lists were temporary employees with positions that will be re-posted.
·  On motion by Vice-Chair Rick Nagel, seconded by Director Ruth Staten the authorization to offer renewal of contracts for the 2015/2016 licensed employees as presented was approved as per the following vote:
Ayes: Staten, Shinn, McAlister, Watson, Nagel, Prewitt
Noes: None
Absent: Piacentini
Abstain: None
Admission of Nonresident Students / ·  Chairman Prewitt presented Board Policy JECB to the Board for review. The policy involves minor changes to language for the admission of new “resident” students. Vice-Chair Nagel noted a typo on item three to be corrected.
·  On motion by Vice-Chair Rick Nagel, seconded by Chairman Craig Prewitt to adopt Board Policy JECB as presented was approved as per the following vote:
Ayes: Staten, Shinn, McAlister, Watson, Nagel, Prewitt
Noes: None
Absent: Piacentini
Abstain: None
Interdistrict Transfer of Resident Students / ·  Chairman Prewitt presented Board Policy JECF to the Board for review. This policy has no optional language. Vice-Chair Nagel requested the inclusion of the word ‘guardians” in all opportunities of the policy. The Board also added the language “not the resident district” to the second sentence of the Open Enrollment paragraph.