July 9, 2015 7:00 PM

CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/ROLL CALL: Vice Chair Greg Bennett called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. Those present: Scott Hendrickson, Brenda Silgjord, Greg Bennett, Tane Barclay, Board Liaison Yvette Adelman-Dullinger and Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk. Excused Absence: Dave Johnson. Sign-In sheet attached.

Agenda: Brenda Silgjord moved to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Scott Hendrickson and the motion carried.


June 9, 2015 Working PC Meeting amend/approve: Scott Hendrickson moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Tane Barclay and the motion carried with Greg Bennett abstaining.

June 11, 2015 Regular PC Meeting amend/approve: Scott Hendrickson moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Tane Barclay and the motion carried with Greg Bennett and Brenda Silgjord abstaining.

Public Input:

Paul Carlyon, 12308 West Lake Ridge Drive, Pillager

Marian Carlyon, 12308 West Lake Ridge Drive, Pillager

Dan Lewandowski, 12010 Gregory Drive SW, Pillager

Larry Zarling, 12026 Gregory Drive SW, Pillager

Rob Mason, City Administrator, East Gull Lake

Sherwood Lowry, 12038 Gregory Drive SW, Pillager

Erik Askegarrd, 11926 Gregory Drive SW, Brainerd

The above people are present in regard to the Carlyon Sylvan Lake Park. They are wondering what is happening with the logging and what the plans for the park are. Vice Chair Greg Bennett informed the residents from Sylvan Township, Fairview Township and the City of East Gull Lake what has happened to date, which is the logging, and mentioned ideas that have been discussed at previous Planning Commission meetings.

·  The residents’ concerns and questions are:

·  Would like to see Darren Hoverson, Wetland Officer with the DNR involved.

·  Would like East Gull Lake residents or Board involved.

·  What is going to happen with the deer hunting that has been going on in the park for years?

·  Would like to see Fairview Township Board involved as Fairview residents will be having a greater impact than Sylvan Township residents.

·  How will the park be controlled?

·  Need the support of residents before anything is started.

·  A Fairview Township resident spoke with John Stevenson with Cass County Land Commissioner Dept. who stated Sylvan is doing a vegetative management plan. The resident thought Josh should be involved.

·  More homework needs to be done before starting anything.

·  Not in favor of additional vehicle accesses.

·  Doesn’t think 50 acres is enough to do cross country skiing or other activity. The fishing is not good in that area.

·  Need to determine the cost first to see if it is even affordable.

·  Had concerns regarding the logger having barrels of oil sitting on a trailer in the park.

Vice Chair Greg Bennett thanked everyone for attending and informed the audience he would be attending the next Town Board meeting and bring these concerns to their attention. The PC members discussed getting names on the committee, using some in favor and also some with concerns.

Correspondence Received:

Gronholz Variance: An application was submitted to create two lots from the existing lot. Tane Barclay and Greg Bennett attended the site visit and will work on the facts and findings. They stated that the Cass County PC did not have an issue with creating two lots as they felt both lots would be buildable.

Hadfield Variance: An application was submitted to expand an existing non-conforming residence with a 26 foot x 48 foot addition on the non-lakeside. Tane and Greg stated the Cass County PC did not seem to have an issue with this. Greg will work on the facts and findings.

Cass County Building Log: The PC received a copy of the building, variances, and shoreland permits from Cass County which were from April 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015.

Correspondence Sent:

Camp Jim Letter: A letter was sent to Camp Jim after their annual review regarding re-establishing the silt fence near the parking bumpers below the new building.


Yvette Adelman-Dullinger –Town Board Liaison: Yvette informed the Planning Commission members of the following items discussed at their last meeting:

1.  90 cords of oak have been taken out of the Park, 4-6 weeks before he is done, he is about half way done.

2.  Having an issue with a Bigwater resident putting up no trespassing signs which is located on Outlot A which is not private property.

3.  Pillager Park has been sprayed for mosquitos and some vandalism has occurred.

4.  Looking at hiring someone to trap gophers on the Township roads.

5.  Roland would like to see something put in the Road/Driveway Ordinance in regard where the driveway is being located would need to flag it.

Previous Board Minutes: You are receiving in your packets, please read them over for your information.

Sorlie Variance – Brenda Report: Brenda had attended the Cass County Planning Commission meeting in June in regard to the Jeff Sorlie Variance. Brenda stated Mr. Sorlie was happy that Sylvan Township had sent a Representative to the meeting. Brenda also stated Cass County read the letter with the recommendations from Sylvan Township. Brenda said it was a good experience for her and thought it was a good idea we send a Representative to the Variance hearings.

Old Business:

Feedlots: Colleen passed out a Feedlot Ordinance from Fillmore County. Dave asked

Colleen to hand out the Ordinance and have Greg, Brenda and Tane look over the Ordinance on their own and possibly meet before the next meeting and come up with some suggestions.

New Business:

Rock Construction Entrance Verbiage: The Planning Commission members looked over the handout from MN DOT in regard to the verbiage on temporary rock construction entrance. After discussion the PC members decided to go with the entrance being 25 feet long and not 50 feet and use 4 inches of Class 5 and not rock. This will need to be added to the Driveway Standards in the Road Ordinance.

Road Ordinance: The Planning Commission members went through the Road Ordinance page by page making the necessary additions and corrections. This will be passed on to the Town Board for their input.

Carlyon Sylvan Lake Park: See under Public Input.

Annual Reviews:

Backwoods Furniture – CUP: Scott Hendrickson and Dave Johnson will set a date to do their annual review.

Deposits held: Verizon Wireless

Boyer’s Well Service

Announcements: Read

Adjournment: Brenda Silgjord moved to adjourn, seconded by Scott Hendrickson, and the motion carried with the meeting being adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Minutes submitted by:

Colleen Putnam


Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk

PC Member Brenda Silgjord moved to approve the minutes as presented/as amended, seconded by Scott Hendrickson and the motion carried.


Date: 8-13-15

July 9, 2015 Page 2