June 11, 2015 7:00 PM

CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/ROLL CALL: Chair Dave Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. Those present: Scott Hendrickson, Tane Barclay, Dave Johnson, Board Liaison Yvette Adelman-Dullinger and Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk. Excused Absence: Greg Bennett and Brenda Silgjord. Sign-In sheet attached.

Agenda: Scott Hendrickson moved to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Tane Barclay and the motion carried.


May 14, 2015 Regular PC Meeting amend/approve: Scott Hendrickson moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Tane Barclay and the motion carried.

Public Input:


Correspondence Received:

John Ringle Email: John sent an email in regard to a boathouse/rail system that had been done on Sylvan Lake without a permit. It’s approximately 10 feet from the lake and would not be permitted under Cass County Ordinance unless it met the 75 ft. setback. John stated they were concerned with the additional impervious so close to the lake. John also stated they are going to see a lot more of these, but we need to let people (especially the vendors) know they don’t meet permitting requirements when they are less than lake setback. John stated they will proceed to have this one moved. This is just for our information.

Cass County Building Log: The PC received a copy of the building, variances, and shoreland permits from Cass County which were from January 1, 2015 through May 20, 2015.

Colleen will email Dawn to see if we could receive this on a monthly basis.

Correspondence Sent:

Paul Fairbanks – Sorlie Variance: A letter was sent to Paul Fairbanks in regard to the Town Board approving the site committee’s facts/findings and recommendation which follows:

1.  Variance request is to construct a 6'x14' Residence deck.

2.  Cass County Land Use Ordinance Sections 800/1126.1 requires structure setback 100' from a river classified Tributary.

3.  Gull River is classified as Tributary.

4.  The parcel contains 2.38 acres riparian to the Gull River (Tributarian).

5.  The deck will be located 94' from the Gull River.

6.  Resident's house is conforming.

7.  Proposed deck is non-conforming.

8.  There will be two levels to the proposed deck.

9.  There is a current No-mow Zone of approximately 6'.

10.  The proposed deck does comply with the existing nature of the neighborhood.


The Site Committee recommendations to the Town Board for the Sorlie Variance are as follows:

1. Recommend Approval of the Sorlie Variance request.

2. Request the applicant provide some sort of Storm Water management.

(such as increasing the No-mow zone to 14' and/or installing a Rain Garden) that

will reduce the net amount of storm water runoff into the Gull River as per the goals

the Sylvan Township Comprehensive Plan.
3. Construction must comply with all State, County & Local Building Code

Brenda Silgjord attended the Cass County Planning Commission meeting and emailed Colleen and Dave that it was approved and recognized the Sylvan Town Board’s recommendation.


Yvette Adelman-Dullinger –Town Board Liaison: Yvette informed the Planning Commission members of the following items discussed at their last meeting:

1.  Yvette found her notes from the Town Board road review with the following questions:

·  Ask Cass County when we see trailer houses next to houses is there a minimum lot size permit? Dave stated there is and it is in the Cass County Ordinance.

·  Lakes Area Moving and Swedes on the west side of Pillager. There a cars being sold there. Dave and Scott stated there does not appear to be any cars at that sight right now. Dave stated when he asked Tony he stated they were his cars for sale.

·  Shooting Tunnel (Magnum): report resident heard outside shooting in the evening.

·  Sawmill: The Board thinks the owner needs to come in for a permit. The PC feels without knowing for sure if it was out of operation how we can prove it.

·  Body Shop, Sylvan Industrial Park: The PC will check into this as it does look like it is a new business use. A letter to the body shop will need to be sent out informing them they need to apply for a permit.

·  Kemps Building: Yvette stated when they did the road review there was a Kroger truck sitting there. Yvette is wondering if the zoning changed on this. Dave stated he did not think the use has changed.

2.  Roads also were discussed at the regular board meeting.

3.  Fire Report: Yvette is working on graphs with different options for allocations.

Dave asked Yvette if the Board made any decisions in regard to the rough draft regarding the Guidelines for Converting a Private Road to a Township Road and also the road classifications for Sylvan Town Roads. Yvette stated she didn’t hear any negative comments on it. At this time the PC members looked over Road Classifications and decided to add minimum maintenance roads with the definition: Used only intermittently for commercial or passenger traffic.

May be closed during the winter season. ”Minimum Maintenance Road”.

The level of maintenance will be determined by the level of use.

After further discussion in regard to having the Town Board look over the Road Classification Scott Hendrickson moved to present to the Town Board the Road Classifications for Sylvan Town Roads for their approval, seconded by Tane Barclay. The question was called and the motion carried.

Previous Board Minutes: You are receiving in your packets, please read them over for your information.

Old Business:

Feedlots: At the last meeting it was decided to check with the MN Association of Township Attorney to see what our options regarding regulating feedlots. Kyle Harnett, Attorney with the MN Association of Township stated the Township can regulate the site and location of feedlots. There was discussion in regard to what the definition of a feed lot is or should be. The definition should include density of population; cattle standing on dirt, mud and manure, no turf would be considered a feed lot. It would need to be outside shoreland and ¼ mile from another resident. In order to start a new feedlot or expand one would have to meet all these conditions before one would be allowed. The Planning Commission members stated this is contrary to our Comp Plan. It was decided the PC members would do more research on feedlots and what they would like to see in an ordinance. Colleen will try to find a feedlot ordinance we could look at. Another suggestion was to have the Town Board put a one year moratorium on any feedlots until an ordinance is completed.

Website: It was decided Yvette would go back to the Town Board stating the PC members would like to see the website added to Facebook.

New Business:

Road Ordinance: Dave Johnson asked Yvette if the Board had made a decision in regard to the Guidelines for converting a private road to a Township Road. Yvette stated they had not discussed it. It was decided Yvette will it bring back to the Board for a decision.

(Scott will email a sample standard plate construction entrance spec to Colleen.)

Carlyon Sylvan Lake Park: The Planning Commission members will meet at 6:00 PM before next month’s meeting which is July 9, 2015 and go to Carlyon Sylvan Lake Park to walk the park. They will return to the Town Hall and start the meeting at 7:00 PM.

Annual Reviews:

Shady Hollow Resort – Variance: Yvette Adelman-Dullinger and Brenda Silgjord did Shady Hollow’s annual review. Yvette stated the parking lot by Cabin 4 is being maintained and no one was parking in front of the cabin. Yvette and Brenda did not go inside Cabin 4. The plantings are still in progress in front of the deck. Property line to the East the white pines are growing but a couple trees have died but are being replaced. The dogwoods are growing on the SE border and the driveway lilacs are growing just fine. All the plant beds look good. It was suggested that a letter be sent to the Dodge’s regarding the visit and that the 2 trees need to be replaced by next year’s annual visit.

Backwoods Furniture – CUP: Scott Hendrickson and Dave Johnson will set a date to do their annual review.

Deposits held: Verizon Wireless

Boyer’s Well Service

Announcements: Read

Adjournment: Scott Hendrickson moved to adjourn, seconded by Tane Barclay, and the motion carried with the meeting being adjourned at 8:35 PM.

Minutes submitted by:


Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk

PC Member __Scott Hendrickson______moved to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by _Tane Barclay and the motion carried.


Date: July 9, 2015

June 11, 2015 Page 4