COMMUNITY ROOM September 18, 2017
Mr. Dan Kassner Karen Treml, Supt./Sp. Ed. Dir.. List available
Mr. Paul Jirtle Mark Dax , Prin. in the School
Mr. Dennis Shimanek Kacy Rohr, Prin./Curr. Dir. District Office
Mr. Brian Vogeltanz Tracy Ledvina, Prin.
Mr. Tom Stangel Kim Dax, Bus. & Human Serv. Dir.
Ms. Robin Kinn
Mr. John Pagel
President Brian Vogeltanz called the Regular School Board meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Meeting notices were posted according to WI State Statutes 19.84(1)(b). A Quorum was verified as seven Board members were in attendance.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
John Pagel motions, Paul Jirtle seconded to approve the agenda as organized. The motion passed unanimously.
There were no comments for Public Forum, or concerns for the Board.
Major topics were discussed next.
The first major topic discussed was a FCCLA Interior Design Trip to Chicago. Students were present along with 2 instructors to explain to the Board the value of the trip from a student perspective. Numerous factors were shared with the Board such as costs, dates and expectations of the trip. Robin Kinn motioned to approve the Interior Design Field Trip to Chicago, the motion was seconded by Tom Stangel and passed unanimously.
The next major topic on the agenda was administering a Youth Risk Assessment Survey to Kewaunee School District Students. KHS Principal Mark Dax and KMS Principal Kacy Rohr explained to the Board the many benefits associated with administering a survey to students that would allow school districts to understand the needs of students. The Kewaunee School District would work with Kewaunee County regarding funding the survey as Kewaunee, Algoma and Luxemburg-Casco would be participating. Mr. Dax and Ms. Rohr will be in attendance at the October Board Meeting to explain the survey in more detail.
The last major topic for discussion was an early graduation request. Principal Dax provided an explanation of the request. Tom Stangel made a motion to approve the request as presented, Dan Kassner seconded that motion which then passed unanimously.
Next President Vogeltanz read the Consent Agenda Items as follows:
1. Minutes of August 21, 2017
2. Payment of the bills in the amount of $1,987,419.46
3. Resignation of Bob Kleiman as 7th Grade Football Coach.
4. New hires of Casey Christian and Austin Lawrence as .5 7th Grade Football Coaches, Brooke Scherer as
Middle School Student Council Advisor, and Rachel Lutz as 1st Grade Teacher.
Dennis Shimanek made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda items, seconded by Paul Jirtle. The motion carried 7-0 on a roll call vote.
September 18, 2017
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Superintendent Treml presented her report next. She shared that the camera quality continues to be an issue, Buildings and Grounds Director Jason Karnopp continues to work with multiple vendors on a solution. She also provided a general facilities update, also sharing a report on the current contingency balance.
Next Mrs. Treml provided a playground update, fundraising continues for the remaining $35,000 to complete the entire poured in place surface.
Superintendent Treml then shared with the Board two dates she is looking at for the Community Open House, and explained to the Board the “KSD Playbook” for the 2017-18 school year.
Business and Human Services Director Kim Dax provided her update next. She shared a general update as well as current enrollment numbers for the 2017-18 school year.
Last on the agenda was the Principals report. Mr. Dax, KHS Principal provided an update on Homecoming preparations, student engagement and AP scores. Mrs. Rohr, KMS Principal provided an update on Academic and Career Planning, the 6th Grade Trip to Camp, and fall sports. Mrs. Ledvina, KES Principal updated the Board on Lucy Caulkins implementation, the school wide plan and various must haves.
President Vogeltanz read important upcoming dates to the Board. Dan Kassner motioned to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Robin Kinn and passed unanimously at 8:13 pm.
Administrative Assistant
Cara Delebreau