September 24, 2009, School Board Minutes, Page 3



FINAL – 10/08/2009


September 24, 2009

Roll Call / 1. The Gadsden School Board convened in open session at 5:02 p.m. President, Jennifer Viramontes presided at the meeting held at the North Valley Elementary School Cafeteria.
Members present:
Daniel Castillo, Craig Ford, Manuela Huerta, Maria Saenz and Jennifer Viramontes.
Pledge &
Mission Statement / 2. The Pledge of Allegiance and New Mexico Pledge was led by Allison Dillaway and Victor Prieto, Jr. The Mission Statement was read by Mrs. Huerta.
Report / 3. Programs, Reports, and Correspondence:
A. Superintendent’s Report:
Superintendent Nava introduced North Valley Principal, Wilfred Trujillo. Mr. Trujillo welcomed everyone to North Valley Elementary School. Mr. Trujillo thanked Superintendent Nava and the board for the landscaping. Mr. Trujillo introduced the Chiquitin sponsor and P.E. coach, Victor Prieto. The Chiquitin’s performed a dance from Sinaloa, El Sauza y La Palma, which the students learned at last year’s Mariachi Conference. The Chiquitin dancers performed a variety of dances. The next dance was a belly dance, which is a scarf dance and was taught by one of the parents, and the third and final performance was a Durangense dance. Superintendent Nava recognized Mrs. Letty Mora who started the Chiquitin Dance Group 17 years ago with Alice Lujan.
Superintendent Nava reported that she had attended a meeting with the district’s principals. Superintendent Nava invited everyone to attend and support the Santa Teresa Charity Golf Tournament. She also encouraged administrators to support and attend the Tough Enough To Wear Pink Campaign by attending the football game at STHS on Friday night where all the administrators will be recognized.
Superintendent Nava asked for a moment of silence for Vado Elementary Students, Michelle and Brando Marmolejo.
B. President Viramontes encouraged everyone to participate in the TEWP. Elementary age students wearing pink can enter the football game without paying. Mrs. Viramontes said they had a Grandparents Day celebration at Santa Teresa Elementary, they served pink food and drinks, the students read books to the grandparents and the grandparents read to the children. Mrs. Viramontes noted that the parent teacher conferences were all well attended. Mrs. Viramontes also attended the Gadsden Foundation meeting. The Gadsden Foundation provides scholarships to graduates from the district’s high schools. Mrs. Viramontes thanked everyone for making the first 40 days.
Board Member’s Reports / Daniel Castillo thanked Mr. Trujillo for his hospitality and congratulated Mr. Prieto and the Chiquitin Dancers for the different dances that they performed.
Manuela Huerta said she too enjoyed the dance performances and encouraged everyone to attend the game on Friday.
Craig Ford thanked Mr. Trujillo and North Valley staff for hosting the meeting. Mr. Ford said it was always a pleasure going out to the schools and seeing everything that is going on. Nothing much was going on in Chaparral, with the construction narrowing down.
Maria Saenz said that was quite impressed with Chaparral High School. She said she took notice during last month’s board meeting at CHS. Ms. Saenz commented on the dances performed by the Chiquitin dancers and enjoyed each of the performances. Ms. Saenz thanked Mr. Chambers for attending a La Mesa Lion’s Club scholarship meeting. When she went by Gadsden HS she wondered why the Panther was pink and remembered about TETWP.
Student Representative / D. Student Representative – None
Personnel Report / E.  The personnel report is included for the Boards’ information with no action required.
School Board Minutes for September 10, 2009 / 4. Ms. Saenz made a motion to approve the minutes for the September 10, 2009 board meeting. Supt. Nava recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried.
of the Agenda / 5. Mr. Ford made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Supt. Nava recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda / 6. Ms. Saenz made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Supt. Nava recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried.
Open Forum / 77. Open Forum: none
8. Action Items:
GISD Board Policies / A.  Ms. Saenz made a motion to rescind and nullify all current and past policies of Gadsden I.S.D. Supt. Nava recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Ford made a motion to adopt the policy manual that has been developed with consulting assistance from the New Mexico School Boards Association, including the changes prescribed and approved by the Board.
President Viramontes added that some of the policies will need to be adjusted as some of them do not need to be policies that may need to be made regulations. Supt. Nava recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Gadsden H.S. Utilization and Program of Spaces / B. Mr. Ford made a motion to approve the Gadsden H.S. Utilization and Program of Spaces. Supt. Nava recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Gadsden H.S. HVAC Replacement Bid / C. Ms. Saenz made a motion to accept the Gadsden H. S. HVAC Replacement Bid to Enoch Mechanical as recommended by Alegro Engineering. Superintendent Nava recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
GISD Board Goals / D. Mr. Ford made a motion to approve Board Goals for 2009-2010. Supt. Nava recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Closed Session / 10. Mr. Ford made the motion to go into closed Personnel Session Pursuant to 10-15-1, H-2, NMSA 1978 as amended for personnel actions and 10-15-1, H-5, NMSA 1978 for collective bargaining. Supt. Nava recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Board went into Closed Session at 5:52 p.m.
Reconvene / 11. Mr. Saenz made a motion to reconvene in open session. No action was taken. Supt. Nava recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Board reconvened in Open Session at 7:02 p.m.
Adjourned / Mr. Ford made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Supt. Nava recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:04 p.m.



Maria E. Saenz, School Board Secretary Jennifer Viramontes, School Board President

Minutes taken by Elisa Saénz