Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Pine River City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Said meeting was held in the council chambers in said City.

CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hansen.

ROLL CALL: Present: Tony Desanto, Troy Gregory, Patty Melby, Tammy Hoppe, Tamara Hansen

Absent: None

OTHERS PRESENT: Paul Sand, Bryan Drown, Jerry Peterson, Travis Grimler.

CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Hansen states that they will move Jerry Peterson up on the agenda as he has another meeting to attend. Desanto motioned, Gregory seconded to approve the consent calendar as presented with the above mentioned change, minutes of 9-8-15 and checks and payments as listed:

City Gen Acct-Check(s) #46802-46900 $130,962.05

Comm Police- Check(s) #1160 570.00

Airport Fuel – Credit card fees 145.09

TOTAL $131,677.14

All voted aye. Carried.

OPEN FORUM: No one present wishing to be heard.

BLUE GRASS LEASE: Jerry Peterson present. Changes to the lease are:

1.1Has been moved to 1.2 and 1.1 now reads:For $1 and other considerations the CITY agrees to the Following.

1.2(Old 1.1) Exclusive use is now 14 days not 7 days.

1.3(Old 1.2) The amount of $250 has been added as well as the return of the deposit upon a satisfactory inspection by the City of the conditions of the grounds.

1.4In the event the LFB is not held, this shall not terminate the lease. This lease is not assignable.

1.5(Old 1.3)

3.5 Now states that insurance shall be provided instead of upon request.

4.1 Term of the lease is now 20 years 2016-2036.

Melby motioned, Hoppe seconded to approve the renewal of the lease with the above changes. All voted. Carried.

POLICE: Chief Paul Sand present. Reports 128 calls, with 17 being medicals, 1 accident 37 traffic stops with 22 citations being issued and 7 thefts.

UNION CONTRACT: Discussion regarding the deferred comp and the fact that nothing is really known about this program. Clerk states that she was advised by the League that the council not approve anything without first nothing what it is they are agreeing to. Mayor Hansen states she feels the request for raises is seemingly fair. Melby motioned to accept the contract if the deferred comp request comes off the table. Mayor Hansen states that this is something they may want to look at perhaps in 2017. Hoppe seconded the motioned. Voting aye were Melby, Gregory, Hoppe, Hansen with Desanto voting nay. Carried.

SQUAD CAR: Chief Sand request permission from the council to check into the cost of a new police vehicle. He has $22,931 in his vehicle account and approximately $40,000 in the Community Police Fund. The White Crown Vic has 140,000 miles on it and is in the garage often. Melby motioned, to allow Chief Sand to spend up to $35,000 on a new vehicle. Gregory seconded. After some discussion as to what it will cost to outfit the new vehicle and Chief Sand clarifying that he is only asking for permission at this time to pursue getting information and bringing back more solid numbers, Melby withdrew her motion and Gregory withdrew his second. This will be placed on the November meeting calendar under unfinished business.

PUBLIC WORKS: Michael Hansen not present.

FIRE DEPT: Kevin Kleiner not present.

BUILDING INSPECTOR: Jeff Melberg not present.

HOUSING AUTHORITY: No one present.

CITY ENGINEERING: Bryan Drown present.

SIDEWALK DAMAGE: Drown reports that they did witness a full concrete truck up on the new sidewalk and this will need to be taken care of by the crew working on the Family Dollar. Clerk Mongan states that she has been in contact with Norwood and Michael Hansen submitted pictures of the sidewalk and also pictures of the curb stop they damaged.

KINLER PROJECT: Drown states that they are working on the punch list of things that need to be completed and or fixed. Mailboxes, Street signs, fences should be going up the end of this week.

PAY ESTIMATE #4- This is for work completed thru 9-25-15. The requested amount of payment is $203,503.57. Drown states there will be on more next month and they will be retaining a sum to cover the spring planting. Hansen motioned, Hoppe seconded to approve payment estimate $203,503.57. All voted aye. Carried.

CHANGE ORDER#2- Drown reports that there is need for a change order on the County portion which means that this will not affect the City financially. Drown states that since this is the City’s project with County participation, the City should approve this change order. Desanto motioned, Melby seconded to approve the request for Change Order #2 in the amount of $945.00. All voted aye. Carried.

SRE BUILDINGWORK ORDER NO.2 (AMENDMENT #2) Drown reports that this is in the process of closing out. There were additional engineering cost due to the lateness of the project and having to go through the winter they had to expend more time than the original 3 months they anticipated.Drown states that MN Dot will participate. The increase of $13,975 would end up costing the City 5% or $698.75. Melby motioned,Desanto seconded to approve work order No. 2 Amendment # in the amount of $13,975. All voted aye. Carried.

AIRPORT ZONING ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO WORK ORDER NO. 6: Drown reports that with the problems with the original ALP and other issues, they have incurred an additional $12,070 in engineering fees. MN Dot has not agreed to additional funding on this project. With the additional money this would still put the City under the amount budgeted for the two projects, SRE and zoning update. Clerk suggested that the council table this and see what MN Dot decides. Drown states he will get the information to the council by the Planning meeting.

CITY ATTORNEY: Ted Lundrigan present. Reports that there are 6 hearings next Wednesday on the docket.

DEPUTIES: Lundrigan states they are having some difficulties with the County deputies writing citations in the City limits. No real solution for this.

CITY CLERK’S OFFICE: Clerk Mongan present.

LIABILITY COVERAGE-WAIVER FORM: Clerk reports that this is the same waiver as the council has adopted in the past. It allows a claimant to collect more than the insurance amount in the case that the courts actually award a larger settlement. The City would then not have to pay the difference. Hansen motioned, Melby seconded to sign the waiver. All voted aye. Carried.

CERTIFY TO TAXES: Clerk reports there is only one account to certify and will send out a notice to be acted on at the November meeting.


  • Met with the new auditor from Mathias Justin’s office
  • Airport zoning public hearing has been scheduled for 10-28-15
  • Annual MIF and Revolving loan reports have been submitted
  • Dabill will attend training in Pillager on 10-22 on pay equity and meeting procedure and minutes
  • Quarterlies are done
  • Newsletter draft is done
  • Dog Cat reminded are ready to go out
  • Business license renewal have been mailed out

SEWER : Gary Siltman not present

AIRPORT: Gary Gardiner not present.


CATHOLIC CHURCH: Request for approval of gambling permit application for bingo on 11-14-15. Hansen motioned, Desanto seconded to approve this request. All voted aye. Carried.

At a point later in the meeting, Melby questioned the fact that this was only approved for 1 day and in the past it was for more. Clerk suggested the motion be rescinded and made to allow for more days and that they be allowed to insert the days when they pick it up. Otherwise they will not be able to make it before the next meeting. Hansen rescinded her motion as did Desanto and the motioned was made to allow for up to 4 days for the Church to insert the dates before it is issued. All voted aye. Carried.


Hoppe- Planning and Zoning and handled issues while Mayor was on vacation.

Melby- Planning and Zoning

Gregory- Nothing

Desanto- Missed Library meeting, attended union meeting

Hansen- Union meeting, conversations with public works and PD.




SEWER 4,411.58


SPECIAL PD1,403.56

MIF 2.51



2015 CONSTRUCT 138.00

FIRE9,308.96 11,503.30

WATER 11,883.9716,426.61

AIRPORT 1,234.35 1,611.05

ADJOURN: There being no further business to be brought before this council Desanto motioned, Melby seconded to adjourn this meeting. All voted aye. Carried.

6:45 p.m.


Tamara Hansen, Mayor


Wanda Mongan, Clerk Treasurer