Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Pine River City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. Said meeting was held in Council Chambers in said City.
CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Mayor Tamara Hansen.
ROLL CALL: Present: Tony Desanto, Troy Gregory, Patty Melby, Tammy Hoppe, Tamara Hansen
Absent: None
OTHERS PRESENT: Travis Grimler, Paul Sand, Monte Mills, Terri Dabill, Ted Lundrigan, Rod Osterloh, Mike Hansen.
CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Hansen states there are two additions to the agenda; under I add #2 License Refuse Haulers, and under #7, add #3 Resolution to accept donation.
Desanto motioned, Hoppe seconded accept the consent calendar as amended, including the minutes of the December 8th meeting, checks as follows;
City Account- Cks 47807-47194$402,647.05
Comm Police- Cks 1162-1163 1,062.13
Airport Fuel- ACH Fees $15.65 Cks 2047-2048 264.63
Library – Cks 1323 67.21
MIF- Cks 6030 2,100.00
Total All $406,141.02
All voted aye. Carried.
OPEN FORUM: No one present wishing to be heard.
POLICE DEPT: Chief Paul Sand present. Reports December was a good month with 95 calls of which 39 were medicals.
SQUAD:Chief Sand reports that the new squad should arrive by the end of January and be put into service by the middle of February.
PUBLIC WORKS: PWD Michael Hansen present. M Hansen reports that December was a typical month.
ICE RINK: PWD Hansen reports that they are making ice at rink and it is open. He wanted to thank Travis Grimler for the recent article on the ice rink and also to Rod and Jodi Osterloh for the skate project and also for their willingness to seek out a grant for child safety equipment such as helmets. This will be put on hold until summer when then can get a better handle on this. Many thanks to them.
WATER: The lease for tower #2 is being looked at by KLM. No further work will be approved on the towers until the lease is updated. After that #1 will be sent to KLM.
STREETS: M Hansen states that they have not had to use a lot of sand yet this year and the snow budget is great so far.
DAM: Hoppe inquired as to the status on the dam. M Hansen states that the pieces were made to fix this, but didn’t quite work so they were sent back. Now they are waiting for a slightly warmer day to fix this and will need the PD to do traffic control as they will have the skid steer in the ROW to pick the gate up.
FIRE DEPT: Chief Kleiner is not present and no report is available.
BUILDING INSPECTOR: Jeff Melberg is not present and no report is available.
HOUSING AUTHORITY: Alice Taylor is not present. Minutes from their last meeting have been given to the council.
CITY ENGINEER: Bryan Drown from Bolton and Menk is present.
PARTIAL PAY REQUEST #6: Drown reports that he is recommending a partial payment in the amount of $32,343.47 be paid to Tri-City for the work completed to date. A 2% withholding is being held back until May or June to make sure of the seeding outcome. Melby motioned, Hoppe seconded to approve partial pay request #6 in the amount of $32,343.47. All voting aye. Carried.
ADDITIONAL ZONING PAY: The State has committed to paying an additional $4,240.00 towards the $12,070.00 overage. There are a couple more items that they may consider paying on in the area of $3,200.00. This will be discussed more in the closed session as will the additional work for the crosswind wind data in the amount of $6,000.00.
CITY ATTORNEY: AttyLundrigan is present. States they have to go back to court for 3 cases tomorrow. All three of these are pretty active at this point.
BAKERY SIGN: Question as to whether Lundrigan has sent this letter to the owners. Lundrigan states that Chief Sand delivered this last week. Unsure if it has been removed. Chief Sand will check on this and report back.
CLERK’S OFFICE: Clerk Mongan present.
PAUL BUNYAN EXPRESSWAY- Clerk Mongan states that this organization would like the council to do a resolution of support but since the support involves a 4 lane highway which does not seem likely at this point, the clerk wonders if the resolution of support would carry any weight. This will be referred to the planning meeting and clerk Mongan will check with the chamber and see if they responded to the request.
REFUSE HAULING LICENSE: Melby motioned, Gregory seconded to approve the renewal of this license to Waste Partners. All voted aye. Carried.
AUDIT: Clerk reports that the audit started today. We have new auditor’s doing the audit this year.
CITY HALL CLOSE: City Hall will be closed on Monday the 18th in observance of Martin Luther King Day.
ANNUAL FIRE MEETING: This is scheduled for the 21st at 7:00 p.m.
DIVIDEND CHECK: Clerk reports that the dividend from the League Insurance Trust was $8,291.00 this year.
YEAR END REPORTING: Clerk reports that the deputy clerk has submitted all the reporting to the State and W2’s have been issued. Financial statement for 2015 will be available at the next meeting.
SEWER DISTRICT: Gary Siltman not present. No report submitted.
AIRPORT: Gary Gardiner not present. No report submitted.
2016 APPOINTMENTS, DEPOSITORIES, CLERK BOND: Mayor Hansen states that none of the liaisons have changed for 2016 and she encourages members if they can’t make a meeting to let the other liaison know so they can attend. The only changes to the appointments/depositories/clerk bond are as follows;
Add Clasen under the Auditor
Change Pat Doman to Grace King under Housing Board Members
Add 5 firefighters, Polo, Rach, Wynn, Bauman, Trautman
Melby motioned, Hoppe seconded to approve these changes and accept the appts/depositories and bond. All voted aye. Carried.
WHEREAS, the City of Pine River has received the following donations from the Osterloh’s for the skate park ice skating program, and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pine River would like to express its gratitude for their continued support to the community.
NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Minnesota State Statute 465.03 the City Council of the City of Pine River does hereby accept the following donation(s);
Rod and Jodi Osterloh in the amount of $150.00 for the ice skate program
Adopted by the Pine River City Council, City of Pine River, County of Cass, State of Minnesota this 12th day of January 2016.
Motion by Melby, seconded by Desanto to pass resolution 1-12-16. Mayor Hansen wanted to personally express her gratitude for the donation and the work in connection to the skate park. All voted aye. Carried.
CLOSED MEETING: At this time the Mayor closed the meeting to the public for a session with the attorney regarding the pending litigation on the airport zoning issue.
7:04 P.M. Meeting was re-opened.
WORK TO REMOVE CROSSWIND RUNWAY: Hoppe moved, Gregory seconded toauthorize Bolton and Menk to do the work to remove the crosswind runway from the zoning at the airport in the amount of $6000.00. All voted aye. Carried.
Drown reports that they have an airport meeting next week and he is wondering if he can share this information with the committee? The answer from the attorney was yes.
COUNCIL FORUM: (there was no planning meeting in December)
Desanto-Nothing to report
Gregory- Nothing to report
Melby- Nothing to report
Hoppe- Nothing to report
Hansen- Nothing to report
GENERAL 323,479.68 172,107.06
COMM POLICE 120.00 563.17
LIBRARY 298.00 67.21
SEWER 41.67
REV 1,865.05
SPEC POLICE 451.00984.84
MIF 2.77
CAP PROJ 80,152.55 148,567.00
TAX INCREMENT 8,495.92 7,646.31
FIRE 7,442.71 33,114.47
WATER 14,395.62 4,271.78
AIRPORT 670.96 2,785.69
FUEL AIRPORT 2.51 280.28
ADJOURN: There being no further business to be discussed, Melby motioned, Hoppe seconded to adjourn this meeting. 7:10 p.m.