Low / Expected / Above expectation (at least half of dot points required to gain an above expectation)
Planning /
- Less than 4 of the ‘expected’ completed
- Aim/Hypothesis linked to standard at your year level and communicated to teacher
- Variable identified
- Identify ‘control’, including what to keep same
- Materials listed and communicated to teacher
- Method outlined in steps
- Evidence of yr 5& 6 standards being covered
- Correct use of terms: independent, dependent and controlled variables
- Some attempt to collect own resources as possible- list of resources for teacher to obtain is clear, complete and emailed to teacher with time to be collected
(including results) /
- Less than 5 of the ‘expected’ completed
- Carried out carefully
- Safety recorded
- Precise notes taken
- Diagrams/table/graph
- Discussion includes research
- Explanation includes cause & effect language
- Conclusion linked to hypothesis
- Can contain other features such as glossary
- All tier 3 words explained
- Evidence of extensive research
- Bibliography
- Reflection that discusses scientific principles
Presentation /
- Less than 4 of the ‘expected’ completed
- Both included
- Clearly spoken & easy to follow
- Can explain aim& hypothesis & summarise method
- Clear evidence shown of results
- Results explained & linked to aim/hypothesis
- Use of props assist understanding
- Presentation is well planned and rehearsed
- Presentation clearly planned to engage audience
- Addresses and improves on goals set from previous speeches
Science experiment/Lab report Rubric
Low / Expected / Above expectation (at least half of dot points required to gain an above expectation)
Planning /
- Less than 4 of the ‘expected’ completed
- Aim/Hypothesis linked to standard at your year level and communicated to teacher
- Variable identified
- Identify ‘control’, including what to keep same
- Materials listed and communicated to teacher
- Method outlined in steps
- Evidence of yr 5& 6 standards being covered
- Correct use of terms: independent, dependent and controlled variables
- Some attempt to collect own resources as possible- list of resources for teacher to obtain is clear, complete and emailed to teacher with time to be collected
(including results) /
- Less than 5 of the ‘expected’ completed
- Carried out carefully
- Safety recorded
- Precise notes taken
- Diagrams/table/graph
- Discussion includes research
- Explanation includes cause & effect language
- Conclusion linked to hypothesis
- Can contain other features such as glossary
- All tier 3 words explained
- Evidence of extensive research
- Bibliography
- Reflection that discusses scientific principles
Presentation /
- Less than 4 of the ‘expected’ completed
- Both included
- Clearly spoken & easy to follow
- Can explain aim& hypothesis & summarise method
- Clear evidence shown of results
- Results explained & linked to aim/hypothesis
- Use of props assist understanding
- Presentation is well planned and rehearsed
- Presentation clearly planned to engage audience
- Addresses and improves on goals set from previous speeches